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Profile: melzabutch

Location: From the Central Coast of Oz to the Eastern Shore MD
Member since: Jun 04, 2013
Bathroom preference: Men's
Birthday: Dec 31, 1969
Song Ratings: ?
10 - BeckLost Cause
10 - CrackerLow
10 - Johnny CashHurt
10 - Pearl JamAlive
10 - RushLimelight
10 - TrafficGlad
10 - TravisSing
9 - BellySlow Dog
9 - BellyGepetto
9 - FuelShimmer
9 - GomezOptions
9 - JamesLaid
9 - Queen'39
8 - 54-40Baby Ran
8 - BeckBlue Moon
8 - BeckLoser
8 - BellyDusted
8 - BlurTender
8 - BlurSong 2
8 - ColdplaySpies
8 - ColdplayTalk
8 - MobyPorcelain
8 - NirvanaDumb
8 - SealCrazy
8 - The KinksDays
8 - WarLow Rider
7 - ABBAFernando
7 - BeckMorning
7 - BeckTurn Away
7 - CrackerShine
7 - DadaDim
7 - GarbageMilk
7 - GoldfrappA&E
7 - Green DayShe
7 - HemHalf Acre
7 - JunipChickens
7 - Nick DrakeFly
7 - NirvanaPolly
7 - PeiaMori Shej
7 - R.E.M.Belong
7 - R.E.M.Drive
7 - RushFreewill
7 - SebadohOcean
7 - SupergrassFin
7 - TonicThick
7 - U2Bad
7 - U2One
7 - VASTFrog
7 - Wye OakSpiral
7 - XBlue Spark
7 - XTCDear God
7 - YazooDon't Go