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Eels — Novocaine for the Soul
Album: Beautiful Freak
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Total ratings: 3208

Released: 1996
Length: 3:04
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Life is hard
And so am I
You'd better give me something
So I don't die
Novocaine for the soul
Before I sputter out
Before I sputter out

Life is white
And I am black
Jesus and his lawyer
Are coming back
Oh, my darling
Will you be here
Before I sputter out
Before I sputter out
Before I sputter out

Guess who's living here with the great undead
This paint by numbers life is fucking with my head
Once again

Life is good
And I feel great
Because mother says I was
A great mistake
Novocaine for the soul
You'd better give me something to fill the hole
Before I sputter out
Before I sputter out
Before I sputter out
Before I sputter out
Comments (270)add comment
 xc.farmer.antoine486 wrote:

Hmm 🤔 ‘Before ice butter 🧈 out’ …?!

Yes, always use the thawed butter before using the butter in the freezer.
 xc.farmer.antoine486 wrote:

Hmm 🤔 ‘Before ice butter 🧈 out’ …?!

LOL!  Too funny!
yum... Eels, a traditional Christmas eve dish...
 niseywee wrote:

I've loved this band ever since I saw the documentary about Everett's estranged astrophysicist father. It's called Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives . You should check it out. 

Yes, great doc. Not astrophysicist though, quantum theorist, founder of the many-worlds interpretation of QM.
Uplifting! So shut up cynical tribes.
 xc.farmer.antoine486 wrote:

Hmm 🤔 ‘Before ice butter 🧈 out’ …?!

"Maverick, this is Ice Butter."
"This is Maverick;  what can I do for you, Ice Butter?"
"Get that MIG off my tail!  Ice Butter out!"
 lizardking wrote:
I just bumped my 7 to an 8, simply for the inclusion of the word "fucking" in this song. And KUDOS to BnR for not being a pansy fm radio station and being willing to play it!  

Which reminds me why I used to enjoy KZOK 102.5FM in Seattle before clear channel took over....they always played the 'bad' words...nowadays I don't know since I've kicked fm radio to the curb!! Long Live RP!!

WoW!! Thats a BlasT from the Past! KZOK was THE station to listen to back in the day on the West Coast

My kids used to listen to this years back and I thought, fretfully, it was just pure rubbish... HEY! WHOA!  Now I see clearly that IT IS JUST PURE RUBBISH!!
Hmm 🤔 ‘Before ice butter 🧈 out’ …?!
 CosmicDon wrote:

Not estranged - dead - and not astrophysicist - the creator of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics - but right, a very good documentary. The story gets more amazing the deeper you dive into it.

Thanks - oops - should have read below.  His dad already discussed..
Man, I love the Eels. RP introduced me to them way back when I became a regular listener (when KPIG started having internet broadcasting issues) and B&R expanded my tastes.  One cool piece of trivia is that E, himself, Mr Mark Oliver Everett, is the son of the famous physicist who first conceived of the Many Worlds Hypothesis of quantum mechanics.  

Brilliant and very trippy dad. The apple didn't fall far...

 niseywee wrote:

I've loved this band ever since I saw the documentary about Everett's estranged astrophysicist father. It's called Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives . You should check it out. 

Not estranged - dead - and not astrophysicist - the creator of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics - but right, a very good documentary. The story gets more amazing the deeper you dive into it.
I love this genius. I met E once at an easter party in Hollywood. He was kind, interested and I didnt know who he was… I only realized later.
as to keep this vibe going...please play Cracker after this one
Saying it's off is one way to put it... this song is just goofy. :)

This paint by numbers life is fucking with my head....

 lizardking wrote:

True that, TJS....and I'm sure BillG is super happy he left the FM world so many years ago....he saw the writing on the wall....Long Live RP, our musical oasis!! 

Going on 20 years of Church of RP for me, never looked back and never PSD.

Don't Forget to tithe, if you have the means...
Wonderful, Glorius!
How is a band so creepy and weird so lovable? Like a cuddly two-headed teddy bear with bloodshot eyes.
Yeah,, really disturbing
I love the heck outta this whole album. It's a bit off though. But off in the right way for me.
That cover art is just ... creepy.
"Jesus and his lawyer are coming back." Indeed. 
 niseywee wrote:
I've loved this band ever since I saw the documentary about Everett's estranged astrophysicist father. It's called Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives . You should check it out. 
Will do. Totally "deranged" is probably the operative word for an astrophysicist dad rather than "estranged," but whatever. Who cares... if there's a doc to go along with that kinda family drama?!
I've loved this band ever since I saw the documentary about Everett's estranged astrophysicist father. It's called Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives . You should check it out. 
 TJS wrote:

I think Clear Channel has morphed into I heart Radio now, but still corporate radio, which blows.
True that, TJS....and I'm sure BillG is super happy he left the FM world so many years ago....he saw the writing on the wall....Long Live RP, our musical oasis!! 
 lizardking wrote:
I just bumped my 7 to an 8, simply for the inclusion of the word "fucking" in this song.  And KUDOS to BnR for not being a pansy fm radio station and being willing to play it!  

Which reminds me why I used to enjoy KZOK 102.5FM in Seattle before clear channel took over....they always played the 'bad' words...nowadays I don't know since I've kicked fm radio to the curb!!  Long Live RP!!

I think Clear Channel has morphed into I heart Radio now, but still corporate radio, which blows.
Many other funky / weird tunes on this CD.
I just bumped my 7 to an 8, simply for the inclusion of the word "fucking" in this song.  And KUDOS to BnR for not being a pansy fm radio station and being willing to play it!  

Which reminds me why I used to enjoy KZOK 102.5FM in Seattle before clear channel took over....they always played the 'bad' words...nowadays I don't know since I've kicked fm radio to the curb!!  Long Live RP!!
That cover really creeps me out.  Looks like a young Gollum!


June 21st : Eels did a perfect show in Amsterdam Paradiso : still very strong performing.



SiemJ wrote:

Yes! Just joined RadioParadise and one of the first tracks I hear is from my favourite band I hear nowhere else.
Genius lyrics, well written music, 1 bar break... Love this track!

Is E. and EELS ever going to go on tour again? I wish!


Yes! Just joined RadioParadise and one of the first tracks I hear is from my favourite band I hear nowhere else.
Genius lyrics, well written music, 1 bar break... Love this track!

Is E. and EELS ever going to go on tour again? I wish!
This song is pretty good, but I also find the rarified Radio Paradise f-word to be amusing.
Takes me back to 1997, when life was simple.
Neil Young-Pink Floyd-Talking Heads and now the eels. A fine set for the
"best agers" among us. Thanks Bill well done
How an earth she then got that kind of distance in her eyes.
He's too self-consciously "I'm not emo, because I'm special, but look how disaffected I am" for my tastes.
"Jesus and his lawyer are coming back" great lyric Heh-heh.  
Wow I Like It!!
There was a freaky dive in ShimoKitaZawa -- perhaps the coolest bar district of all Tokyo's NiteSpots -- near where I lived 2002-'12 called "Mother's." They had a killer LP collection, (perhaps only topped by that of another nearby legendary ShimoKita dive bar called "Trouble Peach"). I found Beautiful Freak. They put it on immediately and turned it up. The mama-san also dug out Souljacker and slapped it on. What a party! Then, ever after, every time I went in there the gals played Eels for me... I miss those wild ShimoKita all-nighters!
On a mighty roll this evening {#Cheesygrin}
 oldfart48 wrote:

the freedom to serve the BUSH AGENDA OR DIE, that is reality in America, you folks who still shout about a conistition or a bill of rights havn't heard of the patriot act , no more rights.....see ya !

Bush has been out of office for 5 YEARS!   The patriot act has been put on steroids by Obama. They are all the same.  Please educate yourself.
 fredriley wrote:
Please don't tell others to go away. It's not your station, and not your place to give orders. All RP listeners are equal, and have equal rights to free(ish) speech on these boards. I suspect also that Bill & Becky would look askance at (possibly) paying punters being driven away

I think in this case rdo was telling ick to leave America, a.k.a. "Land of the Free" thus demonstrating that it's not in the sense of "beer", "lunch" or "speech"

Doesn't stop me wanting to visit the place (gotta try some of those places on Triple-D)

 rdo wrote:
Please leave, you won't be missed. 

Please don't tell others to go away. It's not your station, and not your place to give orders. All RP listeners are equal, and have equal rights to free(ish) speech on these boards. I suspect also that Bill & Becky would look askance at (possibly) paying punters being driven away.
Life is white
And I am black
Jesus and his lawyer
Are coming back

May I suggest to them who they should be suing?
{#Heartkiss}{#Bananapiano}{#Heartkiss} ..... what a song, what an album  "Outstanding"
This song takes me back, was it 96 or there abouts, I was in Wales, working as an arcade game tester, (not as fun as it sounds), this song stood out defined and proud from the rest of the Spice girl crud playing on the wireless at the time.   I remember my colleague saying "here is that really strange song you like."   For its production value alone, it gets an 8, maybe more.
 aelfheld wrote:

Just because we know the words doesn't mean we should encourage their use.
It doesn't mean their use should be discouraged either.  Try using "I" instead of "we".
Sounding a bit like a continuation of Cake only slightly better...this gets a lower score from moi.
I gotta congratulate Mr. E on taking a song from 0 to 60 in mere seconds; that gold nugget line comes early but stays in the head for days!
 ick wrote:

As an American, I can tell you that our priorities are not only questionable but retarded.  And don't give me that bullshit that if you don't like it you can always leave.  I was born here into a servitude most vile, one of taxation and debt that was created by people who were entrusted to represent us and have done nothing of the sort.  What sort of freedom do we really have?  Give me nipples and F-bombs any day over the violence.

Whew! ... just needed to vent a bit.... we still have it better than a lot of people in the world.

the freedom to serve the BUSH AGENDA OR DIE, that is reality in America, you folks who still shout about a conistition or a bill of rights havn't heard of the patriot act , no more rights.....see ya !
J'aime beaucoup !
SPUTTER OUT, PLEAS....{#Lol}  you havn't sputtered out YET?  what's the holdup?
 unclehud wrote:
The little girl on the album cover creeps me out.  Yet I cannot help but stare right back into those crazed eyes ...

It's uncanny, no? The title "Beautiful Freak" is all too accurate!
Love this, such a ... a, erm, heck a *chunky* song. not funky, chunky. 
The little girl on the album cover creeps me out.  Yet I cannot help but stare right back into those crazed eyes ...
 salzburg4321 wrote:
Thanks, Bill for the little "Paradise" teaser by Firesign Theater between Cake and Eels!
  Ah Ha, that's what was it! Enjoyed it too, now, in 2013

Everybody in my church loves this song...
 ick wrote:

As an American, I can tell you that our priorities are not only questionable but retarded.  And don't give me that bullshit that if you don't like it you can always leave.  I was born here into a servitude most vile, one of taxation and debt that was created by people who were entrusted to represent us and have done nothing of the sort.  What sort of freedom do we really have?  Give me nipples and F-bombs any day over the violence.

Whew! ... just needed to vent a bit.... we still have it better than a lot of people in the world.

Please leave, you won't be missed.
Good timing on this tune as I am having one of those days where any kind of novocaine would be welcome
That "Jesus and his lawyers" line always reminds me of Sam Kinison. 
 Cynaera wrote:

It could just be the version of the song someone uploaded.  There are a lot of different renditions of songs that have been "cleaned up" for radio station airplay (gotta protect the ears and sensibilities of our tender little children, afterall - like they've never heard or dropped the "F-bomb" before...) {#Wink}

Miss you so much, Cynaera...

..would prefer nitrous oxide for the soul, myself..still a 9, before i sput-tuttut-errr oubppptt..
 aelfheld wrote:

And the last time you voted for someone who argued for reducing the size and expense of government was when?

Or did you vote for the one promising you more government goodies?

If the latter, your 'servitude' isn't vile enough.


Love this album, still listen to it regularly. How about Susan's House or Guest List on RP.
Nothing quite like it.  fantastic album and good memories of working as a tester in a video game factory.  No really!
Top tune.....10..mmmmmm
 unclehud wrote:
Bought a lot of Eels a few months ago, thanks to and purchased through RP.  Here's my take on their/his body of work:  Weird; cute little melodies and sugary, witty lyrics, but ... weird concepts, man.

I like almost all the music, though, and understand why his tunes gets into a lot of movie soundtracks.


I quite like Mr Eels.

I enjoy some of their other stuff, but this song makes me feel icky.  Do not like.  : (
My favorite Eels song.
 aelfheld wrote:

And the last time you voted for someone who argued for reducing the size and expense of government was when?

Or did you vote for the one promising you more government goodies?

If the latter, your 'servitude' isn't vile enough.
The trick is that the people you vote for have to what they said they would do. This doesn't happen very often.
Thanks, Bill for the little "Paradise" teaser by Firesign Theater between Cake and Eels!
Cake and then Eels? What a great day.
Has a KOOP startup engine no?
Bought a lot of Eels a few months ago, thanks to and purchased through RP.  Here's my take on their/his body of work:  Weird; cute little melodies and sugary, witty lyrics, but ... weird concepts, man.

I like almost all the music, though, and understand why his tunes gets into a lot of movie soundtracks.

definitely one of the best albums of the 90s!
 aelfheld wrote:

And the last time you voted for someone who argued for reducing the size and expense of government was when?

Or did you vote for the one promising you more government goodies?

If the latter, your 'servitude' isn't vile enough.


roger that... {#Clap}
 ick wrote:

As an American, I can tell you that our priorities are not only questionable but retarded.  And don't give me that bullshit that if you don't like it you can always leave.  I was born here into a servitude most vile, one of taxation and debt that was created by people who were entrusted to represent us and have done nothing of the sort.  What sort of freedom do we really have?  Give me nipples and F-bombs any day over the violence.

Whew! ... just needed to vent a bit.... we still have it better than a lot of people in the world.
Do something about it!

 spaceman wrote:

Just because we can change an artist's lyrics doesn't mean we should do so.

Maybe this word offends your ears. Censoring a song offends mine.


 aelfheld wrote:
Just because we know the words doesn't mean we should encourage their use.
Just because we can change an artist's lyrics doesn't mean we should do so.

Maybe this word offends your ears. Censoring a song offends mine.

 ick wrote:
I was born here into a servitude most vile, one of taxation and debt that was created by people who were entrusted to represent us and have done nothing of the sort.
And the last time you voted for someone who argued for reducing the size and expense of government was when?

Or did you vote for the one promising you more government goodies?

If the latter, your 'servitude' isn't vile enough.

 Cynaera wrote:
It could just be the version of the song someone uploaded.  There are a lot of different renditions of songs that have been "cleaned up" for radio station airplay (gotta protect the ears and sensibilities of our tender little children, afterall - like they've never heard or dropped the "F-bomb" before...) {#Wink}
Just because we know the words doesn't mean we should encourage their use.

ick wrote:

As an American, I can tell you that our priorities are not only questionable but retarded. And don't give me that bullshit that if you don't like it you can always leave. I was born here into a servitude most vile, one of taxation and debt that was created by people who were entrusted to represent us and have done nothing of the sort. What sort of freedom do we really have? Give me nipples and F-bombs any day over the violence.

Whew! ... just needed to vent a bit.... we still have it better than a lot of people in the world.
If you don't like it you can always leave. And also come back. Whatever. A great thing about living in the USA, we can fight like dogs and I'll still buy you a beer later. Plus we can super size your nipples and F-bombs for a nominal charge. Nice, no?

So tell me how you really feel
"My hovercraft is full of EELS!"
 pinklife wrote:

Yeah...it's okay for kids to see people getting shot and maimed on TV, but if a nipple should pop out or someone drops an F-bomb, it's a disaster.  American priorities are, shall we say, questionable.

As an American, I can tell you that our priorities are not only questionable but retarded.  And don't give me that bullshit that if you don't like it you can always leave.  I was born here into a servitude most vile, one of taxation and debt that was created by people who were entrusted to represent us and have done nothing of the sort.  What sort of freedom do we really have?  Give me nipples and F-bombs any day over the violence.

Whew! ... just needed to vent a bit.... we still have it better than a lot of people in the world.

Still one of my favorites, "Novocaine for the Soul" never gets old for me. If anything, it takes on new meanings as time moves on.

 Wizzuvv_oz wrote:
His dad came up with the theory of parallel universes.  There was a very interesting Nova about both of them. 
Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives. It's fascinating AND educational. {#Wave}
 Cynaera wrote:

It could just be the version of the song someone uploaded.  There are a lot of different renditions of songs that have been "cleaned up" for radio station airplay (gotta protect the ears and sensibilities of our tender little children, afterall - like they've never heard or dropped the "F-bomb" before...) {#Wink}
Yeah...it's okay for kids to see people getting shot and maimed on TV, but if a nipple should pop out or someone drops an F-bomb, it's a disaster.  American priorities are, shall we say, questionable.

 Randomax wrote:

Am I the only one that hears some Snow Patrol?

Yes :)

Am I the only one that hears some Snow Patrol?

 Zigi wrote:
Shame it's f       ng censored.
Please refer to my comment to Bocephus. It's not always Bill's choice - he chooses from what is submitted.  If you have a better version without "edits," submit it! Put your comments in, and be patient.  We all know RP is about radio free everywhere.

So that's where Ms. Gaga got the idea!

This band always makes me think of that 'delicacy' of London's East End, jellied eels:

Shame it's f       ng censored.
 Bocephus wrote:
Bill...why the edit on "fucking with my head"...such a great line and not at all gratuitous.
It could just be the version of the song someone uploaded.  There are a lot of different renditions of songs that have been "cleaned up" for radio station airplay (gotta protect the ears and sensibilities of our tender little children, afterall - like they've never heard or dropped the "F-bomb" before...) {#Wink}
Bill...why the edit on "fucking with my head"...such a great line and not at all gratuitous.
I'd all but forgotten about this song.
That CD cover just creeps me out to the point where I prolly wouldn't buy the thing, even if I did like the music... Yeah, I'm a dork.{#Stupid}
This whole album is great. The song Rags to Rags is one of my all-time favorites off that CD.
I know this "hole" about which you speak, Mr. Eel.
 perikleshokie wrote:

No, that girl became a much bigger "beautiful freak":


Well done, perikleshokie!  I wonder who goosed her...and what with?
ummm..edited?  Wow.  I was hoping for a little f'n with my head.
 iscoot4peace wrote:
Is that a picture of the young Sarah Palin on the cover?  I prefer her in glasses.  You betcha!

No, that girl became a much bigger "beautiful freak":

 iscoot4peace wrote:
Is that a picture of the young Sarah Palin on the cover?  I prefer her in glasses.  You betcha!
Is that a picture of the young Sarah Palin on the cover?  I prefer her in glasses.  You betcha!
 teliko wrote:
Ok song, but the lyrics aren't that good at all:


Jesus and his lawyer
Are coming back


i always get a kick out of the lyrics, myself. maybe i'm easy to please.

 crockydile wrote:
Such a cute little girl on the cover...makes me want to take her home and lock her in a box in the attic. {#Eek}
I read the post  before i knew, that it was you!  But it could be only you , who wrote this post!!  {#Clap}

Very nice!
Oh, please give me something to fill the hole (soul hole) before I sputter out.  Perfect.
 js5280 wrote:

Saw a BBC special,  Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives, on the lead singer, Mark Everett.  It's actually more about his relationship with his father who is the physcist who credited with the concept of parallel universes in quantum mechanics.  A very interesting story and family, but somewhat depressing and tragic by anyone's standards.  An interesting look at an artist and the events and people that shaped him.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Oliver_Everett


Thanks for the information.  I like his music and it's good to have some background.
 pugifat wrote:
omg! i had no idea this was Eels!  have i been under a rock all these years??

That or you've been listening to too many Clear Channel stations. :)
omg! i had no idea this was Eels!  have i been under a rock all these years??
I never ever get sick of this song.
 crockydile wrote:
Such a cute little girl on the cover...makes me want to take her home and lock her in a box in the attic. {#Eek}
{#Lol}...that's just wrong!

Such a cute little girl on the cover...makes me want to take her home and lock her in a box in the attic. {#Eek}
 teliko wrote:
Ok song, but the lyrics aren't that good at all:

Life is hard and so am i
You better give me something
So I dont die
Novocaine for the soul
Before I sputter out

Life is white and I am black
Jesus and his lawyer
Are coming back
Oh my darling will you be here
Before I sputter out

Guess whos living here
With the great undead
This paint by numbers life is fucking with my head
Once again

Life is good and I feel great
cause mother says I was
A great mistake

Novovaine for the soul
You better give me something
To fill the hole
Before I sputter out (repeat)

(from: https://www.lyricsfreak.com/e/eels/novocaine+for+the+soul_20045133.html)

These lyrics are great.  Simple but evocative.

Ok song, but the lyrics aren't that good at all:

Life is hard and so am i
You better give me something
So I dont die
Novocaine for the soul
Before I sputter out

Life is white and I am black
Jesus and his lawyer
Are coming back
Oh my darling will you be here
Before I sputter out

Guess whos living here
With the great undead
This paint by numbers life is fucking with my head
Once again

Life is good and I feel great
cause mother says I was
A great mistake

Novovaine for the soul
You better give me something
To fill the hole
Before I sputter out (repeat)

(from: https://www.lyricsfreak.com/e/eels/novocaine+for+the+soul_20045133.html)

Still censored - Bill, buy an uncensored copy please!!!