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The Veils — The Leavers Dance
Album: The Runaway Found
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Total ratings: 2036

Released: 2004
Length: 4:04
Plays (last 30 days): 2
My hands and feet are worn
As much as yours are
And though my head, my hands, my heart are forming
They still feel worlds apart

Beneath it all you're golden
And that's all I'm feeding on
And though my head, my hands are growing colder
We move in circles now

Berenice there's no release at all
That's not worth dying for

My hands and feet are worn
As much as yours are

Berenice there's no release at all
That's not worth dying for

And it's not for our desires but our design that we all fall apart.

Berenice there's no release at all
That's worth all this crying for
And down my knees and down my knees and down?
'cause we all fall down
Comments (213)add comment
An obscure one of one of my favourite bands. Where else than on Radio Paradise…?!
 CreativePencil wrote:

A liquid eloquence; reminded me of Thom Yorke pretty immediately, but not in a way he was copied to reach the same cathedral heights: a song that stood beside its students to teach how it should be sung. Thus, lovely.

That's what it reminds me of a Radiohead - Thom Yorke song!  Thanks.
just made this a nine, great tune
derivative, poorly
Love it
Sounds very similar to The Temper Trap.
me loves me some jangly guitars backing up lyrics about lost or uncertain love
A great new find. Precisely why RP is so good.
 jerund wrote:

Tired indie bass = all eighth notes on the root only.  

You're right, of course but who said a song must have a complicated arrangement to be enjoyed?
so many bitches… I like it. it has a good feel to it.
Middling track...decent foundational stuff...but man, do I love that album cover photo...very cool.
As if one Billy Corgan isn't enough?
I love that persistent bass
Tired indie bass = all eighth notes on the root only.  
 MattRudely wrote:

What's happened Lassie?  Has the record fall down a well?

This made me spit coffee out:)
I like it - but I get the ghost of an echo of another choon!? 
... anyone know it? Echo & the Bunnymen?
 kingart wrote:

Shimmering sound. Wistful but hopeful. Danceable. Blastable. Nice. 

takes me back to an...alternative time...
What's happened Lassie?  Has the record fall down a well?
Cover art saved it from being a "1"
huh, another voice I've yet to appreciate...is Rufus Wainright next?
but like the last tune (Smashing Pumpkins), lyrics are interesting...
 ThePoose wrote:
Thinly veiled U2
Thinly veiled poor music  discernment. Without the Edge who aside from Bono's voice accounts for the distinctive sound of U2, this band sounds different. This may be influenced by U2 but not to the point of being derivative as you suggest. 8.

Thinly veiled U2
 cannand186 wrote:
I like this song. Keep up the good work Bill.
I'm with you.
I like this song. Keep up the good work Bill.
Whiny noodling, a sixth grade level of musicianship, right up there with Coldplay. Yawn. Play some STEREOPHONICS. Superior songwriting. Better gravelly voice. This is lame. Love RP!
I find this (and the album) enjoyable.  They say the drugs don't work.  I put it to you that they frequently do.  Suede, for example.
slur slur. sorry dude, it's really a bit too much. psd.
He needs to drop the heroin habit.
 MilesW wrote:
I don't want to get into an argument about whether this song is good or not, but I'm just SO tired of hearing it.  Ugh.  {#Beat}

Hey, are you trying to pick a fight? 
I don't want to get into an argument about whether this song is good or not, but I'm just SO tired of hearing it.  Ugh.  {#Beat}
Love this song. 9 for now... may move up in time.
frankly, if this band were never played on ANY RADIO, EVER AGAIN, the world would be a better place. them and stereophonics.
Wonderfully quirky. I wonder if these guys influenced Sonic Youth?
Shimmering sound. Wistful but hopeful. Danceable. Blastable. Nice. 
Love this song.
 Ptijoc wrote:
So great song. Thank you RP to make me know these fabulous song.
What's up, Froggy?
So great song. Thank you RP to make me know these fabulous song.


annoying voice).

THIS IS STADIUM-OPERA - not Rock. Certainly not!

 gypsyman wrote:
This entire album is a work of art. I own it, and I love it
x2.  One of my favorites
The more I listen to this song the more I love it. For me, there is something about the way it is sung ; the; how do you describe the notes used and how they are put together? anyway, the notes, the voice, the lyrics work all work perfectly together.  Emotion is what I hear here and I love this song and hope it continues to get airplay.


Now, coming in your ears live from Londinium Ingurlandshire, Chi-Chi Colour Supplement!!!!!!!!!!
This entire album is a work of art. I own it, and I love it for its utter defiance. Of what? I don't care.
 fredriley wrote:
...Slag off songs by all means (and this song deserves a good slagging, IMO), but use criticisms that have some meaning, or just say that it plain sucks. Using a chi-chi colour supplement word like "derivative" is just a weak attempt to give your dislike of a song some objective backing.

Chi-Chi Colour Supplement = good band name.
A liquid eloquence; reminded me of Thom Yorke pretty immediately, but not in a way he was copied to reach the same cathedral heights: a song that stood beside its students to teach how it should be sung. Thus, lovely.

 LizK wrote:
He sounds more than a little like Thom Yorke, the Radiohead guy.   {#Music}

4/22  Candy the Norwich terrier likes to sit close to speakers when this comes on.    {#Tongue} {#Drool}
Candy's out watching the Dallas-Redskins game, and I can't get away, what with the Allmans and this wonderful thing too.
The segue from the Allman Brothers to this was just too jarring.  After a different song I might have liked it but coming after "Dreams" it just sounds vacuous and whiny.  I will wait to hear it again before giving it a rating.
Made me look it up. Deserves an 8. 
Off-setting a posting of mine from earlier today, this one goes up one:  8 —> 9
 andrello wrote:

That's what I did minutes ago :-)

...Those tail lights grace more than 1 album sleeve/jacket/case. Pretty iconic. O ya - the songs worth an 7 by me (plus 1 for the tail lights)
He sounds more than a little like Thom Yorke, the Radiohead guy.   {#Music}

4/22  Candy the Norwich terrier likes to sit close to speakers when this comes on.    {#Tongue} {#Drool}
NICEY........7 TO AN 8.....
 tpa29970 wrote:
 Is this fine art?  I don't know.  But crank it up!
No, this is not fine art at all.  That being said, I really enjoy this song in a "brain-rester" kinda way.  I don't have to digest it at all, it's like icing.  It doesn't have any depth and it does one thing, but it does it well.

good timing... dig this song at the moment
Hmm, lotsa hatin' for this song. I kinda like it.

Derivative, repetitive, whiny caca. and then some!!

Diggin this
 Segue wrote:
Derivative, repetitive, whiny caca. 
And again, the adjective "derivative" used as a negative criticism. Go on, then, tell us a work of music that's not derivative of something. No, can't think of one? That's because there isn't one. After thousands of years of music-making by untold billions of humans, there is nothing truly original in music. Or maybe you meant it as a neutral adjective, in which case what's it derivative of?

Slag off songs by all means (and this song deserves a good slagging, IMO), but use criticisms that have some meaning, or just say that it plain sucks. Using a chi-chi colour supplement word like "derivative" is just a weak attempt to give your dislike of a song some objective backing.

The singer has a very irritating James Cagney gangster nasal twang going on. 
The Veils have definitely not broken up, but have left their London-based record label, Rough Trade. They have just recorded a self-funded EP titled Troubles of the Brain which will be released on January 24, 2011, and the new songs are great - I heard a rough mix. If you like 'The Leaver's Dance' you should have listened to the two albums that followed, Nux Vomica (2006) and Sun Gangs (2009).  They're both great albums, and Finn's voice (and songwriting talents) just keep getting better.  It's hard for new bands to carry on working as illegal downloads cut into earnings so much these days - hope they can carry on after the new EP.

This is what happens when you're in the "lucky star". The worst thing is that not every day is Christmas...

 scrubbrush wrote:
That's what I did minutes ago :-)

 kaybee wrote:
This song has a very interesting effect on me.  Some days I really like the singer's voice.  Other days, like today, I have to mute.{#Headache}

And today is a turn the volume way up day! {#Dancingbanana}

I wonder if anyone else here has a variable reaction to this song.  I can't think of any other song that does this, and it's the voice.  Oddly enough, I think it's really neat that the guy's voice affects me like that.

I really enjoy The Veils and have only heard them played on RP. It seems like love/hate on the vocals from many posters. I personally like the leads vocals. They're a good band however I don't think they're still together.

spot on analysis, with snow patrol thrown in too; sounds good mind

wingfinger wrote:
Sounds to me a bit like Coldplay backing up the singer from Stereophonics.

first listen... love the lyrics..
 boober wrote:
I like this song,this group,this singer.Fire away at that comment.

No argument here! +1
I like it.  How's the rest of the CD?
 Forest267 wrote:
Checked to see if this was a new Radiohead song...
Same here.

I think the more I like a song the more I comment on it(if you have nothing good to say...don't say it).But in this case,there are way too many negative comments....yet an average rating of 6.6=Pretty good
I like this song,this group,this singer.Fire away at that comment.
 tpa29970 wrote:
I half-agree with many of the negative comments here.  But still:  Whenever I hear the opening notes to this song, the volume knob gets a firm clockwise twist.   Is this fine art?  I don't know.  But crank it up!
Well said!  My thoughts exactly.  (Come on, folks, sometimes you just need to give your frontal cortex a rest and let the limbic system have its way.  Try whole brain thinking for a change.)

I half-agree with many of the negative comments here.  But still:  Whenever I hear the opening notes to this song, the volume knob gets a firm clockwise twist.   Is this fine art?  I don't know.  But crank it up!
 crockydile wrote:
Nice. {#Jump}

Pathetic singing. Drug induced? {#Think}

Crocky - which is it?

I like it. Yeah - singer has a distinct voice that I can see not appealing to everybody. But it fits the material very well - a solid 7 for me.
 le_colonel wrote:

He went on to make two more albums both of which are at least as good as this one possibly even better.

Not saying much - only had one way to go ;)

Sounds to me a bit like Coldplay backing up the singer from Stereophonics.
Pathetic singing. Drug induced? {#Think}
Stop whining!!

Would be very good if these guys were in high school.

Derivative, repetitive, whiny caca. 
 KevinM wrote:
To Coldplay'sy to me. Coldplay sux, this one does too

I agree with the coldplay statement but this is ok, not great but ok
To Coldplay'sy to me. Coldplay sux, this one does too
 cosmiclint wrote:
I think what this kid achieved with this album is quite remarkable. Don't know what he's been up to since, but he can be proud of the music he created for this album.
He went on to make two more albums both of which are at least as good as this one possibly even better.

 DaveInVA wrote:
9 points for the '59 Caddy, 3 points for the song = 6
Nice. {#Jump}
Checked to see if this was a new Radiohead song...
 tpa29970 wrote:
Thanks to an earlier commenter, I now find myself humming this song sitting on the can.
I was humming "All the Young Dudes" this morning after hearing it here on RP a day or two ago. :-(
Thanks to an earlier commenter, I now find myself humming this song sitting on the can.
I think what this kid achieved with this album is quite remarkable. Don't know what he's been up to since, but he can be proud of the music he created for this album.
This song has a very interesting effect on me.  Some days I really like the singer's voice.  Other days, like today, I have to mute.

The singer sounds like Ozzy to me...  {#Think}
9 points for the '59 Caddy, 3 points for the song = 6
 conglif wrote:
Sorry to say this (and I've put it off for a long time)...

...But this record has always sounded to me as if it is an intro/outro in search of a song.

There; I said it!

Exactly. What I was thinking. Or perhaps a dynamic bridge with no build-up or climax.

Plus, the guy is suuuch a whiner. I'm thinking he's in love with Coldplay.

Sorry to say this (and I've put it off for a long time)...

...But this record has always sounded to me as if it is an intro/outro in search of a song.

There; I said it!

Can you say staccato? I find it interesting how many really good songs have a staccato rhythm. Think about it, how many can you name?
the guy fr Nottinham , UK and his comment had me laughing. Terrible to get bathroom humor, but we're only human. 

Have fun!

No comment:  this one is a medium for me. maybe a 5 
I didn't care for this much the first few times.  But now I crank it.   This song is just ever so much better when cranked.
 soundside wrote:
though usually i'm obsessed with lyrics... i find there is something to be said for songs where the lyrics take a backstep to using the voice like a raw instrument.

Wow, interesting insight.  Never thought of that, but suppose I should have.
peter_james_bond wrote:
Papernapkin wrote:
oh mew oh si so sa fo don min me no we ar so fo

Oh so that's what he's singing {#Lol}

Oy!  D'you mind?  I give this an 8!  It's great, man.
 Papernapkin wrote:
oh mew oh si so sa fo don min me no we ar so fo
Oh so that's what he's singing {#Lol}
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.  If a generation is imitating the style, it follows they liked that style and felt it worthy of emulation.  Popularity can certainly make a style tiresome... it does NOT necessarily mean it was worthless to begin with.

 jedley wrote:
U2's The Edge ruined an entire generation of guitar players, making them lazy and repetitive. This song is yet further proof.

jedley wrote:
U2's The Edge ruined an entire generation of guitar players, making them lazy and repetitive. This song is yet further proof.

Wow, Edge must have some kinda super powers.  {#Razz}
Believe it or not, some of us like this style. jedley wrote:
U2's The Edge ruined an entire generation of guitar players, making them lazy and repetitive. This song is yet further proof.

 jedley wrote:
U2's The Edge ruined an entire generation of guitar players, making them lazy and repetitive. This song is yet further proof.

Interesting and good point.
Ahh... the '59 Eldorado! 

U2's The Edge ruined an entire generation of guitar players, making them lazy and repetitive. This song is yet further proof.
I love songs that aren't afraid to let the ending decay like it should. :-)
Unique singer....I likey
Good to hear this again. I haven't listened to this album in a while. Would love to hear some of the (just as good) material from their second album on RP. Maybe I'll upload some.

Every time this starts, I think it's going to be 10,000 Maniacs. Every. Time.
Reminds me of the singer/guitarist from Big Wreck, Ian Thornley
9 {#Arrow} 10
Brilliant singing.
Sounds a lot like the Stereophonics.
Kitchens of Distinction anyone?
I like it in spite of, or perhaps because of the rather annoying caterwauling quality that sneaks into his voice.  This song appears to be growing on me.
though usually i'm obsessed with lyrics... i find there is something to be said for songs where the lyrics take a backstep to using the voice like a raw instrument.
Coldplay with a cold.

Just kidding, really like this.
This guy sounds like he's straining to get a big log out ;-)
The video to this is a bit bizarre.....And the kid with the ballon at the end? To release us from non-sense? Too bad it took a video to make some sense of his vocals.

  Is there an NRBQ riff these guys HAVEN'T stolen?  {#Lol}