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Robbie Robertson — The Sound is Fading
Album: Contact from the Underworld of Redboy
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Released: 1998
Length: 4:41
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (60)add comment
My RR fave is Somewhere Down the Lazy River....
I feel like I'm in Boy Scouts singing a song ad nauseam. 
This is why RR and RP rule
Only Garth left from one of the best Bands ever
I grew up with them as my soundtrack
Thank you Robbie and RP
Robbie is forever now. 
Il ne s'est pas foulé !!! Mauvais....
1998?! I"ve never heard this before!!!! Love it!
 redeyespy wrote:
mojoman wrote: Not one bit. Music for the Native Americans is a genuine and heartfelt effort, too.

Agreed - seems like Coyote Dance has a RP vibe.
Fantastic, trance groove. Never woulda guessed it's RR but anyhoots it's delish! 
This song  -- which is interesting in a groove-meditative-trance-funk way, is also a waste of the (late) great Ofra Haza's soulful voice-- too bad.   Robbie could have looped in some  Krishna chanting to the same effect. 
I listen to this song any chance I get. It takes me back a few years. My art teacher played the cd while we did our work. I went and bought the cd, had it for a year, and then it got stolen and sold. I really like this song and others by RR.
mojoman wrote:
Robbie Give up the faux Indian thing. It's tiresome.
Not one bit. Music for the Native Americans is a genuine and heartfelt effort, too.
mojoman wrote:
Robbie Give up the faux Indian thing. It's tiresome.
According to AMG:
One of the premier songwriters of the rock era, Robbie Robertson was born July 5, 1943, in Toronto, Ontario. The son of a Jewish father and Mohawk mother, Jaime Robbie Robertson's first brush with live music came at the Six Nations Reservation, his mother's girlhood home...
Faux? Better rethink your position. That said, this isn't his best work, or even close to it. Still likeable, though.
DJac wrote:
You gotta have been to/lived in the Southwest to appreciate where Robbie is coming from...
I have and do. Still don't get it.
Robbie Give up the faux Indian thing. It's tiresome.
It was cute 45 seconds ago, now its just repetitive.
I wish the 'sound' was fading...
You gotta have been to/lived in the Southwest to appreciate where Robbie is coming from... If you saw him play on the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics '04 opening on the tube -- that was quite a display and statement! He's into the rich, connective and estoteric culture originating in this land that has so been trounced upon by the epic wave of industrialism and concept of ownership... Huh? Yea, exactly... :propeller.gif:
I never thought I'd ever hear a Moby ripoff.
Sweet stuff, 8 on my ranking.
I wish this sound would fade. Shame on Robbie for putting such dreck on his otherwise fine album.
I think yamanee is the name of a new indian casino.
I pity the people who cannot appreciate Robertson's sharing of native-influenced music with us.
Catch the Blues Train... places never been before... Sorry, just thinking of the RR song that I LIKE...
One of my favorites from this album.
My volume is fading...what a shame...
God...make it stop...please
Hey, Robbie! Isn't about time to release something new and equally amazing? Your stuff is great.
Someone should drown this somewhere down the crazy river!
Well, it was a pleasant surprise to hear this tune on RP! My other favourite from this album is "Unbound".
hey bill, how about a cool obscure tune from the band?
Ross wrote:
Thanks for the Hudsucker Proxy reference. The world needs more of 'em.
Sure, sure...
randomatom wrote:
I swear that octaved three tone whistle is sampled from one of those platic flexible tubes that they sold as toys when I was a kid. You held it by one end and spun it and you would get a note. Spin it faster and you could get the octave. You know, for kids... Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Thanks for the Hudsucker Proxy reference. The world needs more of 'em.
really really cool. it's way down that crazy river, man.
I like the Native-American-chant part. The rest makes me want some Pepto.
Let\'s just let this one fade...into obscurity!
Have we forgotten that RR states that his native american heritage is one of the guiding forces in his life? This is basically one of those chants you hear at the \'pow-wows\' which has been twisted into a new anthem of electic blues. Good stuff if it\'s what you want. Samiyam
Originally Posted by randomatom: I swear that octaved three tone whistle is sampled from one of those platic flexible tubes that they sold as toys when I was a kid. You held it by one end and spun it and you would get a note. Spin it faster and you could get the octave. You know, for kids... Anyone know what I'm talking about?
I agree, but I LIKE it. Wow, is RR a LONG way from The Band, or what?! you have to appreciate the longevity and the effort regardless of a personal aesthetic response.
Come on everybody ... Sing along!
Another person who is not necessarily a RR fan, but I do like this.
While I\'ve never been a fan of RR, I confess that this tune has grown on me. I find the stately tempo & track layering much more listenable than, say, Dead Can Dance, whose attempts to incorporate Native American music came across as artificial & sycophantic.
Originally Posted by randomatom: I swear that octaved three tone whistle is sampled from one of those platic flexible tubes that they sold as toys when I was a kid. You held it by one end and spun it and you would get a note. Spin it faster and you could get the octave. You know, for kids... Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Hey, I had one of those! Much fun when all my whistle-wielding friends and self would tear around the neighborhood annoying the hell out of everyone. That and my capgun--'member those?--were the emblems of being 7 to me. :D
Originally Posted by pkeys: best song I've ever heard from him.
LOL- Is that a good thing?
Originally Posted by Railee^!^: I think Robbie is a musical person that gives us a real look at sound.
WHAT? Well, if that's true, I don't like what I see - but then, I always hated Robbie Robertson, except as a member of The Band. I think Levon Helm should go kick his a**
The Sound Is Fading..................but not fast enough.
Ah c\'mon you guys, lighten up. You can\'t expect to like EVERYTHING Bill plays. :p :p
seriously though... this is the exact same formula that hack Moby uses on EVERY single one of his hit songs - it is driving me mad. mad, I tell you, MAD!!!
best song I\'ve ever heard from him.
Originally Posted by Platypus: Moby Robertson?
Nice observation Platy. Robbie is so hard to categorize, his music can be all over the place.
Once again, you made me look... had to surf over to see who this was. What a great surprise, too. I like it a lot, although a couple of parts are a bit intense over that first cup of coffee this morning... Keep it coming.
It is a decent song.. But I think it is being played too much lately.
though it\'s (very) different compared to his more \'rootsy\' work, I still recognize it as a Robertson song.
Moby Robertson? (not a compliment)
Important, under-recognized.