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Length: 4:06
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And human behaviour
Be ready, be ready to get confused
And me and my here after
There's definitely, definitely, definitely no logic
To human behaviour
But yet so, yet so irresistible
And me and my fear can
And there's no map
and a compass
wouldn't help at all
They're terribly moody
And human behaviour
Then all of a sudden turn happy
And they and my here after
But, oh, to get involved in the exchange
Of human emotions
Is ever so, ever so satisfying
Oh oh, and there's no map and chair too
Human behaviour, human
Human, human behaviour, human
Human, human behaviour, human
Human behaviour, human
And there's no map
And a compass
Wouldn't help at all
Human behaviour, human, human
Human behaviour, human,
Human behaviour, human,
Human behaviour
There's definitely, definitely, definitely no logic
Human, human
Human behaviour
There's definitely, definitely, definitely no logic
Human, human, human, human.
They are and yet they aren't! The bass line is playing A minor, while she is singing on the Lydian mode (starts on D). When the bass shifts up to a Bb, she follows by singing around the Lydian mode of Bb major.
Lots of minor key songs have a chord progression that includes the minor 2nd becoming the root of a major chord.
I always thought there was something melodically strange in this song, thanks for explanation! I appreciate the song even more now.
Dude, religions are human contrivances to alleviate their fears about being mortal and to explain what they don't understand and they are used by religious leaders to enrich themselves and governments use it to control people.
Christianity was pieced together from numerous other religions that came before it. Nothing is original. It's fucking made up bullshit. Learn some real history.
"Si comprehendis, non est deus" -St Augustine of Hippo
If you undestand it, it is not God -
the corollary, I think, is that just because we cannot understand it doesn't mean it's bullshit. Thousands of years and billions of humans have believed in something ... that's a lot of history to brush away as bullshit
The music and vocals are in different keys, unless I'm not understanding. I LOVE the dissonance!
They are and yet they aren't! The bass line is playing A minor, while she is singing on the Lydian mode (starts on D). When the bass shifts up to a Bb, she follows by singing around the Lydian mode of Bb major.
Lots of minor key songs have a chord progression that includes the minor 2nd becoming the root of a major chord.
Yours is one of the false religions, whichever one it is. Gods are silly made up nonsense.
Apart from the Mormon one obviously.
I think goosebumply is a perfectly cromulent word.
Her noble voice embiggens even the smallest song.
Dude, religions are human contrivances to alleviate their fears about being mortal and to explain what they don't understand and they are used by religious leaders to enrich themselves and governments use it to control people.
Christianity was pieced together from numerous other religions that came before it. Nothing is original. It's fucking made up bullshit. Learn some real history.
The Catholic church I attend is targeted by the FBI and you probably did every single thing the government told you to do during COVID and believed everything they said. Dude, how do you explain that?
Nothing worse than a COV ID denying, antivax, anti mask, Trump sheep. Get a grip paranoid one.

Dude, religions ... are used by ... governments ... to control people.
The Catholic church I attend is targeted by the FBI and you probably did every single thing the government told you to do during COVID and believed everything they said. Dude, how do you explain that?
It's worth digging up:

It's worth digging up:

Thank You! This made my day. :0)
Such a long time ago...
Then there was the time when P Diddy rang up Bjork who wanted a violent pizza. Yeah.
It's worth digging up:

Dude, religions are human contrivances to alleviate their fears about being mortal and to explain what they don't understand and they are used by religious leaders to enrich themselves and governments use it to control people.
Christianity was pieced together from numerous other religions that came before it. Nothing is original. It's fucking made up bullshit. Learn some real history.
Who cares what you or I think of religion? Other people's beliefs are really none of our business and I've got it very hard to understand why it bothers you so much. Live and let live! That means: Get a life!
God does exist. Denying the existence of our Father and Mother in Heaven does not make their existence go away. The battle between false religion and false science will have to end someday if we are to reach our full potential and if we are to reach for the stars. This world is polluted with false religions and false science. The battle between the two is strange to me. Both are the quests for truth and enlightenment, but I am a stranger in a strange land.
Yours is one of the false religions, whichever one it is. Gods are silly made up nonsense.
A debate about religion on Radio Paradise... *sigh*
Give it a rest, enjoy the music.
In some countries atheists are murdered. Why should we give it a rest?
Dude, religions are human contrivances to alleviate their fears about being mortal and to explain what they don't understand and they are used by religious leaders to enrich themselves and governments use it to control people.
Christianity was pieced together from numerous other religions that came before it. Nothing is original. It's fucking made up bullshit. Learn some real history.
I feel sorry for you.
Dude, religions are human contrivances to alleviate their fears about being mortal and to explain what they don't understand and they are used by religious leaders to enrich themselves and governments use it to control people.
Christianity was pieced together from numerous other religions that came before it. Nothing is original. It's fucking made up bullshit. Learn some real history.
And yet Jesus' tomb is empty.
Dude, religions are human contrivances to alleviate their fears about being mortal and to explain what they don't understand and they are used by religious leaders to enrich themselves and governments use it to control people.
Christianity was pieced together from numerous other religions that came before it. Nothing is original. It's fucking made up bullshit. Learn some real history.
A debate about religion on Radio Paradise... *sigh*
Give it a rest, enjoy the music.

The Sugar Cubes opened for U2 on the night Bill Clinton got elected. We drove from Seattle, up to Vancouver B.C. to see it and heard the news of the election in route. (Random memory recall.) Anyway, this song just got under my skin & remains to this day. The bass & drums with her voice was like an itch I couldn't quite scratch. I remember the audience lacked energy & the lead guitarist walked up to the mic and said in an odd Icelandic accent, "What's the matter? Are you all T I R E D ?"
Sugar Cubes so much better than U2.
Art reflecting life.
I have liked Bjork's music so far but now reading the lyrics... let's just say I wish to forget that I read them.
Why? Seems to me to be an accurate observation. More depressing would be the realization that while illogical, human behavior is quite predictable. Some people become extremely powerful realizing that. That's what I don't like to think about, but I still have to, it's reality. But I'm not an ostrich, you shouldn't be either.
Who does dingleberry need to be?
Your invisible sky magician could clear this up at any time it likes (assuming, for the sake of argument, its actual existence).
The music is pretty goosebumply too! Goosebump-worthy?
I think goosebumply is a perfectly cromulent word.
Her awesome voice gives me goosebumps.
The music is pretty goosebumply too! Goosebump-worthy?
Yoko has a mean left hook. I'm calling KO in round 5!
RP to listen with my new headphones and this was playing. WOW! Have
to play some #s tonite.
Has Yoko ever been talented?
Dude, religions are human contrivances to alleviate their fears about being mortal and to explain what they don't understand and they are used by religious leaders to enrich themselves and governments use it to control people.
Christianity was pieced together from numerous other religions that came before it. Nothing is original. It's fucking made up bullshit. Learn some real history.
Thank God we have snarky atheists like this to explain the universe to us.
Merry Christmas everyone!
(Eels, James, Radiohead, Björk)
Thank's Bill&Rebecca. Long lives RP!
Dude, 2/3 of the planet believes in God. Who the fuck do you think you are?
Dude, religions are human contrivances to alleviate their fears about being mortal and to explain what they don't understand and they are used by religious leaders to enrich themselves and governments use it to control people.
Christianity was pieced together from numerous other religions that came before it. Nothing is original. It's fucking made up bullshit. Learn some real history.
HA! Cracked me up.
I don't agree, though...I love this song. She is brilliantly weird.

Dude, 2/3 of the planet believes in God. Who the fuck do you think you are?
Dingleberry was quoting Bjork from an interview she did in Pickfork in 2007, her response to the Indonesian tsunami in 2006. Please don't kill the messenger. You can google the interview by " Bjork pitchfork human race". Things out of context can always cause misunderstanding. It would have perhaps been helpful if he identified Bjork as the speaker.
- from Pitchfork Interview, well after this song
But I get it. This is the marching music.
Dude, 2/3 of the planet believes in God. Who the fuck do you think you are?
At least Cockney is English

Hellzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz no. not that.
- from Pitchfork Interview, well after this song
But I get it. This is the marching music.
Religion is just a way to say you must to do so or you don't must to do so... anyway the paradise and the hell are only a favor or a punition... we just should go away this psychology that just say do it for the favor or don't do that or you'll be punished... i think the world is a school anyway, but we don't need this kind of education that says i don't love you anymore because you did that... just let everybody learn to his own rythm, and personnaly i prefer the people who learn from their mistakes than people who just learn to go straight to the "paradise". To do a "mistake" is just a way to make his own choices, against a general way of life which seems to have more and more constraints every day that the old god do.
hmm say something like "Fucking in rhythm and sorrow" lol
Is Iceland in Scandinavi?
Most people would say "no". Scandinavia consists of Norway, Sweden & Denmark. Iceland has a language and heritage closely connected to the Norse, but is generally included in the more broad description of the "Nordic countries" rather than Scandinavia.
When Pliny the Elder first described the Scandinavian region, Iceland had not yet been discovered.
(There is a little logic actually, Bjorkypoos.)
Is Iceland in Scandinavi?
Is Iceland in Scandinavi?
Island is part of Scandinavia
prine is a solid pioneer in contemporary country music - which isn't keith urban -sorry to all those boys and girls who like kenny chesney and keith
let's put it this way. he's done a lot more than all of us posers.
Is Iceland in Scandinavi?
dragon1952 wrote:
This song came out about five years before Imogen had released her first album, though I don't think there was any "ripping off" involved.
Not to mention Bjork was doing her thing with The Sugarcubes while Immy and I were still in grade school. Bjork is like the too cool older sister.
More than tough it's fairly charmless. Lacking in what our Latin friends would call human warmth.
Fortunately human behavior varies greatly from culture to culture, and for that we should give thanks.
What do you mean by "Latin friends"; people who speak Latin or Latin-American people? Either way, it doesn't seem probable that either group would readily use an English-language term such as "human warmth".
- from Pitchfork Interview, well after this song
But I get it. This is the marching music.
I didn't have these words to describe this pretty good track. I'm glad you did!
More than tough it's fairly charmless. Lacking in what our Latin friends would call human warmth.
Fortunately human behavior varies greatly from culture to culture, and for that we should give thanks.
Thanks, you are right of course.
More than tough it's fairly charmless. Lacking in what our Latin friends would call human warmth.
Fortunately human behavior varies greatly from culture to culture, and for that we should give thanks.
Do you need bus fare, precious snowflake?
Yeah, when I listen to all the crap coming out of the USA, life must be really tough there.
More than tough it's fairly charmless. Lacking in what our Latin friends would call human warmth.
Fortunately human behavior varies greatly from culture to culture, and for that we should give thanks.
Yeah, when I listen to all the crap coming out of the USA, life must be really tough there.

More timpani!
Yoko who?
There is ono Yoko.

This song came out about five years before Imogen had released her first album, though I don't think there was any "ripping off" involved.
Yoko who?