Elvis Costello — Hide Your Love Away
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Comments (56)add comment
dpjag wrote:
So many people love The Beatles because they were brilliant and great!
As a card-carrying member of the "Why is everyone so hung up over the Beatles" club, I'm compelled to say I like this far more than the original.
There. I feel much better now.
You shouldn't feel much better though you should feel, 

The wonderful thing about the Beatles version was its understatement. Constello's version is so overwrought and consciously angsty it's painful.
"Nul points" as ever with EC!
I like Oasis' version of this song.
I think they did it live on BBC Radio One, but was never properly recorded. Sounded great anyhow!
My love for Elvis has always been about his writing, which is quirky, clever, sometimes even brilliant (imo) and is well-matched to his vocal style.
Some songs, like this one, which is already perfectly written, just don't work with his voice. I think this cover was completely unnecessary.
dpjag wrote:
As a card-carrying member of the "Why is everyone so hung up over the Beatles" club, I'm compelled to say I like this far more than the original.
There. I feel much better now.
You've GOT to be kidding right? Give him a beer and a cowboy hat to help him drown this song and kiss this beautiful and endearing ballad goodbye! 
Govi wrote:
I really dislike Elvis' singing.
Have you searched through all the Elvis listings lately? There might be a song or two where you haven't posted this, or something quite similar.
rulebritannia wrote:
This song is among my favorites, Elvis is among my favorites. Put them together and......well, it highlights the weakness in Elvis' voice.
Imagine how people who don't like Elvis feel, listening to that piece. 
meloman wrote:
A great example of an instance of musical tautology.
Not only does Elvis not add anything, he detracts from the song...
It really drags along and it sounds like he won't make the "hey" note.
As a card-carrying member of the "Why is everyone so hung up over the Beatles" club, I'm compelled to say I like this far more than the original.
There. I feel much better now.
A great example of an instance of musical tautology.
Govi wrote:
I really dislike his singing.
I really dislike Elvis' singing.
I'm sorry. I really don't get a sense of how you feel about this song. You really need to work on expressing your feelings more.

Such a simple song, yet Elvis manages to ruin it for me. He neither says something new with it, nor says well anything old. I really dislike his singing.
I really dislike Elvis' singing.
7/13--all right, I was in an awful mood. It was a one, it's a five now. I understand what he's done, and it's not bad. *hangs head*
I prefer the original, but my favorite cover is Eddie Vedder's from the "I am Sam" movie soundtrack, which has some excellent versions of Beatles songs done by contemporary artists. If you've never seen the movie, it's wonderful how the music plays a big part of the story in many ways! A great performance by Sean Penn, too!
JokesandJokesandJokes wrote:
Hello we've been over this not eclectic!!!
This is the original...kidding. Anyway, think I'm with bluedot... 
bluedot wrote:
why not just play the original?
Hello we've been over this not eclectic!!!
This song is among my favorites, Elvis is among my favorites. Put them together and......well, it highlights the weakness in Elvis' voice. Give it an "8" for ole times sake.
Not bad. Still prefer the Beatles cover.
I liked it.
:-k ... hmmm ... not bad .... it's the first time I've heard it ....
bluedot wrote:
why not just play the original?
Because time marches on.. and it takes the memory of the past with it..
How's that sound ;>
why not just play the original?
Elvis is probably one of the few talents to have survived the 70s and 80s punk scenes and is still breaking ground. Go see him live sometime. Have seen him in '82, 95 & 2001. Never ceases to amaze. He is almost without peer as a singer/songwriter among those who emerged out of punk.
Check out "When I Was Cruel" from last year. Excellent!
bryceharrington wrote:
Would be pretty good, except for the freaky 'HEeaeEy'. Think
he ought to work on that a bit.
Can't hit the "Hey" note...

Would be pretty good, except for the freaky 'HEeaeEy'. Think
he ought to work on that a bit.

mindless wrote:
No need to write my own comment when you've already done it for me. Well said.
DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!! :D/
robinesque wrote:
Elvis Costello's voice often has a taunting, mocking tone. On this song, it really works. His delivery brings out the bitterness in the song; compared to the Beatles version which is more sad.
No need to write my own comment when you've already done it for me. Well said.
Definite snoozer cover.

What did I ever see in this guy

Wasn't bad until he got to the chorus.... (sigh)
Well: the beatles and costello can team up any day for me :)
Originally Posted by michaelc:
Anyone know what album ?
It was on a CD-single, apparently...Originally Posted by noladq:
I think in many cases it's because, like us, the artist LIKES the song and enjoys singing it. They don't sing for us, they sing because they like to!
That's fine. Nobody's stopping them. However, when they record it and put it on a CD they expect the public to buy, then we have a right to comment.
Hard to believe that, somewhere along the way, someone didn't tell him just how really, really bad this is.
Originally Posted by robinesque:
Elvis Costello's voice often has a taunting, mocking tone. On this song, it really works. His delivery brings out the bitterness in the song; compared to the Beatles version which is more sad.
Yeah ... you're right!
Yeah, the screechy warbling background \"HEEYYY!\" kinda ruins it for me too...
Originally Posted by streetsintherain:
Vedder's version is better....
totally agree
Elvis Costello\'s voice often has a taunting, mocking tone. On this song, it really works. His delivery brings out the bitterness in the song; compared to the Beatles version which is more sad.
Elvis does a journeyman job on a great song 

Vedder\'s version is better....
Not bad. I find that I like Elvis\'s throwaway cuts better than the other stuff he does these days.
Anyone know what album ?
opps CD
Originally Posted by Enrique:
I like Elvis and I like the Beatles song but I don't like Elvis doing this song. He really doesn't add anything. Like many of these covers, one has to ask why?
I think in many cases it's because, like us, the artist LIKES the song and enjoys singing it. They don't sing for us, they sing because they like to!
I can hardly believe I\'m saying this, but I prefer Eddie Vedder\'s cover!
Elvis, covering a song of his, would\'ve been a dream come true for John Lennon. :p
Lennon, influenced by Dylan, led to one of the Lennon songs I love most.
I like Elvis and I like the Beatles song but I don\'t like Elvis doing this song. He really doesn\'t add anything. Like many of these covers, one has to ask why?
Damn good job Elvis.
Great song, a Lennon best-ever. I keep hearing him in this version, but Elvis does a really creditable job.