Moxy Fruvous — Guinea Pig
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This is a great song and the issues it illustrates will not go away because some head-in-the-sand individual says "take a hike". Maybe this person works for Monsanto
I'm with Jrzy, (8?», ChiMaster and Ragnarr...

Originally Posted by waryofthis:
Get off your soapbox, JrzyTmata! Just because they "test positive" for whatever does it mean it is harmful? You buy your organic stuff at a 100% markup (those guys rip you off too) and wail away at the injustice of it all and put up half truths. I like the song, you can take a hike.
Take a Hike yourself pal.
Look at all the environmental problems the world is facing today and they all boil down to greedy corporations using un-natural methods to overproduce OUR foods.
GM is the latest in a long line of rubbish we're being told is "Safe" just like feeding Cattle animal protein (Cattle are herbivours in case you didn't know, which means they don't eat animal protein). That little episode gave us the wonderful BSE, which the "Experts" told us couldn't carry through the food chain...And it has!
Hmm, interesting topic isn't it?
Keep up the good work Moxy and Jrzy ;)
Gotta love Moxy Fruvous. Entertaining as well as informative.
There are currently more than four dozen Genetically Engineered foods and crops being grown or sold in the US. These foods and crops are widely dispersed into the food chain and the environment. Over 80 million acres of GE crops are presently under cultivation in the US, while up to 750,000 dairy cows are being injected regularly with Monsanto's recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). Most supermarket processed food items now "test positive" for the presence of GE ingredients. Hazards of GE Foods and Crops