Fleetwood Mac — PeaceKeeper
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Song is very catchy. I like it.
Originally Posted by Last_DJ:
Best Buy had this CD for 9.99 first week on sale, so I figured what the hell. I dont buy many cds anymore, but I made an exception.
I have listened to it fully 5 times, and it is just NOT GOOD.
DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!!! I am a big Mac fan, but Stevie and Lindsey's voices sound really weak.
I own the album too. And, so far, after a couple of listens, I am disappointed. There are a couple of songs that are ok, but the hooks and grooves are thin. Too bad. Buckingham was fully involved in this one and, given that, I would have thought this would have been much better. With the departure of C. McVie, the band took some license to change their sound a bit, as they have said in interviews. It was not a good development. It really feels "off".
I am almost sorry to rate this one so low, but it really does blow. WXPN (Philly) was playing this one for awhile in March until it finally fell out of their rotation. What a relief. It\'s very muddy and jerky. Gawd I\'d take J-Lo over this.
Originally Posted by orpheus:
nice song but reminds me of paul simon's "kodachrome" (anyone else?)
My thoughts too, and I can't help myself singing the Kodachrome lyrics whenever it comes on!

Jeezus, Stevie Nicks sucks!
Originally Posted by Dave_Mack:
Ungood. Not quite double-plus-ungood, but maybe one-and-a-half-plus ungood. I told my wife that Christine McVie wasn't on the album, and she volunteered that they found a duck to replace her.
Sounds like Psycho Chicken, a parody of Talking Heads - Psycho Killer.
Ungood. Not quite double-plus-ungood, but maybe one-and-a-half-plus ungood. I told my wife that Christine McVie wasn\'t on the album, and she volunteered that they found a duck to replace her.
Originally Posted by newwavegurly:
Can't stand that "wha wha wha wha wha wha" thing, sounds like Charlie Brown's parents or teachers.
i have to drop this to at most a 2 just because of the wawawawawa...
Originally Posted by orpheus:
nice song but reminds me of paul simon's "kodachrome" (anyone else?)
Yep. I hear it.

Best Buy had this CD for 9.99 first week on sale, so I figured what the hell. I dont buy many cds anymore, but I made an exception.
I have listened to it fully 5 times, and it is just NOT GOOD.
DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!!! I am a big Mac fan, but Stevie and Lindsey\'s voices sound really weak.
Originally Posted by static:
When one looks up the definition of "Sucko-Barfo", therein lies a photo of Stevie Nicks.
Please relegate her to the "Pathetic hasbeens of the 70's museum" along with Neil Diamond.

Originally Posted by orpheus:
oh you mean in comparison to the "dubya", and the dismal economy we all now share? give me bill any day of the freakin' week

Right, Clinton was solely responsible for the bullish economy of the late nineties, and Bush is solely responsible for it's demise.
Since this is not a political message board, I will try to steer the topic back on course. My $0.02 about this song - absolute misery.

Can\'t stand that \"wha wha wha wha wha wha\" thing, sounds like Charlie Brown\'s parents or teachers.
Was outside with Paradise blowing out the window. I thought this was the Mac. It sounds good to me. Looking forward to hearing this again. First impression is good.
Originally Posted by epod34:
when bill clinton danced to fleetwood mac's "don't stop thinking about tomorrow" i had the feeling that he wasn't everything i hoped he would be. and boy i wasn't disappointed. fleetwood mac isn't awful music it's just really really vacuous and this song is a real good example of their stuff. 
oh you mean in comparison to the "dubya", and the dismal economy we all now share? give me bill any day of the freakin' week

Not really a good FM song. Too bad, \'cause I like FM. (Saw them in 1984 with my parents...) But where is Chistine McVee? It doesn\'t look like she\'s going to be on the new album.
When one looks up the definition of \"Sucko-Barfo\", therein lies a photo of Stevie Nicks.
Please relegate her to the \"Pathetic hasbeens of the 70\'s museum\" along with Neil Diamond.
Nice, fresh, different. But mild, too.
This is a nice follow up to Sam Phillips \"Same Changes.\"
I'm a FM fan from its Danny Kirwan days, and I liked their Rumors stuff, and I thot this was ok UNTIL it got to the ba-ba-b-ba-ba-bah part. Talk about bad producing decisions! Ugh... Please don't play this again. 

Clean sound, no feeling. Typical FWM
I just love fleetwood mac.
I like it! Good piece for a band that has been around for so long and has gone through so much.
Qu\'est-ce que c\'est que ca? Never heard this one before... a bit bland.
when bill clinton danced to fleetwood mac\'s \"don\'t stop thinking about tomorrow\" i had the feeling that he wasn\'t everything i hoped he would be. and boy i wasn\'t disappointed. fleetwood mac isn\'t awful music it\'s just really really vacuous and this song is a real good example of their stuff.