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Sigur Rós — Ágaetis Byrjun
Album: Ágætis byrjun
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Total ratings: 792

Released: 1999
Length: 7:34
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Bjartar Vonir Rætast
Er Við Göngum Bæinn
Brosum Og Hlæjum Glaðir
Vinátta Og Þreyta Mætast
Höldum Upp Á Daginn
Og Fögnum Tveggja Ára Bið
Fjarlægur Draumur Fæðist
Borðum Og Drekkum Saddir
Og Borgum Fyrir Okkur
Með Því Sem Við Eigum Í Dag
Setjumst Niður Spenntir
Hlustum Á Sjálfa Okkur Slá
Í takt við tónlistina
Það Virðist Enginn Hlusta
Þetta Er Allt Öðruvísi
Við Lifðum Í Öðrum Heimi
Þar Sem Vorum Aldrei Ósýnileg
Nokkrum Dögum Síðar
Við Tölum Saman Á Ný
En Hljóðið Var Ekki Gott
Við Vorum Sammála Um Það
Sammála Um Flesta Hluti
Við Munum Gera Betur Næst
Þetta Er Ágætis Byrjun
Comments (45)add comment
Not even remotely in tune
As composed by a cat high on catnip and Xanax...
 Sofa_King wrote:

Imagine being this angry at a song lmao
You, sir, radiate what's scientifically known as 'small dick energy'. Go take a god damned chill pill and let the rest of us enjoy some good f'n music.

Oh I dunno, I think Stingray is kinda funny.
Holy crap that was PAINFUL!! lol
Nah.  Earned one of my few ratings below 7
Thanks to Bill, we'll continue to hear the beauty that is Sigur Ros. Whiners be damned!
 Stingray wrote:
sugar-coated VIOLIN-LULLABIES for female underage teenies,

YUCK - VOMIT...!!!!

Imagine being this angry at a song lmao
You, sir, radiate what's scientifically known as 'small dick energy'. Go take a god damned chill pill and let the rest of us enjoy some good f'n music.
 hightail wrote:

Extraordinary obsession with something you hate soo much. Don’t force it man. If you don’t like it, just move on. Believe me we don’t need a  proof how much you tried liking them. It’s weird. 
oh and I have Icelandic family members; the people and the language are awesome!

He hates Sigur Ros more than I hate Radiohead. And I really hate Radiohead.
Sigur Ros gets more unlistenable with every play.
 Stingray wrote:

We know: there are a million true SICKOS out there. The majority of them must be Sigur Ros fans. A really gave them a chance. I listened to each song of 4 albums. I did not find a SINGLE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) song that did not pain the hell out of me.
Ridiculous this terrible supersweet violin-coating over each and any song. No rythm, hardly any melody and this sickening "language".
The whole SR-thing is a hoax. It can't be nothing else. How old might their fans (fans?? really??) be? Twelve? Just eight? Liking lullabies? Or are they even adults? Grannies maybe? I just can't figure it out.
I read about them, downloaded their albums and was terrified. I deleted all! Then I read again, wondered if I had been ignorant and loaded the same albums again and gave them a real chance another time. Same thing: I could hardly stand a single song. This pussy-attitude. This whining. This childish melancholy. Please point out a single, just ONE (!) single song of quality and I take anything said back and download that song a third time for good!

Really angry,

You are a troubled soul, aren't you? You are terrified and sickened by a language that is not yours? And without getting too psychological, you do have a bit of a problem with your masculinity. 

It might surprise you but not everyone on here has similar issues nor really wants to hear your issues paraded in front of us. I think you might be happier just accepting who you are, relaxing a bit and opening your eyes and ears to the wonderful differences between us in the world. Otherwise, if you can't,  just stick to your formulaic muscle-boy music to remind your peer-group just how tough you really are. Good luck!
Break out the Brennivín black death!
I've actually warmed up to some of their music but this song is so grating on my eardrums I pray I never hear it again.  And yes, I turned it off.
So out of tune that it hurts my ears. Awful.
Delicious, moody and  dark. I love their language, melody and the *'the sickening language"* as some other person called it - that rocks me on cliffs over swells of forests and snow covered seas. When I die scatter my ashes with this music.
Don’t care what the hater’s say, this is a friggin’ awesome song as is ’most’ of their catalog. I’ve seen them in concert twice 
 Stingray wrote:

We know: there are a million true SICKOS out there. The majority of them must be Sigur Ros fans. A really gave them a chance. I listened to each song of 4 albums. I did not find a SINGLE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) song that did not pain the hell out of me.
Ridiculous this terrible supersweet violin-coating over each and any song. No rythm, hardly any melody and this sickening "language".
The whole SR-thing is a hoax. It can't be nothing else. How old might their fans (fans?? really??) be? Twelve? Just eight? Liking lullabies? Or are they even adults? Grannies maybe? I just can't figure it out.
I read about them, downloaded their albums and was terrified. I deleted all! Then I read again, wondered if I had been ignorant and loaded the same albums again and gave them a real chance another time. Same thing: I could hardly stand a single song. This pussy-attitude. This whining. This childish melancholy. Please point out a single, just ONE (!) single song of quality and I take anything said back and download that song a third time for good!

Really angry,

Extraordinary obsession with something you hate soo much. Don’t force it man. If you don’t like it, just move on. Believe me we don’t need a  proof how much you tried liking them. It’s weird. 
oh and I have Icelandic family members; the people and the language are awesome!

Please. No more Sigur Ros. Please. 
 peregrin8 wrote:

Quite sure you're one of those blokes who roam the German streets on Monday nights, these days.

If you don't like an artist or their music, it's ok to let people know. But then go and kiss your Kloschuessel and refrain from insulting those who could like that music.

Unfortunately many in the community don't feel the same way. It's music. Shared by artists for your enjoyment. Lighten up, America. No one cares about your opinion on music they like.
 alain.brault wrote:
I'd really like to hear a version of this song without the guitar slides.
Wait until you hear Sade's "By Your Side"... the whole song is "squeep" noises.
 Stingray wrote:

We know: there are a million true SICKOS out there. The majority of them must be Sigur Ros fans. A really gave them a chance. I listened to each song of 4 albums. I did not find a SINGLE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) song that did not pain the hell out of me.
Ridiculous this terrible supersweet violin-coating over each and any song. No rythm, hardly any melody and this sickening "language".
The whole SR-thing is a hoax. It can't be nothing else. How old might their fans (fans?? really??) be? Twelve? Just eight? Liking lullabies? Or are they even adults? Grannies maybe? I just can't figure it out.
I read about them, downloaded their albums and was terrified. I deleted all! Then I read again, wondered if I had been ignorant and loaded the same albums again and gave them a real chance another time. Same thing: I could hardly stand a single song. This pussy-attitude. This whining. This childish melancholy. Please point out a single, just ONE (!) single song of quality and I take anything said back and download that song a third time for good!

Really angry,

WEBMASTER: Please fix Stingray's 'skip' button. 

Bright Hopes Come True

As We Walk The Town

Smiles And Laughs Happy

Friendship And Fatigue Meet

Let's Keep Up The Day

And Celebrate Two Years of Waiting

Distant Dream Born

Eat And Drink Saddir

And Pay For Us

With What We Have Today

Let's Sit Down Excited

Let's Listen To Ourselves Beat

In tune with the music

It Seems No Listening

This Is All Different

We Lived In Another World

Where We Were Never Invisible

A few days later

We Talk Again

But the Sound Was Not Good

We Agreed

Agree On Most Things

We Will Do Better Next Time

This is a good start

 Crosby wrote:

good tune but the sound of cats fornicating in a garbage bin vocals gives this a score of 1

Anything you'd recommend as an alternative, or is that too taxing on the alpha waves?
I'd really like to hear a version of this song without the guitar slides.
There's no guitar on this song besides that sound.
I'd really like it otherwise I think....
good tune but the sound of cats fornicating in a garbage bin vocals gives this a score of 1
 Stingray wrote:
(really stupid stuff -- scroll down if you care)


I've read many of the other replies to Stingray's comments, so, thankfully, much of my thinking has already been expressed for me. But I must say that I am at a total loss as to how someone who communicates in this way, and uses such infantile language to describe reactions to the music, is still an RP listener!! Bill and Rebecca have created such an extraordinarily beautiful and gracious environment for us here - how does Stingray relate to this place? to the almost infinite range of music played? to the appreciative and meaningful comments written by so many grateful listeners? A mystery...

Bright hopes come true

As We Walk The Town

Smiles And Laughs Happy

Friendship And Fatigue Meet

Keep Up The Day

And Celebrate Two Years Hold

A Distant Dream Is Born

Tables And Drinks Filled

And Cities For Us

With Because We Own Today

Sit Down Excited

Listen To Ourselves Beat

In keeping with the music

Nobody listens

This is All Different

We Lived In Another World

Because We Were Never Invisible

A few days later

We Talk Together Again

But the sound was not good

We Agree About It

Agree About Most Things

We Will Do Better Next

This is a good start
The music of Sigur Ros reminds me of the symphonic Tone Poems from composers such as Sibelius. There is a Scandinavian compositional atmospheric vibe. Sigar Ros is quite excellent overall, this might not be my favorite track, but it's classic Sigar Ros. NOTE: This IS the RP Eclectic Mix after all... nicely done RP and thanks!
"Booooah" - hardcore manure!
 ezzyme wrote:

I studied violin for 5 years and there is no violin in this song. That said, I have a penchant for AC/DC and Black Sabbath.

Violin or not - this is absolutely RIDICULOUS!

Why you studied violin that long? Couldn`t you learn this online on a weekend?
Wooow - how horrible!!!

Wow - this is truly wretched.
I like their music well enough but the vocals never sat well with me....
{#No} please make this ordure stop!
 Stingray wrote:
sugar-coated VIOLIN-LULLABIES for female underage teenies,

YUCK - VOMIT...!!!!
I studied violin for 5 years and there is no violin in this song. That said, I have a penchant for AC/DC and Black Sabbath.
 Stingray wrote:
(really stupid stuff -- scroll down if you care)
Quite sure you're one of those blokes who roam the German streets on Monday nights, these days.

If you don't like an artist or their music, it's ok to let people know. But then go and kiss your Kloschuessel and refrain from insulting those who could like that music.
Icelandic Radiohead?  A whinier version of Choir of Angels?

Anyway, just seeing how much they annoy Stingray adds two to the Likeability rating from me :-), which takes it from 6 to 8, because underneath it all it's a bit whiny after a while.
 Stingray wrote:
(really stupid stuff -- scroll down if you care)
You know how when a little boy has a crush on a little girl, he pretends not to like her?
Same thing with Stingray and Sigur Rós.
I wasn't thrilled, but when I saw how much this upset Stingray — well, that pretty much made my day. I may download their tunes, just in honor of that.
 Stingray wrote:
We know: there are a million true SICKOS out there. The majority of them must be Sigur Ros fans. A really gave them a chance. I listened to each song of 4 albums. I did not find a SINGLE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) song that did not pain the hell out of me.
Ridiculous this terrible supersweet violin-coating over each and any song. No rythm, hardly any melody and this sickening "language".
The whole SR-thing is a hoax. It can't be nothing else. How old might their fans (fans?? really??) be? Twelve? Just eight? Liking lullabies? Or are they even adults? Grannies maybe? I just can't figure it out.
I read about them, downloaded their albums and was terrified. I deleted all! Then I read again, wondered if I had been ignorant and loaded the same albums again and gave them a real chance another time. Same thing: I could hardly stand a single song. This pussy-attitude. This whining. This childish melancholy. Please point out a single, just ONE (!) single song of quality and I take anything said back and download that song a third time for good!

Really angry,

It's a song about angry people...
Quite peaceful. Once I couldn't figure out the words, I knew it was Sigur Ros. 7.
 Stingray wrote:
sugar-coated VIOLIN-LULLABIES for female underage teenies,

YUCK - VOMIT...!!!!


Occupation: Journalist?


Even the "BILD-Zeitung" ( something like "the sun", just worse ) wouldn't give you a job.

sugar-coated VIOLIN-LULLABIES for female underage teenies,

YUCK - VOMIT...!!!!

We know: there are a million true SICKOS out there. The majority of them must be Sigur Ros fans. A really gave them a chance. I listened to each song of 4 albums. I did not find a SINGLE (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) song that did not pain the hell out of me.
Ridiculous this terrible supersweet violin-coating over each and any song. No rythm, hardly any melody and this sickening "language".
The whole SR-thing is a hoax. It can't be nothing else. How old might their fans (fans?? really??) be? Twelve? Just eight? Liking lullabies? Or are they even adults? Grannies maybe? I just can't figure it out.
I read about them, downloaded their albums and was terrified. I deleted all! Then I read again, wondered if I had been ignorant and loaded the same albums again and gave them a real chance another time. Same thing: I could hardly stand a single song. This pussy-attitude. This whining. This childish melancholy. Please point out a single, just ONE (!) single song of quality and I take anything said back and download that song a third time for good!

Really angry,
Music Capitol has a contest to win two Sigur Ros Hollywood Bowl Tickets for October 5, 2005: https://musiccapitol.blogspot.com/2005/08/win-two-sigur-ros-hollywood-bowl.html