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John Butler Trio — Funky Tonight
Album: Grand National
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Total ratings: 1877

Released: 2007
Length: 5:25
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Now I don't want to argue I don't want to fight
And if there's something wrong yes you know I'm gonna try to make it right
I love you you love me we be one family tonight
So get right over here and let's get down girl funky tonight
'Cause you are my queen and there ain't no doubt about it
And if you want I'll tell the world yes you know I'll shout it
The way you walk, talk, move, yeah girl get me high as a kite
So get right over here and let's get down get funky tonight


What's your name
Let's go back to when we first met back in 1999
Before you knew I was yours and you mine

And now I turn the lights down low and put the stereo on
Put on our favorite record by Aerosmith and Louie Armstrong

Take you to our living room dance floor and hold you tight
I guarantee you and me gonna get down funky tonight
I guarantee you and me gonna get down funky tonight
I guarantee you and me gonna get down funky tonight

What's your name
Let's go back to when we first met back in 1999
Before you knew I was yours and you knew you were mine

What's your name
Let's go back to when we first met back in 1999
Before you knew I was yours and you mine, yeah
Comments (253)add comment
GREAT!!  100mph of bluegrass!   Thanx RP!   
always nice to hear some blue grass sounds
John Butler is good at guitar.
Complex, dynamic, well played... the bass alone makes it an 8 for me.
Had the pleasure of seeing JBT in studio at WFPK.org in Louisville back in 08 or so.  I was just feet from him and got to meet him and the band.  Took my teenage son at the time and blew his socks off.  He knew I was a cool mom!
 jamesat43 wrote:
these guys are great! Now I'm stuck on You'all Tube they do the black eye peas too. 

 ProfessionalGeek wrote:
When this song began, I thought the banjo intro sounded like a bluegrass cover of Stevie Wonder's "Superstion." If nobody has done one, somebody should.
Playful (The Cleverlys):  https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=0v6nllTr7vM&list=RDAMVM0v6nllTr7vM

Mournful (Lateral Blue): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-T4MTdfbt0
 quijimabob wrote:
As an old time JBT fan, as much as I like this song, let's get a bit of their pre-2006/7 work in here! I'm talking Busted, Inspiration, Valley, What You Want, Attitude... Thank you for playing JBT but they were generally better before this more 'poppy' road they went down! And I'm thinking specifically of other RP listeners when I ask this: I think people here would be very open to some of JBT's more extended jams

Please submit some of the songs you speak of, quijimabob!
(Sounds like something I might enjoy).

If you don't like this, you're not playing it loud enough.  Look, if the cops come we're gonna have to turn it down.
First listen, and I give it a 7 already.....like it,,,
Exquisite. Period.
Thats my New alarm song: wake up nie!
Bangin'  I love it.
A long time ago I played the drums in clubs. I worked the holy shit out of the
high hats like this. Thanks. 9 at least.
As an old time JBT fan, as much as I like this song, let's get a bit of their pre-2006/7 work in here! I'm talking Busted, Inspiration, Valley, What You Want, Attitude... Thank you for playing JBT but they were generally better before this more 'poppy' road they went down! And I'm thinking specifically of other RP listeners when I ask this: I think people here would be very open to some of JBT's more extended jams
digging this today! 
When this song began, I thought the banjo intro sounded like a bluegrass cover of Stevie Wonder's "Superstion." If nobody has done one, somebody should.
An Aussie classic/Triple J darling. Nice one B&R. 
Wow.  I think I saw smoke coming off my speakers.
Watch a live version of this and tell me how the band members' hands don't fall off.
Maybe if they picked up the tempo a little...
 Forest267 wrote:
Reminds me of Primus... that song Winona Ryder hates.

Yeah, it's got that hick-funk vibe going on.
PLEASE, play more JBT!!!!

Greets from germany
Love this
Love me some JB {#Bananajam}
These boys rock, and put on an awesome show :)
Quite.......excellent!       {#Bananajam}{#Drummer}{#Bananapiano}
Hellz yeah!  
What a great jam!   
This gets a banana {#Bananajam}
 haretic wrote:
Dang, this is hot! 
Dang, dang, dang...  I had a strong inkling this would happen.
I live in... well, not a "backwater," but a place with limited options for live music. (I'm not complaining: it is also a natural paradise)!  
The John Butler Trio played Victoria not too long ago, and I listened to a bit of their stuff, then decided not to go. "Good, but not THAT good" was my early assessment.
These "early assessments" of mine often suck! I missed Silversun Pickups and Band of Horses, same exact thing.
"Take a chance," the voices are telling me...


{#Bananajam}YES!!!  very hot :)
Dang, this is hot! 
Dang, dang, dang...  I had a strong inkling this would happen.
I live in... well, not a "backwater," but a place with limited options for live music. (I'm not complaining: it is also a natural paradise)!  
The John Butler Trio played Victoria not too long ago, and I listened to a bit of their stuff, then decided not to go. "Good, but not THAT good" was my early assessment.
These "early assessments" of mine often suck! I missed Silversun Pickups and Band of Horses, same exact thing.
"Take a chance," the voices are telling me...

 Keef wrote:
Nice segue from Kotke.

See John live if you get the chance! 


Excellent version performed with Keith Urban at the 2007 Australian music awards:
Love this jam! {#Bananasplit}
Noted today: before dancing to RP, put down the glass snapping tools. Pretty-colored flakes everywhere....
10 it, just had to, this piece is like a quadruple blast of kick-ass and I'm boppin with a head shakin grin!!!
John Butler Trio always gets me going, thank you!
 dpvest wrote:
now my neck is tired...


Which one?
Nice segue from Kotke.

See John live if you get the chance! 
Then he backed up his daughter on kids stage for twinkle twinkle
Ripping open Saturday afternoon with this song at lolla 10 was a highlite
NOT a morning song..yikes..
Make me nervous!
PSD button...
Wooooweee!  That was a mighty fine a-pickin' and a-singin'!


I tell you what, you come on in heah, you sign these papers heah, I'monna give ya 10 dollah apiece!
Reminds me of Primus... that song Winona Ryder hates.
 dpvest wrote:
now my neck is tired...
...can feel with you...first leo kottke at highspeed,...than THIS......
...think,i need a drink now.....{#Cheers}
This is such a fun song, especially live.  More JBT on RP Please!
Funkin' right on! 
9? What was I thinking? Solid 10.
now my neck is tired...
New to me, I thought it was North Mississippi Allstars!
Somewhere in Las Vegas, Romeo is dancing, I just know it.
Love the JBT- great jammin country rock music!!
Needed that sense of urgency right around now. Perfick.
Wowser, what a bunch of great tunes this morning Bill. Thanks! I hate to leave for lunch. But I will. Right after this guitar solo. 
 nigelr wrote:
I generally never make negative comments, but these guys truly suck heavily after RC!
Having said that, they ain't bad at all live, tho' personally I hate their purile, myopic Green politics...........{#Lol}
Really? You think they suck with pickin' and beat like that? Really?  Also, what's politic (in this case) about getting funky?  Perhaps funky sex lyrics are puerile (that is what you meant, right?).  Well if so, bring it on when done in this fashion.  I'm going to look for my guy to hear his opinion first hand.
JBT rox - in a funky sorta way.  nice...

Another funky Grand National

Holy smokes, this is a flat stone jam!
This guy is a great guitarist.  Grand National & Sunrise over Sea are excellent albums.  We need to hear more JBT songs on RP.  I am really stoked to hear both JBT and DMB on RP this morning.  Sorry to all you haters.  It's all good.
This is a prime example of why RP plays at my house all day.  Thanks Bill!
 gobits wrote:
{#Dancingbanana}{#Dancingbanana_2} {#Bananajam}{#Bananapiano}  {#Drummer}
I wanna be second bananna....

Go man go.....{#Motor}  Get funky....

Funky funky Broadway.
john is goooood, but i miss joe bonamassa{#Cry}

John Butler 2 by *burntcitizen
©2007-2010 *burntcitizen

Just a different view. Low ISO makes for better colors

Really like this one - especially on a rainy, dreary day in Washington DC - at 2pm, when the urge to nap sometimes wins! {#Clap}
radio paradise just eeps on hitting us danceaolics where we live...i o notknow how i will ever get ny work done if this keeps up...
 Randomax wrote:
This is a get up and boogie song!!!!!!!!!!!  L O V E IT!!!
This one's got me bouncin' in my chair!

This is a get up and boogie song!!!!!!!!!!!  L O V E IT!!!
Such a cool banana...

 nigelr wrote:
I generally never make negative comments, but these guys truly suck heavily after RC!
Having said that, they ain't bad at all live, tho' personally I hate their purile, myopic Green politics...........{#Lol}
Could not agree with you less {#No}

I generally never make negative comments, but these guys truly suck heavily after RC!
Having said that, they ain't bad at all live, tho' personally I hate their purile, myopic Green politics...........{#Lol}
{#Dancingbanana}{#Dancingbanana_2} {#Bananajam}{#Bananapiano}  {#Drummer}
Love, love love them! Got to meet them at a tiny venue in Anchorage, AK. They guys are all waay cool, really down to earth regular folks. Ive got all their stuff & cant wait for more. Hear that Bill? MORE! {#Bananajam}
If we have to listen to Don Knotts style hick-funk, why not some Primus?
dancing bananas{#Dancingbanana_2}{#Dancingbanana_2}{#Dancingbanana_2}{#Dancingbanana_2}{#Dancingbanana_2}
and the guys really looking like this {#Bananajam}  {#Drummer}   {#Guitarist}

so cool{#Cool}
 andiman wrote:

Definitely a cool banana

Forget the song for a sec, can't get past the cover which looks like a cross between John Belushi and Vishnu.
I remember seeing these guys at Street Scene in San Diego (back when it was actually in the steets downtown). They were on one of the tiny side stages and there were about 15 people watching them, although more started trickling in as they played. Guess they're doing alright now :) 
oh man this is funky what energy love it great set Bill does sound like crossroads
 andiman wrote:


Man, now that's cool, I need to train my banana to do that !
I feel like this song is always on.
ANd that is not a good thing.

 This was the first time I have heard this song, and it cooks — thanks for a turn-on and for all you who suffered(sic) through it.
Give a little,  get a lot ! 
 WonderLizard wrote:
As a musician (also a bassist), I'm going to disagree just a wee bit with alanthecowboy. While personally I find one chord songs a bit tedious, there's nothing per se wrong with them. In fact, since you've eschewed chord changes, and in the case of this song tempi, to build dynamics, it's quite a challenge to each of the musicians (drummer, guitarist, and bassist) to keep it interesting. Breakneck pace is one; different lines in the same key is another. IMHO this song succeeds because of the pace and the quality of the playing.
And besides, it has a jews harp solo!

I think these guys are great, especially from a musicianship perspective.

 Excelsior wrote:

Well, it's no longer played on a daily basis like it was for a year or so, but that stretch burned me out completely on this band. The rest of the album could be a masterpiece, but I'll never listen to it just because I'm so sick of hearing this (and "Losing You") so many times.

Below is a direct quote from BillG that he wrote some time ago to contradict someone else claiming that a song was played every day. I think it's pretty clear that RP does not really overplay songs in the traditional clear channel, hit radio station sense of the word. The use of the word overplay by critics here on RP seems (IMO) to indicate one of two things. One option is that the person has been so traumatized by listening to typical hit stations that they've become over-sensitized to songs being played more than once in a blue moon. The other is that the person commenting doesn't like the song (for whatever reason) and so "overplayed" is just another way of saying "I don't want RP to play this ever again".

"Let me correct one bit of misinformation in the posts from her that you quote: this song does *not* get played every day. If something is relatively new & I really, really like it (both true in this case) it'll get played about twice per week. Sometimes if something is *brand* new (< 1 month old, at least for us) it'll get played more often than that for a bit. But never every day."

watching the equestrian at the Olympics while listening to RP I just had a weird experience:
the horse was perfectly dancing to the beat of this song! {#Eek}

Ag3nt0rang3 wrote:
I'm having the same problem. More and more it sounds like a crappy Country-Rock song that I could hear on local radio, if I still listened to local radio.
Well, it's no longer played on a daily basis like it was for a year or so, but that stretch burned me out completely on this band. The rest of the album could be a masterpiece, but I'll never listen to it just because I'm so sick of hearing this (and "Losing You") so many times.
I wouldn't call it funky, but I like the pace and found myself tapping my foot and nodding my head
rickhoran wrote:
this song is on a steady decline in ratings from me. now i'll drop it down to a 3. the more i hear it the more i dislike it.
I'm having the same problem. More and more it sounds like a crappy Country-Rock song that I could hear on local radio, if I still listened to local radio.
Can't wait to see these guys and G.Love in St. Augustine Florida in August!
this song is on a steady decline in ratings from me. now i'll drop it down to a 3. the more i hear it the more i dislike it.
i was just thinking, "man, this song is funky!" then i look at the song title and... well, yes, it is. it IS funky. XD
I hate this song. Furthermore, I hate that this song has been played practically every day for a year.
weez wrote:
Ok, so now where's the dude with the "how 'bout more cowbell" comment. He should jump on this one
Ok, so now where's the dude with the "how 'bout more cowbell" comment. He should jump on this one
Anyone have a stick?.....so I can put it in my eye...
Funky indeed!
OK I dig this song it gets me pumped before I paddle out to surf big waves! so this music works for me..... lack of cord changes and what elles you want to find wrong with it. Rember even if you dont like the song it still got a catch..:)
Yes, let's go back to 1999, because this song didn't exist then.
phoenix wrote:
Will someone please tell me what he's saying? Let's go back to 19 19 aprieesheate whaaat?
For tonight Let's go back to when we first met back in 1999 'preciate Before you knew I was yours and you're mine
Will someone please tell me what he's saying? Let's go back to 19 19 aprieesheate whaaat?
rating goes down every time i hear it. its nice to hear like once a week, but not every day.
Is it really necessary to play this every day?
brilliant groove!
Musicianship has nothing to do with how many chords a song has. That's just nuts. There are so many great one-chord stomps out there. Listen to the playing in this tune. That lacks musicianship? Granted, I really honestly can't stand this song, but you gotta give them props for shaping the arrangement to keep it changing and build it dynamically. To keep a guitar line like that so in the pocket throughout this tune implies a great deal of chops on the part of the guitarist.
alanthecowboy wrote:
Musicianship? As a musician, I can tell you that if you want to sound impressive, you jam in a key that's easy to jam in. For guitar players and bassists (I'm a bassist) that key happens to be E. Not only is this song in E, but E major is the only chord in the whole song, as far as I can tell. Not to diminish the funkiness of the tune, as I do like it, and it's growing on me, but it isn't something I would brag about to my buds. Either way, it's a cool tune, and it's been working it's way up in my ratings instead of down, so it works, for some reason.
As a musician (also a bassist), I'm going to disagree just a wee bit with alanthecowboy. While personally I find one chord songs a bit tedious, there's nothing per se wrong with them. In fact, since you've eschewed chord changes, and in the case of this song tempi, to build dynamics, it's quite a challenge to each of the musicians (drummer, guitarist, and bassist) to keep it interesting. Breakneck pace is one; different lines in the same key is another. IMHO this song succeeds because of the pace and the quality of the playing.