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Total ratings: 2990
Length: 3:44
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Waiting in the wings
I'm an animal
Trapped in your hot car
I am all the days
That you choose to ignore
You are all I need
You're all I need
I'm in the middle of your picture
Lying in the reeds
I am a moth
Who just wants to share your light
I'm just an insect
Trying to get out of the night
I only stick with you
Because there are no others
You are all I need
You're all I need
I'm in the middle of your picture
Lying in the reeds
It's all wrong
It's alright
It's alright
It's all wrong
It's alright
It's alright
It's all right
I would say exact the same thing about comments like this.
I will choose to ignore what ElCamoteLoco wrote:
Radiohead are living proof of the idea that just because you can do something does not mean you should.
Mainly because it has absolutely no validity whatsoever...
I think it was Frank Zappa who stated "Stupidity has a certain charm, Ignorance does not".
this is really dark
And so, so beautiful.
Are you OK with religion?
This song caught me by surprise, and commanded my complete attention. Clearly a 10 for me! I know RH isn't for everyone, but why do so many have to express so much hate (and for other artists too)? Even if you can't stand listening to them, could there be a little respect for their originality, composition, musicianship, and commitment to their craft? It's so good I had to leave RP and listen to few tracks from the album. Amazing stuff.
IKR? the internet (comment section) allows everyone to think their opinion is worth sharing
Are you OK with religion?
Yes, of course. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should" was what prompted my comment.
Aside from music these are the watchwords of my existence. Abortion, genetic engineering, abuse, hate, etcetera.
Are you OK with religion?
There are artists who can convey the emotions of despair and depression.
Then there is Radiohead, which makes the listener want to commit suicide.

Radiohead are living proof of the idea that just because you can do something does not mean you should.
Aside from music these are the watchwords of my existence. Abortion, genetic engineering, abuse, hate, etcetera.
grant wrote:
Wow, I didn't even realize I could get THIS jealous...

I've only seen them live once, on the In Rainbows tour, and it was spectacular!
That said, I love how certain bands bring out the haters. Whenever current-day commercially-successful bands get played (Radiohead, U2, as examples), I can always count on a number of listeners to chime in with their moral superiority on why the music sucks. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this is mine.

Then there is Radiohead, which makes the listener want to commit suicide.
Spot on. Thanks for the comment.
I agree completely with this entire post. A little less negativity in the world and we can all make it a better place. Let's start with a simple thing like a forum for pete sake.
Kudos to the call for respect, danfl75....I for one have been trying to "wag more/bark less" both in the RP Song Comments AND life in general.
As for RH's music, I'm slowly working on liking more and more of their output....in fact I'll go 4 to 6 on this one.....Long Live RP!!
Very cool. I've been inspired to do the same, and upon reading your post, I will redouble my efforts. Cheers! Love Radiohead, btw.
I'm not a particularly big fan of this band, but that so-called "idea" is best-suited to people who lack imagination and/or creativity.
Yes, but they've been in biz since the 1990s, so if they were 20 years ahead then, by now, by that logic, they're passe. Cause, gosh, if this is what some "popular" music will sound like in 2039, I'm sort of content I probably won't be around to hear it. However, they are a fine, well-produced, thoughtful band who once in a while actually vibrates the airwaves with energy.
Kudos to the call for respect, danfl75....I for one have been trying to "wag more/bark less" both in the RP Song Comments AND life in general.
As for RH's music, I'm slowly working on liking more and more of their output....in fact I'll go 4 to 6 on this one.....Long Live RP!!
Average rating 7.4?
Underrated IMO. They are bloody marvellous.

Go for it!
I would say exact the same thing about comments like this.

you said it - if you know one song of RH you know every song. All sounds the same - it sucks
You have certainly picked two of the most overrated bands I am aware of.
Out of all of Radiohead's material there are only two or three things I can actually stand, and they are all more recent ambient stuff. This particular track is the Radiohead I can't stand: mopey and atonal, with Thom Yorke sounding like he needs an enema.
You have certainly picked two of the most overrated bands I am aware of.
Out of all of Radiohead's material there are only two or three things I can actually stand, and they are all more recent ambient stuff. This particular track is the Radiohead I can't stand: mopey and atonal, with Thom Yorke sounding like he needs an enema.

So nice to have you back, keller1. I was wondering what happened to ya'...You and MassivRuss should get along like two peas in a pod.
You have certainly picked two of the most overrated bands I am aware of.
Out of all of Radiohead's material there are only two or three things I can actually stand, and they are all more recent ambient stuff. This particular track is the Radiohead I can't stand: mopey and atonal, with Thom Yorke sounding like he needs an enema.

Sorry Arty - this album, and the entire Radiohead repertoire are top notch in my book - top 5 artist of all time.
But I agree 100% on Arcade Fire
I loved Radiohead up to but not including this album. After Hail to the Thief, it felt to me that they were kind of treading water, churning out product as it were. Subsequent albums have all had a sort of "more of the same" feel to them. I know the die-hard fans will disagree, but this was their shark-jump album, IMO. Not bad, but not great.
thank you my friend, you read my mind !

Radiohead works for me anytime of day.... It's all I need.

Not sure if this will help:

Gee howdy - another RadioHead theme song for assisted suicide.
and now..... Behind Blue Eyes .. will I ever get to leave the office.
Exactly the same !!! Behind next. ! The 2012 10 0

I read that In Rainbows lines up perfectly with OK Computer from 10 years earlier. Both album titles have the same number of letters (arranged the same way- 2 and 8)
I read that the songs match up together- the first song from OK leads into the first song of In perfectly etc. I can't find my copy of In Rainbows , so I haven't had the chance to check this out.
It's like the 2 albums are written to perfectly enhance each other even though they are separated by a decade.
That Thom Yorke is such the scamp...
Hmmm.....haven't heard that one. Sounds like another Floyd - Dark Side and Wizard of Oz thing! I DO know that Dark side and Wizard of Oz IS amazing in how it lines up, I recommend people check that out. The key is starting the album when the Lion roars during the movie studio promo just before the film begins... I'll have to check out this RH thing...!
Possibly the best song on this brilliant album.
and now..... Behind Blue Eyes .. will I ever get to leave the office.
In order for "All I Need" to be an ironic song title, Mr. York's intentions would, in effect, have to be contradictory to his statement, which it's not. Since "inessential" is the opinion of the listener and not York, a more correct descriptor would be incongruity.
Please leave me out of the 'us' grouping

It can be, very much. I know I started out at "meh, whatever" and then one day realized that I couldn't go on vacation without my Radiohead. Now I could happily listen to them for prolonged periods of time without switching artists. This music is something that has definitely enriched my ears. "Creep" is the entry level drug for many folks, BTW.
Creep is the one that got me hooked.
Also the end of Karma Police blows my mind. These guys fall into the realm of the "artists that don't give a f@ck about the norm" and I'm just happy that I am here to witness their journey.
I read that In Rainbows lines up perfectly with OK Computer from 10 years earlier. Both album titles have the same number of letters (arranged the same way- 2 and 8)
I read that the songs match up together- the first song from OK leads into the first song of In perfectly etc. I can't find my copy of In Rainbows , so I haven't had the chance to check this out.
It's like the 2 albums are written to perfectly enhance each other even though they are separated by a decade.
That Thom Yorke is such the scamp...
...plus, the residue lasts a really, really long time under the glare of nonconformity...
grant wrote:
It can be, very much. I know I started out at "meh, whatever" and then one day realized that I couldn't go on vacation without my Radiohead. Now I could happily listen to them for prolonged periods of time without switching artists. This music is something that has definitely enriched my ears. "Creep" is the entry level drug for many folks, BTW.

I'm with you, Shawshank.

Thom Yorke - Speed Paint by =RodrigoElven
©2008-2010 =RodrigoElven
Speed Paint
My favorite band.. Radiohead!!
Thom Yorke Rlz!
Duration: 2h 36m

I find it more interesting to consider that of the three paintings we know he sold, one has never been identified, which means it might still be out there somewhere, unknown.
I freakin' love this album!
It challenges for my fave Radiohead record.
It gets better with every listen.
Iscoot4peace wrote: "The format exposes us to new musical ideas and gives these seeds time to gestate within. Or not. "
Spot on, and once familiar with one song, I grasp the "style" such that other song of theirs are metabolized faster. Upon reading your post I thought of "The Talking Heads" who through the years I have grown to really appreciate. The first song I heard of Byrne's was "Take Me to the River," followed by "Burning down the House," - - -he just kicks ass on these cuts. But to others it's pure hell for them to listen to him and/or the Talking Heads... as you say, some of those seeds just don't gestate.
Much like Talking Heads , Radiohead is one of those groups most folks seem to have to invest some time listening to, until they develop a taste for, but once you do, it's all down-hill from there. "Or not."
Excellent and astute comment, pianocomposer! I have the same reaction to them...as well as with music by The Flaming Lips and Talking Heads back in the day. These are artists with a vision and a need to experiment. Their subsequent work often goes in directions we initially don't want to be taken and may sound really strange and abrasive...but we ease into it with exposure. This is one of the many reasons I love RP. The format exposes us to new musical ideas and gives these seeds time to gestate within. Or not. That's OK too.
just kidding(I'm a kidder).
Maybe because it's Friday, the day-before-Saturday?
Excellent and astute comment, pianocomposer! I have the same reaction to them...as well as with music by The Flaming Lips and Talking Heads back in the day. These are artists with a vision and a need to experiment. Their subsequent work often goes in directions we initially don't want to be taken and may sound really strange and abrasive...but we ease into it with exposure. This is one of the many reasons I love RP. The format exposes us to new musical ideas and gives these seeds time to gestate within. Or not. That's OK too.
Funny, I hear a very beautiful song structure.
I hear verse, then chorus, verse, chorus, building to a gorgeous crescendo, with Thom Yorke's voice flowing beautifully over it all.
Beauty is in the ear of the beholder, I guess.
There you go —- a really well thought out response.
I completely disagree with the comment but it was made by an actual adult.
A far cry from "klueless".
True. But lack of appreciation of Radiohead is also symptomatic of immaturity and stunted intellectual growth. Leaving us bystanders here in a rather ticklish moral quandary.
As for my dislike (lack of appreciation isn't on point, although FWIW there is a very high likelihood that I have more musical training than you) of Radiohead being symptomatic of immaturity and stunted intellectual growth —- not at all. It just means that I have taste and you don't. See how highfalutin that sounds?
Your "quandary" such as it is, is intellectual, not moral. And there's really no intellectual quandary either.
In adult discourse people should be free to express their opinion, which at the end of the day is all that liking or disliking music really is, without fear of personal attack. At least, that's what they taught me in debating team in, if I remember right, Grade 9.
And besides, namecalling is just a race to the bottom.
Voila —- no quandary.
Most of the adults that I know had stopped calling other people names by about junior high, by which time they had learned that that sort of behavior was indicative of immaturity, stunted intellectual growth, or both.
True. But lack of appreciation of Radiohead is also symptomatic of immaturity and stunted intellectual growth. Leaving us bystanders here in a rather ticklish moral quandary.
klueless keller
Most of the adults that I know had stopped calling other people names by about junior high, by which time they had learned that that sort of behavior was indicative of immaturity, stunted intellectual growth, or both.
klueless keller
Funny, I hear a very beautiful song structure.
I hear verse, then chorus, verse, chorus, building to a gorgeous crescendo, with Thom Yorke's voice flowing beautifully over it all.
Beauty is in the ear of the beholder, I guess.
I'm with you Laptopdog. This song does have structure and it is simply gorgeous ... rates a 10. But if you don't like something you hear on the main channel then the LRC is not a bad place to go.
Suffering through this for the ten thousandth f**king time I realized that one of the things I hate about Radiohead is the lack of song structure.
I mean, listen to this. It just sits there like a tumor, and never goes anywhere.
When you add in Thom Yorke's voice, the rating should be about minus 800.
Funny, I hear a very beautiful song structure.
I hear verse, then chorus, verse, chorus, building to a gorgeous crescendo, with Thom Yorke's voice flowing beautifully over it all.
Beauty is in the ear of the beholder, I guess.
Giochi prego più Radiohead

Suffering through this for the ten thousandth f**king time I realized that one of the things I hate about Radiohead is the lack of song structure.
I mean, listen to this. It just sits there like a tumor, and never goes anywhere.
When you add in Thom Yorke's voice, the rating should be about minus 800.

Voted: most use of the throw-up emoti in a single thread
This sounds like how I feel.

Why doesn't Bill or Rebecca just come out and say it?
RP stands for Radiohead Paradise.
Ugh, I am so tired of this tripe.
That's a big 10-4.
You must not listen to much music.
Why doesn't Bill or Rebecca just come out and say it?
RP stands for Radiohead Paradise.
Ugh, I am so tired of this tripe.
For me, In Rainbows is quickly climbing into that rare air. Every time I listen to it, I like it more and more. I've never really been captured by anything Radiohead has done before, but this album is amazing. The rhythms that Phil Selway weaves in and out of the music, the guitar and bass magic of the Brothers Greenwood. And Thom Yorke's voice. Not really a great voice, I don't think. But no other voice in the world could so wonderfully meld all of those great songs into a great album.
Thanks, RP, for turning me on to a masterpiece.
Opposite for me, especially this album, I love their sound it's kinda sad, kinda moany, kinda emotional, kinda english!