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The National — Ada
Album: Boxer
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Total ratings: 1485

Released: 2007
Length: 3:54
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Ada, don't talk about reasons why you don't want to talk
About reasons why you don't wanna talk
Now that you got everybody you consider sharp
All alone, all together, all together in the dark

Leave it all up in the air
Leave it all up in the air
Leave it all
Up in the air

Ada, put the sounds of your house in a song
Try to be speechless for a minute
If you think you're gonna faint, go out in the hallway
Let them all have your neck

Ada, don't stay in the lake too long
It lives alone and it barely knows you
It'll have a nervous breakdown and fall
Into a thousand pieces around you

Stand inside an empty tuxedo with grapes in my mouth
Waiting for Ada
Ada, hold onto yourself by the sleeves
I think everything counts a little more than we think

Leave it all up in the air
Leave it all up in the air
Leave it all
Up in the air

Ada, I can hear the sound of your laugh through the wall

Ada, don't talk about reasons why you don't want to talk
About reasons why you don't wanna talk
Now that you got everybody you consider sharp
All alone, all together, all together in the dark

Leave it all up in the air
Leave it all up in the air
Leave it all
Up in the air

Ada, I can hear the sound of your laugh through the wall
Ada, I've been hoping you know your way around
Comments (124)add comment
Solid contender for Sad Dad Band of the Year.
 Edweirdo wrote:

And Ada was named for Ada, Countess of Lovelace, who worked with Charles Babbage on a very early form of computer.

An interesting discussion on Ada's life and work from the peerless In Our Time programme. 

"Ada Lovelace has been called many things - the first computer programmer and a prophet of the computer age – but most poetically perhaps by Babbage himself as an ‘enchantress of numbers’."
Berninger's voice is just fantastic. 
I love this… Love the piano melody. Fantastic song and band
 Ayejoe wrote:

grow up...

actually I am a grown up
sorry my comment butt hurt you
 AmandaMaria wrote:

See, I like this song. But I once knew a very nasty nasty woman named Ada so she's kinda ruined it for me.

I knew an evil Ada too. Such a controller. She was known as Anal Ada. I had problems too with this song but I still like the music
 idiot_wind wrote:


is this song names after the software code used in avionics applications?

listen...without Ada...plane will be falling out of the sky

Ada is very dependable  

And Ada was named for Ada, Countess of Lovelace, who worked with Charles Babbage on a very early form of computer.

is this song names after the software code used in avionics applications?

listen...without Ada...plane will be falling out of the sky

Ada is very dependable  
This band name escapes my mind.
 westslope wrote:

So this is The National, eh?

Better double check!
This is shit.

Take that piano away from that person, for starters.
 Ayejoe wrote:

grow up...

2 years later, still shit.......
This band is a National Treasure
 shutter wrote:
I've been listening to these guys a lot and they've really grown on me. I like their style. The vocals can be criticized but there are a lot of pleasant nuances in the music.
Yep. You know, there's something to be said about making music that doesn't scream. 
rigor mortis
How is it possible to make such good music so boring ?
Many years ago I used to program in Ada. 

I thought that I had successfully forgotten that time in my life, but this song reminded me of it.

I have nothing good or bad to say about the song, but I was not a fan of the programming language.
They need a new producer. The song has potential.
Just another song that sounds like it's being sung by someone on the verge of falling asleep. Every song by The National is equally bad.
Piano motif near the end of the song sounds a lot of like RIGHT SAID FRED - DON'T TALK JUST KISS
Even the singing voice...
Never heard of this band and hopefully never will again.
FWIW, I am not a fan of The National but have this particular song rated an 8.
 jonahboo wrote:
grow up...

They keep maturing...

There is more and less to their music with each album; more depth and less filler.

RP keeps the brain ticking and toes tapping

I really like The National a lot, but sometimes, I find myself concentrating way too hard on the vocals and "hearing" the lyrics - and that can drive me a bit nuts.
there sure is no accounting for taste.  If it's loud and fast, hey it must be good !
Thank God the folks at RP actually have a great ear for talent and diversity 
Please make it stop.
This shit is a joke- somebody put this self loathing ego maniac out of his misery.
 blotto wrote:
Not as dull and dreary as their other song played here, but still pretty damn boring.
I'd like to take away your "dull", "dreary" and "boring" and chip in "sparse", "shortened" and "cathartic". It's a matter of taste & (proclivity). I find the National verrrrrry interesting in a chord striking sense.
I stand by my comment. The lyrics are not that brilliant.

and this song being played inbetween Porcupine Tree and Pink Floyd makes seem even less brilliant.

 adroc wrote:

Some people look at the Mona Lisa and think "it's just a picture of a lady, my aunt Nancy can paint nice looking pictures of ladies too."


 blotto wrote:

I fail to see the fuckin brilliant part of this. I think even Justin Bieber can come up with deeper lyrics than this.
Some people look at the Mona Lisa and think "it's just a picture of a lady, my aunt Nancy can paint nice looking pictures of ladies too."

 Byronape wrote:
I really like this band, but I always felt like this guy should be narrating funerals.
I've never been to a funeral which had narration - perhaps there's a potential market for it, though.

First listen, like it.

 nate917 wrote:

Not long ago, I believe BillG commented that one of the more negative posters had found a way to skew ratings, perhaps before songs had even been played once, and that he got booted for it.  Some who saw Bill's comment suspected Excelsior.

PhysicsGenius —-> Excelsior —-> Crockydile.  Ever notice how you never see them in the same room at the same time?
Bill's booting of the ratings hacker and Excelsior's sudden disappearance was likely not a coincidence.

I would never equate PG, who, despite his tastes, was witty and erudite, with the pure, vile negativity of Excelsior, a classic web troll if ever I've seen one. Crockydile at least likes some music, tho' at times he's behaved like Excelsior's sock puppet. And I would neither confuse Crockydile's commentary with PG's considerable intellect.

Anyone else hear the lead singer from "The The" here?
I really like this band, but I always felt like this guy should be narrating funerals.
 lattalo wrote:
Excelsior wrote:

Where have you been dude, jail?


What a nice voice.
 CafeRacer wrote:
Is this guy a complete train wreck?  He seemed barely able to stand for a lot of the show and was pretty much rambling between songs.
Or is it all an act?
It's a combination of being somewhat slightly spastic and also just kinda getting into the music in a really white-guy kinda way, I guess.  It's kinda like Elaine on Seinfeld trying to dance and onlookers wondering if she was in a full-body spaz.  I think it's a bit of an affectation, though.  As for his conversational acumen, I think he's just not a really good audience small-talker.  The guitarist, Bryce Dessner, seems to have a lot of fun at Berninger's expense.  FWIW

I saw them a week ago here in Indianapolis and I have to ask.....

Is this guy a complete train wreck?  He seemed barely able to stand for a lot of the show and was pretty much rambling between songs.
Or is it all an act?
 adroc wrote:
"Stand inside an empty tuxedo with grapes in my mouth
waiting for Ada"

Fucking brilliant -

I fail to see the fuckin brilliant part of this. I think even Justin Bieber can come up with deeper lyrics than this.
"Stand inside an empty tuxedo with grapes in my mouth
waiting for Ada"

Fucking brilliant - I'm sure most of us can relate to being at some sort of pretentious bourgeoisie function, feeling like you don't want to be there or you don't fit in/aren't worthy of being there, but you're there for one reason only: your 'Ada'.
Not as dull and dreary as their other song played here, but still pretty damn boring.
A National classic from a fabulous album
 dolfan wrote:
8 to a 9.  There are voice types that sound spectacular to me, and this is one of them.

yeah, this guy's voice is really cool and suits the sound of the band well. Morphine-ish in a way
8 to a 9.  There are voice types that sound spectacular to me, and this is one of them.
 nate917 wrote:
Not long ago, I believe BillG commented that one of the more negative posters had found a way to skew ratings, perhaps before songs had even been played once, and that he got booted for it.  Some who saw Bill's comment suspected Excelsior.

PhysicsGenius —-> Excelsior —-> Crockydile.  Ever notice how you never see them in the same room at the same time?
Come on now, the former two are indeed curmudgeons, but lets not lump Crocky in there with them.
Seriously? I had to check my desktop, I thought I had left something else playing in the background. This sounds like two completely different songs playing at once.   {#Puke}
 Excelsior wrote:
Thousandth time I've heard this song on RP, it's still boring, and it still sucks.
Try harder!  Or flush the wax out of your ears. Works for me sometimes.  

Just have to say I still love this song ... {#Hearteyes}

So this is The National, eh?

Utter nonsense.  Cohen was never this lyrical.

grungepuppy wrote:

I must agree on the vocals. He's trying, and failing at, channeling Cohen. And that says a lot.

nate917 wrote:

Not long ago, I believe BillG commented that one of the more negative posters had found a way to skew ratings, perhaps before songs had even been played once, and that he got booted for it. Some who saw Bill's comment suspected Excelsior.

PhysicsGenius —-> Excelsior —-> Crockydile. Ever notice how you never see them in the same room at the same time?
Yin,Yang / The Dark and Light of the Force / Fishbait and Marshmallows* - these opposites are very important for balance in the Universe.

*If you use Marshmallows for Fishbait, you are messed up.

 lmic wrote:
I really enjoy their instrumentalizaton. The vocalist's monotone delivery kind of brings it down for me, though... Maybe it'll be a grower, like Nick Cave's, or Leonard Cohen's, spoken-type vocalization. Or, trying to hear his voice as a bass-drum type percussive instrument also helps.


I must agree on the vocals. He's trying, and failing at, channeling Cohen. And that says a lot.

I really enjoy their instrumentalizaton. The vocalist's monotone delivery kind of brings it down for me, though... Maybe it'll be a grower, like Nick Cave's, or Leonard Cohen's, spoken-type vocalization. Or, trying to hear his voice as a bass-drum type percussive instrument also helps.

 lattalo wrote:

Where have you been dude, jail?

Not long ago, I believe BillG commented that one of the more negative posters had found a way to skew ratings, perhaps before songs had even been played once, and that he got booted for it.  Some who saw Bill's comment suspected Excelsior.

PhysicsGenius —-> Excelsior —-> Crockydile.  Ever notice how you never see them in the same room at the same time?

 Excelsior wrote:
Where have you been dude, jail?

 Smoove_D wrote:
Love the piano, the rhythm, the lyrics. A solid 8 for me.
              Yes           Yes            Yes          Yes        {#Hearteyes}       

 Droidac wrote:

I don't have the slightest idea of what that is supposed to mean.


In Spain, grapes are a big part of the New Year's Eve tradition.  I can't speak for other place in Europe.
love the groovy cover pic........song's tasty too.
Fucking amazing song. 8 to 9.
 SmackDaddy wrote:

New Years Eve in Europe?
I don't have the slightest idea of what that is supposed to mean.

8 {#Arrow} 9

 Droidac wrote:

Actually, the line in the song is, "Stand inside an empty tuxedo with grapes in my mouth".


New Years Eve in Europe?

Been listening to this most often lately. Funny, this guy never really "sings". 8

 wrangler wrote:
for god's sake, get the marbles out of your mouth, man!
Actually, the line in the song is, "Stand inside an empty tuxedo with grapes in my mouth".

First time I hear this voice and song. Nice surprise.
I like his voice, and this song a lot.
From an 8 to a 9 today. Such a brilliant album.
Best album of 2007. Every song is remarkable in their own way. Simple, intellegent, memorable.
 ScottFromWyoming wrote:

Ha ha ha yes! I do! I also think they are Jesus Christ! And the Crash Test Dummies! It's the new Holy Trinity! I hate having to explain my lame jokes!


Jesus Joy Dummies.

I'd go an 8 for the song, too, but this album is a 9 at least. 

 ryuujin23 wrote:
If you honestly think this compares to Joy Division, I want some of the drugs you are on.
Ha ha ha yes! I do! I also think they are Jesus Christ! And the Crash Test Dummies! It's the new Holy Trinity! I hate having to explain my lame jokes!


for god's sake, get the marbles out of your mouth, man!
Love the piano, the rhythm, the lyrics. A solid 8 for me.
Liking The National more with every play.  MMMMMMM
 Excelsior wrote:

Love this song and CD! Of course you hate it.
I've been listening to these guys a lot and they've really grown on me. I like their style. The vocals can be criticized but there are a lot of pleasant nuances in the music.
 ryuujin23 wrote:
If you honestly think this compares to Joy Division, I want some of the drugs you are on.

If you like this, check out "Sad Songs For Dirty Lovers" and "Alligator", both very solid albums.

Neat band.  Reminds me of Joy Division in some ways...

Check out Alligators.  Great album.
I asked my girlfriend "what happened to the Crash Test Dummies?" upon reading the comment below when I realized... who cares?
venus_df wrote:
sounds like Crash Test Dummies to me. eh, boring. *3*

I once knew an Ada. She was as sweet as this song. If I knew where she is I would send her this song by The National.
If you honestly think this compares to Joy Division, I want some of the drugs you are on. ScottFromWyoming wrote:
The Second Coming of (pick one) Joy Division Jesus Christ U2 Pink Floyd Crash Test Dummies
Due to his/her insistence, I have to say I like the image of Excelsior sitting there squirming when this song comes on almost as much as I like the song itself. Excelsior wrote:
Please!!! NO MORE!!!
IslandMax wrote:
Please!!! More!!!
Please!!! NO MORE!!!
sounds like Crash Test Dummies to me. eh, boring. *3*
Please!!! More!!!
Thousandth time I've heard this song on RP, it's still boring, and it still sucks.
AmandaMaria wrote:
See, I like this song. But I once knew a very nasty nasty woman named Ada so she's kinda ruined it for me.
I once knew a nasty programming language . . .
xkolibuul wrote:
A beautiful, subtle tune. Best one off this album.
stonesmaster wrote:
I read yesterday that Sufjan Stevens plays piano on this track. You can hear his influence also in the horns.
I really noticed the piano! It keeps up with everything. Thanks for the info. I had this song in my ear all day. I am glad to hear it today.
Excelsior wrote:
I just don't get what other people see in this band.
The Second Coming of (pick one) Joy Division Jesus Christ U2 Pink Floyd Crash Test Dummies
Still boring, mumbling, unintelligible dreck after hearing it for the 20th time. I just don't get what other people see in this band.
alux wrote:
So glad this is Bill's station and not y'all's. This song builds nicely from a quiet start. Sweet.
Right. I just took it from a 7 to an 8. Boring? I guess...if you're more of the Clearchannel type.
A beautiful, subtle tune. Best one off this album.
Clever, sensitive lyrics. I like this. 8.
See, I like this song. But I once knew a very nasty nasty woman named Ada so she's kinda ruined it for me.
So glad this is Bill's station and not y'all's. This song builds nicely from a quiet start. Sweet.
booooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggg stevo_b wrote:
Agreed, this stuff really sucks.
Excelsior wrote:
I wish we could go just one day without listening to songs from this boring album.
Agreed, this stuff really sucks.
I wish we could go just one day without listening to songs from this boring album.
ha - bingo. eskles wrote:
Singer sounds like he missed his calling as an accountant - really boring.
This disc is just groovy. Did I actually type groovy? I'm taking my Geritol now.
eskles wrote:
Singer sounds like he missed his calling as an accountant - really boring.
I'll confess indifference to the highly-touted The National but am impressed with a side project of two members, Clogs.
Singer sounds like he missed his calling as an accountant - really boring.
The National - Ada The Police - Spirits In The Material World Rush - The Enemy Within Of Montreal - Cato As A Pun Something old, something new, something awesome, something cool... Nice set Bill!
I read yesterday that Sufjan Stevens plays piano on this track. You can hear his influence also in the horns.
I love this album, top to bottom. In my top 10 of 2007 for sure. Love this track and there are even better ones on the album.
great set tonite, keep the going, Bill
this is new to me. i will be looking further into the musical catalogue of "the national".
mthomaspdx wrote:
This whole album is outstanding - just outstanding! Sit down and listen to it front to back in one setting, if you can. Their earlier work is good too, but so far this record is their pinnacle. Looking forward to more.
One of my favorite CD's of last year. It really is outstanding....
This whole album is outstanding - just outstanding! Sit down and listen to it front to back in one setting, if you can. Their earlier work is good too, but so far this record is their pinnacle. Looking forward to more.
Me like this CD alot!
When i get my own station i will only play the national. My favorites are Karen and Mr November
Thanks Bill!!!!!!!!