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Length: 3:15
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With cats and broken yards
Sunflowers and paint cans
And stolen shopping carts
And nothing to be proud of
And nothing to regret
All of that to make as yet
All of that to make as yet
I have a single heartbreak
I celebrate and mourn
A single shining sister
And all the tricks of dawn
A single yellow duvet
A single switch to flick
But a thousand boxes yet to tick
A thousand boxes yet to tick
And Jesus is a Rochdale girl
And forty-five CDs
Got a house that you can smoke in
So all my friends found me
And they found me full of myself
And bloody-minded will
And as yet a box to fill
And as yet a box to fill
Brilliant to see some of those old musos survived fame & fortune ….cunning arthritic fingers can always ‘fake/slide’ an open ‘Joni’ chord, eh.
I forget that my Berkeley wanted to know how to pronounce ‘Kottke’ —it was always Kotkay for me, but I might well be wrong.
What is it about the piano riff that is played at the end of each verse- it seems incomplete somehow. I don't have a good enough ear to figure it out.
It doesn't properly resolve to the tonic, or at least it does, but the note is so quiet that you may not hear it.
What is it about the piano riff that is played at the end of each verse- it seems incomplete somehow. I don't have a good enough ear to figure it out.
Maybe because the low and the high notes in that phrase are not completely in sync? That little bit of timing difference gives it a unique sound.
Ooh, I rather doubt it, given Elbow's provenance. This almost certainly refers to Rochdale, Manchester, as dull and dour a town as you're likely to find in that area, and there are no shortage of dull dour towns with dark sandstone buildings and downcast folk, believe me. Consciously or not, this deliberate dirge of a song reflects the nature of Rochdale.
I'm sure that the Toronto Rochdale is considerably livelier and more interesting than the English version.
Interesting, thanks for the background Fred. At first I thought the Rochdale might be the housing complex in Queens in NYC. Guy Garvey did spend some time in the very hip Greenpoint neighborhood in Brooklyn (just up the street from my also very cool neighborhood). However, unlikely that this would have lead to any connection to the decidedly dull version of Rochdale in Queens.
Thanks for posting that - it's nice to hear the background for this song (which I love). Can't help but note how horrible the film editing is on that clip though - so not aligned with the rhythm or mood of the song.
Ooh, I rather doubt it, given Elbow's provenance. This almost certainly refers to Rochdale, Manchester, as dull and dour a town as you're likely to find in that area, and there are no shortage of dull dour towns with dark sandstone buildings and downcast folk, believe me. Consciously or not, this deliberate dirge of a song reflects the nature of Rochdale.
I'm sure that the Toronto Rochdale is considerably livelier and more interesting than the English version.
This made me chuckle. Geography (and time) colour so many of our perceptions. I'm from Toronto originally so the first time I heard this I too immediately linked it to Toronto's Rochdale - which was a failed social experiment of the 60s.
Without googling or wiki for backup, Rochdale was originally an apartment building sized student residence of the University of Toronto. At some point in the late 60s student/hippy turbulence the students took it over for a period of time, declaring it a Free State or some equivalent. I have several friends who were part of it, Tales of Adventure range from parties fueled by acid, golfball sized chunks of hash, and fishbowls of pharmaceuticals knicked from parents medicine cabinets ("tonight I'll just try blue ones"), with naked girls wandering dazed and confused room to room, and more than once motorcycles bursting out of the elevator several floors above ground level. But it also quickly devolved into filth, anarchy, and violence and burned out leaving mixed memories for the survivors and media.
So "dull and dour" doesn't quite fit Toronto's Rochdale... but Jesus could have at least smoked in it.
While Jesus could have indeed been a girl, it is rather unlikely she came from Toronto......
I'm about 5 chapters into a very compelling read... straightens out misconceptions of Christ's teachings heralded by the Nicea Council and recognizes that women were amongst his disciples (and Mary M was not a prostitute): https://parabola.org/2015/01/29/the-gospel-of-mary-magdalene/
While Jesus could have indeed been a girl, it is rather unlikely she came from Toronto......
Right on that.
While Jesus could have indeed been a girl, it is rather unlikely she came from Toronto......
Ydesign wrote:
they just seem to go know where and then end?
Ooh, I rather doubt it, given Elbow's provenance. This almost certainly refers to Rochdale, Manchester, as dull and dour a town as you're likely to find in that area, and there are no shortage of dull dour towns with dark sandstone buildings and downcast folk, believe me. Consciously or not, this deliberate dirge of a song reflects the nature of Rochdale.
I'm sure that the Toronto Rochdale is considerably livelier and more interesting than the English version.
Yes. Or at least it certainly was until it gentrified.
they just seem to go know where and then end?
Surely, you speak from only second-hand knowledge!

Ooh, I rather doubt it, given Elbow's provenance. This almost certainly refers to Rochdale, Manchester, as dull and dour a town as you're likely to find in that area, and there are no shortage of dull dour towns with dark sandstone buildings and downcast folk, believe me. Consciously or not, this deliberate dirge of a song reflects the nature of Rochdale.
I'm sure that the Toronto Rochdale is considerably livelier and more interesting than the English version.
She looks familiar, but I would have to see her buck ass naked to be sure...
everybody in my mushrooming multitude of homeless camps loves this song...
hope life is grand for you this autumn in the northern hemisphere, unclehud...

A frequenter of Romeotuma's hotel room / mega-church?
And forty-five CDs
Got a house that you can smoke in
So all my friends found me
And they found me full of myself
I like Elbow, but wonder about the lyrics and title.
Here's a link with Guy Garvey talking about how he wrote the song --->
Rochdale Girl --->

Pretty smile, let's hope "Jesus is with a Rochdale Girl"
- That would be bloody-brilliant! (but unfortunately inaccurate)
I also would never have heard any Elbow if it wasn't for RP...I Love their music. very much a Pink Floyd influence
Ditto, yet again Bill has introduced me to another excellent grp

Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches loves this song...
... noooo - but those were the days...
I also would never have heard any Elbow if it wasn't for RP...I Love their music. very much a Pink Floyd influence
It most certainly isn't. It's Rochdale, Lancashire UK. Just down the road from where Guy Garvey lives/lived.
Everybody in my church loves this song...
how can one not love elbow?
I'm really starting to dig them...going to have to check out more of their stuff.
Crude and rude rdo.
It is never too late to grow up.
Got the pic i wanted..didnt i? I fear i may have created a monster though...darn pic is now on every gd page!!!!!
i know what you mean.
the seldom seen kid is my favorite (next to from asleep in the back)
but this song in particular grew on me from this album. there are also a couple other noteworthy tunes from this effort. it really took time to grow on me though.
beautiful... love it... we be dancing...

finally ! a picture of you and everybody in your hotel room dancin'.....................
Quit backsliding again with the hotel, ears, dancin', nipples, etc.. remarks. You are a good writer. Below you wrote a nice little bit. Your knowledge of music is quite impressive, among other things. Quit being the opposite of troll - the non-troll, the anti-troll. What is that? The fairy godmother? I don't know. Put your talents to better use. Also, please post a picture of your chicks in that room.
Crude and rude rdo.
It is never too late to grow up.
how can one not love elbow?
Quit being the opposite of troll - the non-troll, the anti-troll. What is that? The fairy godmother? I don't know.
it's just another troll. And you've just fed it. But I do agree, Romeotuma can write a fair stick when (s)he wants to.
marvelous... love it... aging sux...
Quit backsliding again with the hotel, ears, dancin', nipples, etc.. remarks. You are a good writer. Below you wrote a nice little bit. Your knowledge of music is quite impressive, among other things. Quit being the opposite of troll - the non-troll, the anti-troll. What is that? The fairy godmother? I don't know. Put your talents to better use. Also, please post a picture of your chicks in that room.

Everybody in my hotel room loves this song...
What the h, e, double hockey sticks is going on in that hotel room all the time?
Everybody in my hotel room loves this song...
Does no one in your hotel room have a mind of their own.."they " always all like something hmmm ...Surly one of them disagrees once in a while?
Tru dat!
This song is depressing just like Rochdale, which is filled with the unemployed and heroin addicts.
Comment of the Month Award Winner!

Exactly. Don't you get it?

Probably not. I've had to mute the song halfway through before I was claimed by the arms of Morpheus

Elbow are definitely flavour of the year in the UK with rave reviews and big spreads in the quality Press, and kudos to them for sticking it out in the doldrums for so long before hitting the bigtime, but I've just never 'got' their sound :(
Maybe that is what they were going for...?
Yup... the intended meaning of this song is definitely about the existential reality of getting older... it is a wistful expression of the carefree days of youth, when a teenager has little to worry about, compared to an older adult...
this sort of expression is common in art... for example, in the movie American Beauty, an older adult tries to recapture his carefree days of youth, and he winds up dying as a result of it... the theme of the movie is that there's no going back...
of course, a plebe who is unfamiliar with art might miss the meaning in this song that paradise is youth— "Jesus is a Rochdale Girl"... for an unsophisticated plebe, the meaning of this song might go WHOOSH right over his head...
How beautifully put! I love this song. Thank you
Exactly. Don't you get it?

Yup... the intended meaning of this song is definitely about the existential reality of getting older... it is a wistful expression of the carefree days of youth, when a teenager has little to worry about, compared to an older adult...
this sort of expression is common in art... for example, in the movie American Beauty, an older adult tries to recapture his carefree days of youth, and he winds up dying as a result of it... the theme of the movie is that there's no going back...
of course, a plebe who is unfamiliar with art might miss the meaning in this song that paradise is youth— "Jesus is a Rochdale Girl"... for an unsophisticated plebe, the meaning of this song might go WHOOSH right over his head...
Great post Romeo. More like this.
...or not
A wonderful album and captures life like a painting.
Bowie's I have not been to "Oxford Town."
Yes very Bowie!
Bowie's I have not been to "Oxford Town."
That is so cool!

I can understand why some people just don't get these guys. They can be very restrained and understated, but there is amazing power lurking just below the surface.
I find them fascinating.
Beautiful......build a rocket boys!!!!
I like that delay effect on the electric piano.
Yes. I couldn't figure out how to describe it... makes trying to tap your toes with the beat a little strange... very refreshing and surprising.
I like that delay effect on the electric piano.
Elbow are from the town about 6 mile down the road
That is all
We be dancing... love it...
Hmmm... not what I would call dancing music. Maybe if you said you were sipping tea on a rocking chair on a porch....
Yup... a list of the priorities of youth... his youth was paradise... bingo... thanks for posting this...
Amazing song, amazing lyrics, amazing band.
Why is just about every song on the album built on either a pedal bass or a pedal point?
It goes like this. . .
When he was young he had a girl. She lived in a run down area. They had 45 cd's to play. They shagged under a single yellow dovet. The room only had one light. His 'religion' was shagging his Rochdale girl (which is a grim northern England town) and was thus his Jesus. He was allowed to smoke in the house. . . which means he invited his mates around because when he was young - finding somewhere to smoke is a luxury as generally you could not smoke in your own home. This was the first of many boxes (of life) that needed ticking. . .
Job done.
And they found me full of myself / And bloody-minded will
And as yet a box to fill / And as yet a box to fill
The headstrong youth with an unyielding will for the first couplet of the last verse. And the final couplet indciates he hasn't completed his checklist. (As a young man, he hasn't yet come to grips with the concept that every desirable goal will not be achieved.)
"They found me." Does that signify the supposed opinion of all his friends that came to visit? Or perhaps something more morbid?
Oh, I think it's just Garvey commenting on his younger self in that first line. I know that I was quite definitely full of myself at that point in my life and I'm pretty sure that. I guess the second line could be considered a bit morbid. The "box to fill" here is, I think, different than the "boxes to tick" - i.e. it's a coffin. A box all here have yet to fill ;-)
Interesting interpretations, all.
I can easily see the Rochdale girl representing Jesus, as there were two or three girls/women that represented "salvation" during the ten years it took me to get out of college.
A single yellow duvet / A single switch to flick
But a thousand boxes yet to tick / A thousand boxes yet to tick
This probably represents the simplicity of his life - one bed, one light switch, perhaps only one room - but with so many things left on the list of things to accomplish.
And they found me full of myself / And bloody-minded will
And as yet a box to fill / And as yet a box to fill
The headstrong youth with an unyielding will for the first couplet of the last verse. And the final couplet indciates he hasn't completed his checklist. (As a young man, he hasn't yet come to grips with the concept that every desirable goal will not be achieved.)
"They found me." Does that signify the supposed opinion of all his friends that came to visit? Or perhaps something more morbid?
Personally, I don't see religion in this at all.
And forty-five CDs
Got a house that you can smoke in
So all my friends found me
As much as I have been able to gather, the songwriter had lost his Christian faith and was generally depressed.
I don't know Garvey's faith, but I don't think you can really infer a loss of it. I think he is using Christ in a metaphorical sense as is common in songs nowadays.The singer is reminiscing in a slightly maudlin way about his youth. When you're just out of school, have your own place, a girl, some good music, and friends around, that is your everything, your "all-sufficiency". Looking back he can see a little more objectively the stolen shopping carts and general squalor of the place. But there is still, and will always be, the nostalgia of being that "brand new adult" with nothing holding you in place, no reason to look back, always facing forward to the future wondering what it will hold.
The 21yr old that is still left in me can truly relate - been there, done that! However, the 38yr old now very much prefers my wonderful wife, always-surprising toddler son, good job, and comfortable house.
I have a drop-leaf window
With cats and broken yards
Sunflowers and paint cans
And stolen shopping carts
And nothing to be proud of
And nothing to regret
All of that to make as yet
All of that to make as yet
I have a single heartbreak
I celebrate and mourn
A single shining sister
And all the tricks of dawn
A single yellow duvet
A single switch to flick
But a thousand boxes yet to tick
A thousand boxes yet to tick
And Jesus is a Rochdale girl
And forty-five CDs
Got a house that you can smoke in
So all my friends found me
And they found me full of myself
And bloody-minded will
And as yet a box to fill
And as yet a box to fill
As much as I have been able to gather, the songwriter had lost his Christian faith and was generally depressed. His girlfriend, who may have been "a Rochdale girl" (Rochdale apparently being a nearby girls school), became his "savior" or, put it a little differently, his "Jesus." Apparently he was living in a rather squalid house, and not doing very well. His girlfriend would come over and play music, as in "forty-five CDs," for him, and so became a saving bright spot in his life.
Nice tribute, but there are other interpretations possible.
Any help?
Leonard Cohen, he ain't.
Thank God! The last tune was. Two in a row and I'd have to take the $0.10 solution to my temple.....