Ben Harper — Steal My Kisses

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Total ratings: 513
Length: 4:04
Plays (last 30 days): 0
I put into Nashville, Tennessee
But you wouldn't even come around to see me
And since you're headin' up to Carolina
You know I gonna be right there behind you
'Cause I always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Now I love to feel that warm southern rain
Just to hear it fall is the sweetest sounding thing
And to see it fall on your simple country dress
It's like heaven to me I must confess
'Cause I always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Now I've been hangin' around you for days
But when I lean in you just turn your head away
I know you didn't mean that
She said I love the way you think but I hate the way you act
'Cause I always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
But you wouldn't even come around to see me
And since you're headin' up to Carolina
You know I gonna be right there behind you
'Cause I always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Now I love to feel that warm southern rain
Just to hear it fall is the sweetest sounding thing
And to see it fall on your simple country dress
It's like heaven to me I must confess
'Cause I always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Now I've been hangin' around you for days
But when I lean in you just turn your head away
I know you didn't mean that
She said I love the way you think but I hate the way you act
'Cause I always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Always have to steal my kisses from you
Comments (119)add comment
Reminds of when my daughter was very little (2 yrs old) and it was hard to get a kiss from's a silly song...but has a special meaning for me..... that's why I like it!
There are not all that many songs played here that really grate on me. This is one of them. It's just not enjoyable (to me), regardless of its intent, or lack of seriousness, or any of the other explanations that folks come up with for why a listener really should like a particular piece.
dedawson wrote:
Gets my vote! But I also agree with Excelsior that another option should pertain to the artist's works as a hole (sic).
Here it is folks. The best argument ever for a new "Request that this song never be played on Radio Paradise again, ever" button.

Gets my vote! But I also agree with Excelsior that another option should pertain to the artist's works as a hole (sic).
"Note to self", thought the recording engineer after Ben's session, "Do not ever use that spit laden microphone again".
This song is going along, nice and poppy, cute lyrics, and then WHAMMO lame-o beatboxing. Blurgh.
govna wrote:
Exactly, the whole album did and I've never been interested since. His first 2 were great, his 3rd was ok....this album was a dog and pretty much everything since has been barely worth a yawn. I felt like on this album he was trying his hand at some different styles of music that just didn't suit him, and he never regained his groove or inspiration after that. I can't even imagine him recording something cool like 'Ground on Down' or adventurous like 'God Fearing Man' or as heartfelt as 'Pleasure and Pain' these days....
ah, here it is. the song that officially turned me off of ben harper.
Exactly, the whole album did and I've never been interested since. His first 2 were great, his 3rd was ok....this album was a dog and pretty much everything since has been barely worth a yawn. I felt like on this album he was trying his hand at some different styles of music that just didn't suit him, and he never regained his groove or inspiration after that. I can't even imagine him recording something cool like 'Ground on Down' or adventurous like 'God Fearing Man' or as heartfelt as 'Pleasure and Pain' these days....
I was going to give this song a 6... that is, till I heard the bass solo.. which made it an instant 8! 

I'm not a huge Ben Harper fan, but I sure like this song.
Love Ben Harper, hate this song...
ah, here it is. the song that officially turned me off of ben harper.
RP introduced me to Ben Harper and I'm better for it. Thanks.
beatbox? really? whadda douche
I agree with all the negative folks out there; however, in spite of Ben Harper being 'soulless' he makes some catchy tunes every once in a while. I have to give this one to him. It gets an 8 to 9.
Geez, lighten up guys, it's a fun/happy, light song. Does every song have to be DEEP.
. . . It would be interesting to NOT see comments until after one has posted. This is an OK tune, would like to see a bit more depth and richness in the lyrics. The rif does not change much . . .
andrewimft wrote:
wow. haven't thought about that song in ages. though i like harper's song here, that one is far better. gotta see if i can dig it out. thanks!
Nicely said, I agree. Graham Parker had a great song about fatherhood on Deep Cuts from Nowhere called Tough On Clothes, gist of the words being his child was hard to keep up with, have to go to the store as she or he grows in spurts, just bought some clothes yesterday but now they're worn or outworn, but it isn't it what it's all about for working blokes and how I love my kids. Touching, funny and true plus excellent musically. Struck by Lightning also has many great songs about family and children.
wow. haven't thought about that song in ages. though i like harper's song here, that one is far better. gotta see if i can dig it out. thanks!
dedawson wrote:
Replace "song" with "artist" and it's even more correct.
Here it is folks. The best argument ever for a new "Request that this song never be played on Radio Paradise again, ever" button.

Replace "song" with "artist" and it's even more correct.

Excelsior wrote:
All Ben Harper = an automatic 1. Self-important, soulless "artist."
All Ben Harper = an automatic 1. Self-important, soulless "artist."
Aah... I wish I could play bass like this guy... 

Here it is folks. The best argument ever for a new "Request that this song never be played on Radio Paradise again, ever" button.

I have to give this one a high score just to balance out all the haters!

First page of comments almost entirely negative (and I came here to add another of the same—jeez, what vapid drivel). And yet . . . a 6.3 average rating and 11 people think it's God-like. Interesting.
Pyro wrote:
I don't get all the negative response to this lively, harmless tune, but, yes, that bass line is awesome.
The best thing about this song is the bass line.
I don't get all the negative response to this lively, harmless tune, but, yes, that bass line is awesome.
Sooooooo sick of this song. Isn't there a better less played one? Mute.
plight wrote:
Evidently this song was inspired by his toddler, who was constantly running around, obliging him to 'steal' his kisses. I don't care much about lyrics in general, but i think this song would have been so much more endearing if it had been about that little vignette and the joy of fatherhood. Instead, we get some vague mishmash about relationships again--gee, never have heard that before.
likewise, "how great it is to be a dad" is a dangerous territory for otherwise talented musicians to write about; it often comes across as maudlin and trite. He had a chance to turn in some really stellar work here with a great groove and subject, so it's sad that he settled for mediocrity both musically and lyrically.
He can do much better, as others have said in fewer words.
(edit: that same authenticity might be part of why jack johnson is so widely enjoyed for similarly casual grooves; whereas ben sometimes falls into cliche or standard call-and-response stuff, jack always feels pretty honest.)
Nicely said, I agree.
Graham Parker had a great song about fatherhood on Deep Cuts from Nowhere called Tough On Clothes, gist of the words being his child was hard to keep up with, have to go to the store as she or he grows in spurts, just bought some clothes yesterday but now they're worn or outworn, but it isn't it what it's all about for working blokes and how I love my kids. Touching, funny and true plus excellent musically. Struck by Lightning also has many great songs about family and children.
strange_brew00 wrote:
that guy on the right side of the album cover looks like a fat man in a little high school letter jacket and a trucker hat. guess nobody told him they'd be dressing up for that shoot.
Gosh, coulda sworn that was Michael Moore! 
govna wrote:
worst ben harper song? anyone?
Worst one I've ever heard but I haven't heard all of 'em
I can't imagine why he made it. The duress theory sounds good.
curufinwe wrote:
I think Harper's producer must have forced this single out of him under duress.
I was in the VIP lounge area during one of his shows long ago and he had to get his picture taken with all the Virgin record exec's wives. It was very hard to watch, they were painfully ecstatic and he was painfully uncomfortable. The price of fame, eh.
worst ben harper song? anyone?
"HAPPY, FREE & LUCKY" type song...YES
Evidently this song was inspired by his toddler, who was constantly running around, obliging him to 'steal' his kisses. I don't care much about lyrics in general, but i think this song would have been so much more endearing if it had been about that little vignette and the joy of fatherhood. Instead, we get some vague mishmash about relationships again--gee, never have heard that before.
likewise, "how great it is to be a dad" is a dangerous territory for otherwise talented musicians to write about; it often comes across as maudlin and trite. He had a chance to turn in some really stellar work here with a great groove and subject, so it's sad that he settled for mediocrity both musically and lyrically.
He can do much better, as others have said in fewer words.
(edit: that same authenticity might be part of why jack johnson is so widely enjoyed for similarly casual grooves; whereas ben sometimes falls into cliche or standard call-and-response stuff, jack always feels pretty honest.)
that guy on the right side of the album cover looks like a fat man in a little high school letter jacket and a trucker hat. guess nobody told him they'd be dressing up for that shoot.
that beat boxing at the end really ruined it for me, ouch! otherwise, this is a good song.
Contrived... sophomoric... nothing original or moving to it at all. Ben's not for me.
You know, this is the song that got me to buy a BH album in the first place.
After this, as I've posted before on other tunes of his here, he sounds like a dusty corpse out of a horror movie is trying to sing.
He actually has some inflection and emotion in his voice here; although the boppy tune helps a lot.
The best thing about this song is...
it ends!!
Pyro wrote:
The best thing about this song is the bass line.

Ben Harper has so much good music to play. If this song were never aired again, that would be just fine.
It even has that cheesy break 3/4ths of the way through where they sing the chorus over silence. I think Harper's producer must have forced this single out of him under duress.
The best thing about this song is the bass line.
Velveeta! Delicious!
Ewwwwwwww. Everything about this song is gross.
window wrote:
This is the first Ben Harper song I ever heard, long ago when it was on FM. But then I heard more of his catalog on RP.
Which makes me wonder... do the die-hard Ben Harper fans react to this like R.E.M. fans to Shiny Happy People or deadheads to Touch of Grey?
Yes. Yes we do. Well, if you mean the reaction is a general dislike, then yeah.
This is the first Ben Harper song I ever heard, long ago when it was on FM. But then I heard more of his catalog on RP.
Which makes me wonder... do the die-hard Ben Harper fans react to this like R.E.M. fans to Shiny Happy People or deadheads to Touch of Grey?
Darrooon wrote:
That's funny.
Why does he want to steal my kittens?

Give me Butterscotch over this any day.
Earlier Ben...glad he evolved. Pretty good, anyway.

The spitting in the microphone at the end makes me want to claw my ears off.

Blech --- a lecherous sugar bomb.
Ben Harper. Not so much.
I think it's nice to hear Ben H being versatile - he doesn't always have to be "Black Rain" heavy, anyway this song is great live and gives the bass a chance to really groove
Move on Ben!!! Before she gets a restraining order.

physicsgenius wrote:
Doesn't this guy know that "no" means "no"? Comes across as a creepy misogynist.
Yeah, what's the deal with the kiss stealing anyway? What's next, exposing himself?
Is this like a yankee Jamiraqui?
Ben Harper is painful.
govna wrote:
i gave this song a bad rating only because i like ben harper, and i feel that this song is an insult to him. i'm sure you all care.
So...let me get this straight...Ben H. writes & records this tune...RP gives it airplay...and this is insulting so you feel you must give it a "1"?
govna wrote:
i gave this song a bad rating only because i like ben harper, and i feel that this song is an insult to him. i'm sure you all care.
So you like the song, but onlybecause it's an insult to B.H you gave it a bad rating??
An insult because...?
Guilty pleasure defined. A smiling 8
govna wrote:
i gave this song a bad rating only because i like ben harper, and i feel that this song is an insult to him. i'm sure you all care.
Nope - I care, my thoughts exactly. I think this song is actually a little annoying. But I will still remain a Ben Harper fan...
milehighYinzer wrote:
It is a good song, but there are many other better Ben Harper songs to play.
Yes, but for me, this song piqued my interest. Can't get enough of Ben Harper now - older and newer. For some real interesting stuff listen to his CD with the Alabama Blind Boys.
i gave this song a bad rating only because i like ben harper, and i feel that this song is an insult to him. i'm sure you all care.
Darkmatter wrote:
Man, is this a feel good song or what? Groov-ay!
This is a great song, the references to this region dont hurt. Its a happy song, like some 70s music? Its great.

onlylynne wrote:
Way too repetitive and overplayed!
It is a good song, but there are many other better Ben Harper songs to play.
Always love this song, makes me feel good!

Way too repetitive and overplayed!
Darrooon wrote:
Why does he want to steal my kittens?
'Cause Steve Martin taught him to juggle them for money.
Why does he want to steal my kittens?
Still too early from the FM radio slaughter....
physicsgenius wrote:
Doesn't this guy know that "no" means "no"? Comes across as a creepy misogynist.
Point. Shades of 'Every Breath You Take'... still a good song.

more COWBELL!!

physicsgenius wrote:
Doesn't this guy know that "no" means "no"? Comes across as a creepy misogynist.
PG, it's like you've given up and stopped really trying. Surely you can do better than this?
Guilty pleasure from a great artist. This is a such a fun sing-along song but is definitely not typical of his general repertoire.
Saw him at the Montreal Jazz Fest about 4-5 years ago on a weekday night and he played for over 3 hours. It's such an amazing experience to witness a concert where the artist loses himself in the moment.
A very interesting life and upbringing as well. Grandparents were quasi-eccentrics who ran a music store and gave music lessons. They're still around, I think. They were a huge factor on his choice of career and musical influences. Anyone know of any good concert DVDs by BH?
Radio Paradise - home of some killer beat-boxing.
Doesn't this guy know that "no" means "no"? Comes across as a creepy misogynist.
love the faux-drum shipshpapa :)
fun song from a phenomenal artist
I hate the ending with him spitting in my ear. Knock that off.
this song was my introduction to Ben Harper - thank heavens I stuck with him! awful song - great artist!
olsaltybastard wrote:
I think this song could really rock if it had a better bass groove. I hear funk in everything but the low end and it's not moving like it could.
You should turn your bass up brother
I was into it until the beat box part. Sigh.
The picture is kinda Village People-esq
Bicky wrote:
Just tryit, then.
Ben Harper writes great music.
Do not feed the trolls! If it isn't a very specific type of rock music, tony620d isn't interested. Frankly, i have no idea why he even bothers listening to radioparadise, as he seems to hate most of what is played! :/
olsaltybastard wrote:
I think this song could really rock if it had a better bass groove. I hear funk in everything but the low end and it's not moving like it could.
I was feeling the same until I turned it up. Then the low end got a little funkier, but only in spots.
honeygirl wrote:
I FEEL FOR HIM... has to steal kisses... it's sorta sweet.
Wasn't there an episode of 'Happy Days' where a kissing bandit was on the loose in Milwaukee? If I remember right, Fonz and Richie took it upon themselve to catch the kissing bandit by having Richie dress up as a woman.
Maybe that was the inspiration for this song...
I think this song could really rock if it had a better bass groove. I hear funk in everything but the low end and it's not moving like it could.
Grooviness to smooth into from Scissor Sisters funkiness...
Typically I like Ben and I appreciate that he doesn't do the same thing over and over.
But this song irritates me.
Man, is this a feel good song or what? Groov-ay!

Beat box and a tasty bass break. Awesome tune.
some one pass the hacky sac!
this song....mmmmmmm great

I FEEL FOR HIM... has to steal kisses... it's sorta sweet.
Who brought back Beatbox from The Fat Boys?
I dedicate this to an old flame from college. "Pulled into Nashville, TN - but you wouldn't even come around to see me."
what a buttery smooth voice that ben has...sigh.
if there's one thing better than ben harper it's ben harper singing happy bouncy songs!

its okay, but I wouldn't buy it.
Good Lord I hate this song. Thought it was okay until I heard it every day on KBCO (otherwise the best station in Colorado) a year after it had overstayed its welcome. Feh, and again I say feh!
Geeez, what the hell does have to do to go south?
I like the groove. Made my ears perk up and the chair dancing commenced!
coding_to_music wrote:
er, since that's throughout the whole song, I guess it is safe to say you find the song annoying?
pummisher wrote:
I find it annoying how he keeps repeating that "always have to steal me kisses from you" line.
er, since that's throughout the whole song, I guess it is safe to say you find the song annoying?
I find it annoying how he keeps repeating that "always have to steal me kisses from you" line.
'tis ok
Bicky wrote:
Ben Harper writes great music.
Yes he does, but this has to be one of his worst attempts.
This one is okay.
I like By My Side & Gold to Me better....
Got those...?
Like the tune , on the fence about the spitting at the end. An 8.
tony620d wrote:
welcome to FM radio! a monkey could write this song... deeeeelete!
Just tryit, then.
Ben Harper writes great music.
I kinda like the rhythm guitar and the funky bass line.
Hannio wrote:
Weak, like almost all of Harper's stuff. I don't understand the attraction this guy has on some people.
I really like some of Ben's stuff but I have to agree that this song is very weak. Shame because some of his tracks are really powerful (although I'm not necessarily a big fan of his subject matter) and it is perhaps unfortunate that most people who haven't heard much of his stuff are usually exposed to him with this.
masterhead wrote:
Now mikael...don't be a hog...we heard you the first time...don't get repetitive as Ben...

welcome to FM radio! a monkey could write this song... deeeeelete!
mikael wrote:
This is my favorite Ben Harper song. Thanks for putting this in the rotation!
Now mikael...don't be a hog...we heard you the first time...don't as get repetitive as Ben...
This is my favorite Ben Harper song. Thanks for putting this in the rotation!
What? No comments on this song? Well, let me be the first......

Weak, like almost all of Harper's stuff. I don't understand the attraction this guy has on some people.