Liz Phair — Perfect World

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Length: 2:11
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What a pretty life you have
Oh boy it's a pretty life you have
And I would need a map
just so I could navigate the backyard
Home is very ordinary
I know I was born to lead a double life
Of murder, strife and misery
And when I find it, I know I'll make sense of me
I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious
I would have it all if I'd only had this much
No need for Lucifer to fall if he'd learn to keep his mouth shut
I would be involved with you
I know the girls that live inside your world
Just sitting next to a mortal makes their skin crawl
I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious
I would have it all if I'd only had this much
No need for Lucifer to fall if he'd learn to keep his mouth shut
I would be involved with you
Oh boy it's a pretty life you have
And I would need a map
just so I could navigate the backyard
Home is very ordinary
I know I was born to lead a double life
Of murder, strife and misery
And when I find it, I know I'll make sense of me
I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious
I would have it all if I'd only had this much
No need for Lucifer to fall if he'd learn to keep his mouth shut
I would be involved with you
I know the girls that live inside your world
Just sitting next to a mortal makes their skin crawl
I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious
I would have it all if I'd only had this much
No need for Lucifer to fall if he'd learn to keep his mouth shut
I would be involved with you
Comments (77)add comment
I really hate squeeking guitar strings
I really do NOT like this song at all.
And so the old adage goes, no acounting for taste! Phew, she sings badly!
well IIIIIII like IT!!
Rozsa wrote:
funny, i find the squeaky strings a welcome relief from her annoying vocals!
Those squeaky strings really are annoying!
funny, i find the squeaky strings a welcome relief from her annoying vocals!

Those squeaky strings really are annoying!
Find a day job, then stick to it!
This song sounds like it was glued together using leftover parts from other songs. A real mess.
huebdoo wrote:
I think Liz has done some smart marketing to push her sexuality and lyrics that turn heads coming from a woman (HWC) I think she is a great way-point for how we perceive women and sexuality in lyrics in comparison to men.
But I would like to see if she is more than just sexual marketing + half decent song writing
Honestly if a man was to sing songs like she does - would we even take notice?
Smart marketing? This is the lowest common denominator marketing in the book. There is no cleverness here.
If a man was to sing like she does it would be featured on The Worst of American Idol.
Still can't sing and her song writing is boring and did not date well.
Thought I heard that sassy voice. . .
I think Liz has done some smart marketing to push her sexuality and lyrics that turn heads coming from a woman (HWC) I think she is a great way-point for how we perceive women and sexuality in lyrics in comparison to men.
But I would like to see if she is more than just sexual marketing + half decent song writing
Honestly if a man was to sing songs like she does - would we even take notice?
Speaking of 'skin crawling'...

Frater_Kork wrote:
Smelly caat, smelly caaat...
Not having anything from "Exile in Guyville" from Liz is like RP not playing any Who from "Who's Next".
Odyzzeuz wrote:
That's just bullshit. Liz Phair's not Bob Dylan, but there's only one of those. She's a good songwriter. You're just trying to be cute.
Too bad she can't sing. I will never understand Bill's obsession with this burnt out has-been. I know there aren't very many rock-chicks but certainly there are better ones than this.
On_The_Beach wrote:
The difference is that Dylan writes great songs.
Liz? Well, she looks good.
That's just bullshit. Liz Phair's not Bob Dylan, but there's only one of those. She's a good songwriter. You're just trying to be cute.
Smelly caat, smelly caaat...

love her & her squeaky strings

parrothead wrote:
On a real acoustic guitar depending on what chord progression your playing it's almost unavoidable. It's the nature of the beast. Lots of recorded acoustic guitar tunes have that finger sliding sound..
For a really prominent example of this phenomenon, listen closely some time to "Every Breath You Take." :-)
ploba wrote:
wow - i'm sure the girl can sing, but just not in this key
no, at this point, she actually couldn't. that was part of the charm. then she took voice lessons and started hanging out with Sheryl Crow.
dmax wrote:
You know, she can't sing. But neither could Dylan and a hundred other very good songwriters.
The difference is that Dylan writes great songs.
Liz? Well, she looks good.
Ew. Now I've got Liz's voice all over my speaker cones, and I'll have to get them fumigated. Ick.
sitting next to mortals makes my skin crawl too.
rocteur wrote:
This song would not be horrible if it was not for the sound of the fingers sliding across the strings, I hate that....
On a real acoustic guitar depending on what chord progression your playing it's almost unavoidable. It's the nature of the beast. Lots of recorded acoustic guitar tunes have that finger sliding sound..
This song would not be horrible if it was not for the sound of the fingers sliding across the strings, I hate that....
wow - i'm sure the girl can sing, but just not in this key
vvlee wrote:
I'm not sure I can articulate this the way I'd like to, but I think part of what draws people to Liz is that she comes across as ironic and somehow wistful at the same time. Her voice can be tender and warm and hard-edged and cool all at once, which adds extra layers of complexity to her music that goes beyond the lyrics or her voice alone.
Well said. I was trying to figure out how to express why I find her so compelling, but you did a nice job of summing up the apparent contradictions co-existing in her style.
I hate squeeky guitar strings. pick up your frickin' fingers!
hmmm......actually i like this song.
Wow, I think Liz has a great voice and is a pretty unique songwriter.. I don't get some of the comments.

billca42 wrote:
I thought that she was being ironic about the expectations that men place on women, but now I think that she meant it straight.
I'm not sure I can articulate this the way I'd like to, but I think part of what draws people to Liz is that she comes across as ironic and somehow wistful at the same time. Her voice can be tender and warm and hard-edged and cool all at once, which adds extra layers of complexity to her music that goes beyond the lyrics or her voice alone.
Anyhow, I love this song. To me it has always seemed like a grown-up version of 6'1" from Exile in Guyville.
I must be a fan. Everything she does is great to me. It's mostly about sex, but she has issues. Always looking to more from sexy lizzie!

dot saw liz when she was fair. feeling cheated.
off her web site:
World Series
Check local listings to tune in for Liz singing God Bless America at the 7th inning stretch this upcoming Sat (10/22) at the World Series in Chicago.
Well how do you doubters like her now?

The first song I heard from Liz Phair was Uncle Alvarez. I really enjoyed that piece. Everything I've heard since then has been a disappointment.
Liz, take it up a key or two and you won't have to do that Britney Spears, low-voice warble thing.
Utter crap.
MsJudi wrote:
Whomever told this lady she could sing should be shot, it was a terrible joke to play on her!
Liz isn't really about the music thus her vocals are irrelevant. She is all about sex.
I went to Liz Phair back in '98
veegez wrote:
'course, if you did have a romp with Liz, you wouldn't care whether anyone else believed it --- but they'd know by the far-off look in your eye!
If you are going to have a one night stand with Liz Phair, you will want visual confirmation by someone to verify that YOU had SEX with LIZ PHAIR. NOBODY will believe you otherwise. Of course, I can be that person. I will sit in the bedroom closet and I won't make TOO much noise. Please? Or would that be wrong?
Alright, never mind......
Liz is a potty-mouthed musical goddess.

I want to be Cool, Tall, Vulnerable, and Luscious too...

Makes me wanna go back to bed

good song from a kick-a$$ album!
Liz Phair is outstanding. Thanks for the play Bill and thanks also to whomever uploaded this.
this is really mellow for liz phair. not bad.
no dirty language in this song either...?
I could play this album over and over and over again- not exited by the latest one, but this is on the frequently played stack at my house.
sounds rather bland to my ears.
I've never heard Liz Phair before. Her voice is beautiful! Thanks RP! This was a really nice gift.
I frequently use Radio Paradise to drown out the giggle-chickens around here. This sounds just like them though. Compounds the problem.
"I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious."
I thought that she was being ironic about the expectations that men place on women, but now I think that she meant it straight.
KevDogRedux wrote:
I want to marry Liz Phair. Or at least have a one night stand with her. :D One of my favorite artists. I only wish she were more prolific. And I love this album. Not as good as Exile in Guyville, but much better than Whipsmart.
If you are going to have a one night stand with Liz Phair, you will want visual confirmation by someone to verify that YOU had SEX with LIZ PHAIR. NOBODY will believe you otherwise. Of course, I can be that person. I will sit in the bedroom closet and I won't make TOO much noise. Please? Or would that be wrong?
Alright, never mind......
Liz is a potty-mouthed musical goddess.
Whomever told this lady she could sing should be shot, it was a terrible joke to play on her!
I really really REALLY like this song.
I want to marry Liz Phair. Or at least have a one night stand with her. :D One of my favorite artists. I only wish she were more prolific. And I love this album. Not as good as Exile in Guyville, but much better than Whipsmart.
Wow a female crooner. This woman could not sing her way out of a paper bag.
It\'s a shame that wonderfully accessible music from Liz and Dar, among others, isn\'t at the top of the charts instead of the vile and vapid schlock that is. Oh well. Great set, RP! Love the Morphine out of this.
She has an amazing ability to write the most interesting lyrics with her graceful voice--you are compelled to listen to what she\'s saying, and you end up laughing with her as she tells a story that you can easily relate to. She says all the things you wish you would have said. The entire album is amazing and I think the music on this one is finally on par to support her songs. good stuff. ;)
I\'ve been a die-hard Liz fan for a long time, and \"Perfect World\" is an above-average example of her work... harkens back to her stripped-down \"Exile in Guyville\" sound. Liz grows on you... if you don\'t like something on first listen, give it about 5 more listens... and check out her other work too. (Jacques, I also have her entire discography -- official releases plus LOTS of bootlegs and unreleased recordings!)
This is a neat song!
Liz Phair... it doesn't get much better than that... I love everything she's done and have consequently bought her entire discography... amazing talent. Darned cute too!
Radio Paradise / What Radio Should Have Been
davin wrote:
davin wrote: