Indigo Girls — Water is Wide (w/ Jewel & Sarah McL.)
(no lyrics available)
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rgj13 wrote:
Beautiful work, however, by the other lovely ladies.
You said it. I mean, I could do without Jewel on this track, but still. I'm all warm feeling.
I could not agree more. I have the DVD (lilith fair) that this was taken from and her being on stage with IG and Sarah just bugs me!! 
Oh wow. Wow. Ah-ho! That was beyond beautiful.
CastelloKid wrote:
Chill Bumps.
If that's anything like goose bumps, I'm right there with you, brother.
rgj13 wrote:
I could do without Jewel on this track
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks that.
Patrick wrote:
I am so glad that there are women in this world.
You said it. I mean, I could do without Jewel on this track, but still. I'm all warm feeling.

"The Angels of Mercy, they are not forgotten or gone......."

Chill Bumps.
I am so glad that there are women in this world.

Amazing harmonizing. It's just stunning. As always, IG kick ass!
Help me!! Who has sang this before.
Oh, I remember now. It's on one of my more recent James Taylor cd's
I saw them sing this at Lilith Fair. Awesome!!!! It gives me chills.