The White Birch — Beauty King

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Total ratings: 1199
Length: 5:17
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Do you get down?
You better go
You, you know the clown
So let him go
If you want her
You better let go
And if she's really sure
Then let her go
You and I
Begin again
You and I
And yet again
You and I
And yet again
You and I
You better go
You, you know the clown
So let him go
If you want her
You better let go
And if she's really sure
Then let her go
You and I
Begin again
You and I
And yet again
You and I
And yet again
You and I
Comments (110)add comment
mgkiwi wrote:
Then check out the norwegian band MOTORPSYCHO (30+ years going and still is)! Greetings from a house in Norway where RP is on every day. A big thank you, will get around and start donating soon!
I assume all bands in Norway now want to sound like Madrugada - but this is a bit lame! 

Then check out the norwegian band MOTORPSYCHO (30+ years going and still is)! Greetings from a house in Norway where RP is on every day. A big thank you, will get around and start donating soon!
Heia Norge!!!
"They are sometimes called the "Norwegian Sigur Rós." " -wiki
So Codeine was 'slow core', eh? Sounds better than down tempo I suppose.
So Codeine was 'slow core', eh? Sounds better than down tempo I suppose.

Reminiscent of old Cure.
Very nice listening
Reminds me of Alpinestars...the chiming, harpsichord-like progressions sound like something Scandinavian from the 80s — wow! Bill just said they were from Norway...seems to me I've heard other interesting songs from The White Birch on RP; will have to find more!
wtango wrote:
exactly what I was thinking:) Also the tune is quite alike, but still different, love it.
And yes, agree to all RP addicts here, I'm a regular contributor and have discovered so many hidden gems thanks to the excellent programming here, thanks a lot!
Singer reminds me of The National. Good stuff.
exactly what I was thinking:) Also the tune is quite alike, but still different, love it.
And yes, agree to all RP addicts here, I'm a regular contributor and have discovered so many hidden gems thanks to the excellent programming here, thanks a lot!
pontfarrer wrote:
I can't live without RP. It's the first thing I turn on in the morning. I did away with BS cable, so tired of all the lies. I did away with mainstream radio .. the repeats/ commercial drive me up a wall.
Same here. Nothing but corporate propaganda and dreck now.
I can't live without RP. It's the first thing I turn on in the morning. I did away with BS cable, so tired of all the lies. I did away with mainstream radio .. the repeats/ commercial drive me up a wall.
Same here. Nothing but corporate propaganda and dreck now.
DaidyBoy wrote:
Agree totally. Keep hearing new stuff (to me) and drop across to Spotify to check out the album. Unfortunately, I never get to hear them as I can't bring myself to leave RP. Everything else seems pointless, these days. Thanks RP. Don't have much cash but can someone please let me know what a polite "contribution" should be?
I can't live without RP. It's the first thing I turn on in the morning. I did away with BS cable, so tired of all the lies. I did away with mainstream radio .. the repeats/ commercial drive me up a wall. I donate $20 per month ... I use to pay $120 for cable ... I am getting more out of the $20 .. so much more. thanks RP. Love you guys
Agree totally. Keep hearing new stuff (to me) and drop across to Spotify to check out the album. Unfortunately, I never get to hear them as I can't bring myself to leave RP. Everything else seems pointless, these days. Thanks RP. Don't have much cash but can someone please let me know what a polite "contribution" should be?
I can't live without RP. It's the first thing I turn on in the morning. I did away with BS cable, so tired of all the lies. I did away with mainstream radio .. the repeats/ commercial drive me up a wall. I donate $20 per month ... I use to pay $120 for cable ... I am getting more out of the $20 .. so much more. thanks RP. Love you guys
Singer reminds me of The National. Good stuff.
pontfarrer wrote:
Agree totally. Keep hearing new stuff (to me) and drop across to Spotify to check out the album. Unfortunately, I never get to hear them as I can't bring myself to leave RP. Everything else seems pointless, these days. Thanks RP. Don't have much cash but can someone please let me know what a polite "contribution" should be?
What an awesome song. Gave it a rating of 8. First time I've heard it, and the band as well. Love you, Radio Paradise. Love discovering new music. Keep up the good work :)
Agree totally. Keep hearing new stuff (to me) and drop across to Spotify to check out the album. Unfortunately, I never get to hear them as I can't bring myself to leave RP. Everything else seems pointless, these days. Thanks RP. Don't have much cash but can someone please let me know what a polite "contribution" should be?
Whoa... only used imports at Amazon - for $53. Guess I will buy the MP3 album.
Aud wrote:
. . . on quaaludes.
Reminds me of Tom Verlaine and Television
. . . on quaaludes.
Reminds me of Tom Verlaine and Television
cShaggy wrote:
It's just turtles all the way down ... :)
..went w/a 7, but it does have that sound that pushes my "ooh-cool" button.. ..say, cosmiclint: what's ol' 'tuma's room really like?..inquiring minds wanna know-!.. :•D
It's just turtles all the way down ... :)
What an awesome song. Gave it a rating of 8. First time I've heard it, and the band as well. Love you, Radio Paradise. Love discovering new music. Keep up the good work :)
..went w/a 7, but it does have that sound that pushes my "ooh-cool" button..
..say, cosmiclint: what's ol' 'tuma's room really like?..inquiring minds wanna know-!.. :â¢D
..say, cosmiclint: what's ol' 'tuma's room really like?..inquiring minds wanna know-!.. :â¢D
Starting this one at 8. Surprised I hadn't rated it yet. Like others I also thought it was Madrugada.
jkhandy wrote:

I think worshipping the troll is even worse than feeding it!

I think worshipping the troll is even worse than feeding it!
Hmmm, soft, nice to start a day of work, when it's sunny and cold outside in Beijing city. Humming with the song, drinking coffee, thinking about this day as if it would never end, feeling comfortable. Perfect tune for that mood
Stingray wrote:

naaah - not really!
a "4" because I am in good mood!
a "4" because I am in good mood!

naaah - not really!
a "4" because I am in good mood!
a "4" because I am in good mood!
heeb wrote:
Either way, this was pretty cool...
I didn't know Madrugada was no more! According to Wikipedia, their guitarist, Robert Buras, was found dead with his guitar in his hands... Sad...
Yes he was. RIP... Watch the cult movie "Wristcutters" for further information.
Either way, this was pretty cool...
I didn't know Madrugada was no more! According to Wikipedia, their guitarist, Robert Buras, was found dead with his guitar in his hands... Sad...
Yes he was. RIP... Watch the cult movie "Wristcutters" for further information.
fuh2 wrote:
Either way, this was pretty cool...
I didn't know Madrugada was no more! According to Wikipedia, their guitarist, Robert Buras, was found dead with his guitar in his hands... Sad...
mgkiwi wrote:
I assume all bands in Norway now want to sound like Madrugada - but this is a bit lame! 
I think Madrugada wants to be like White Birch. 
Either way, this was pretty cool...
I didn't know Madrugada was no more! According to Wikipedia, their guitarist, Robert Buras, was found dead with his guitar in his hands... Sad...

I assume all bands in Norway now want to sound like Madrugada - but this is a bit lame! 

8 just for the intro, the rest of the song better not screw it up
EDIT - wasn't as good as the intro promised :-/ Back down to 7 I think.
EDIT - wasn't as good as the intro promised :-/ Back down to 7 I think.
I think the fjords are calling me back. 10 thumbs up
Papernapkin wrote:
Somber is OK but the harmonic overtone (guitar or keyboard?) through the entire tune led me to hit the mute button and reach for the ibuprofen. Otherwise, the tune was not all that bad...
A bit too somber for me.
Somber is OK but the harmonic overtone (guitar or keyboard?) through the entire tune led me to hit the mute button and reach for the ibuprofen. Otherwise, the tune was not all that bad...
I missed most of it, but what I heard of it sounded interesting - making a note for myself to check this one out.
1wolfy wrote:
excellent follow to the Radiohead track..the two belong together
Yeah - in the trashcan!
This is almost as bad as radiohead! What are you doing Bill??
A bit too somber for me.
ya thats what I said....i think ?isaacsonar wrote:
Beautiful transition from Radiohead's "Everything in its Right Place"
As always, Bill's a genius!

I actually think this sounds a lot like Coldplay, especially "Beautiful World."
excellent follow to the Radiohead track..the two belong together
Godlike. Takes me back to my Nordic roots? I prefer Aspens though.
FilmSurgeon wrote:
The Larch...
The Larch.....
You can never go wrong with a Python reference.
:...number 23, the larch..."
canadapaul wrote:
agree, boring/melodramatic; let's hear some Lloyd Cole and the Commotions! Perfect skin! Rattlesnakes!
Or not... 
Sounded great, until the network stalled. God@#$%@# thunderstorms!

agree, boring/melodramatic; let's hear some Lloyd Cole and the Commotions! Perfect skin! Rattlesnakes!

powerful stuff
ReVeRb1080 wrote:
This is awesome! Just what I needed.
...this is by far the hardest song on the album; it's an extremely mellow affair on the whole...
This is awesome! Just what I needed.
What a band!!!

coding_to_music wrote:
I completely agree! It's great stuff!! It starts very slowly, but then...

lazygirl wrote:
absolut geiler Sound. Noch nie gehört.
naja, ganz nett, oder
pretty nice, not more, not less
absolut geiler Sound. Noch nie gehört.
very interesting... i think i might like this

My foot is moving without me telling it to. This means at least a 5. Only bad mixing at the end can get it less than a 6 now.
The Larch...
The Larch.....
vandal wrote:
yeah, but sometimes the lack of a big finish is far better than a gratuitous money shot. . .
Hey man, watch it. Nothing's better than a gratuitous money shot (snerk) 
leoparadise wrote:
I really find this song mesmerizing....every time I hear it.
I second that emotion. I always wish for it to keep going.
I think I like it...
The intro is spine tingling. Rotate volume clockwise all the way
If you like this song, you really need to check out the video they have on their website of the song Seer Believer. I was expecting some kind of European MTV video, but I've never seen anything like it. Really cool.
I guess the band broke up recently after 10 years together? I wish I had heard of them earlier...
this is a neat tune but the resonance on one of the pads is driving me nuts..
This is one of the thousands of reasons I go to RP for my music. I discover something new to love nearly every time I tune in. Endless thanks for finding and distilling the best music out there.

Beautiful transition from Radiohead's "Everything in its Right Place"
As always, Bill's a genius!

ahhh...norwegian. wondering where these guys were from. no wonder so groovy and so luscious at the same time. a little love & rockets, a little cure, a little sigur ros. mee likee. 8.

luin wrote:
good song! would like to hear more from this cd
How is the rest of the CD anyway?
rascal420 wrote:
It's like a big setup with no payoff
yeah, but sometimes the lack of a big finish is far better than a gratuitous money shot. . .
good song! would like to hear more from this cd
leoparadise wrote:
I really find this song mesmerizing....every time I hear it.
Definitely sets an interesting mood. I really like the vocals and the tempo.
Quite Interesting song. We have to explore more the album to see how good it is.
I really find this song mesmerizing....every time I hear it.
first time by...sounds like a solid "7" for starters...time to start digging to find more from 'tha Birch to see what we have here...
It's like a big setup with no payoff
Already a 10...
My next flight will be to Cape town
Oo my darling, Oooo my darling, Ooooooo my darling Africa

That`s make me fly away ...
I`m a aeroplane now

fuh2 wrote:
I lose sense of current time and space coordinates listening to this.
That's the beauty part for me. 
Started out liking it now's becoming ordinary, no, wait, liking again, no, back to ordinary. I get back to you on that.
Great song and great album.
Funny that the same friend that recommended radio paradise 8 months ago also recommended the white birch. Nice that I can hear them here.
I lose sense of current time and space coordinates listening to this.
MiMa wrote:
First Radiohead, then The White Birch....PERFECT
Listening unfiltered, I was already annoyed by Radiohead's junk noise, but this isn't much better.
OK, it's slightly better: a 2. They'd better be called the whining bunch. Yuck!
Now this is my sorta of thing. Love the understated guitar. Kinda like Radiohead but with a melody.
Kroma wrote:
just excellent! Nothing else to add.
Go to their website. This title (and others) can be listened (and more
with some handling)
Hey thanks for the tip!
Really like this one. Surprised at the lack of comments.

the_om wrote:
If the band members had a male offspring, would he be a son of a birch?
i think you're barking up the wrong tree.
Freakin Excellent
Uneventful. Was that all?
If the band members had a male offspring, would he be a son of a birch?
Perfect soundtrack for watching the worker bees drive home outside my 3rd floor cube here at the office.
Sobient wrote:
Grows better for each listening, 9/10.
Same here
Grows better for each listening, 9/10.
leoparadise wrote:
It's hilarious that when you click the "Artist Website" button on RP, it goes some to White Birch tree society at UMass. Did you know that a wigwam made out of birch was in the National Register of Historic Places?
It's hilarious that when you click the "Artist Website" button on RP, it goes some to White Birch tree society at UMass. Did you know that a wigwam made out of birch was in the National Register of Historic Places?
Sorta "James-like", so it follows well.
mildersoap wrote:
it was worth playing this song just for the transition out of 'everything in its right place'
I was just about to say the same thing. Amazingly seamless segue from one to the next. I'm not even sure when it happened.
Plus, I am kinda diggin' this one on its own merits.
I recently got into Interpol, and this cool groove reminds me of them. A strong song "under the radar."

This seems to resonate very nicely.
Pyro wrote:
Another band I would never have heard, if it weren't for RP. Very nice, indeed.
Thanks Bill!
Likewise! bryan199
Another band I would never have heard, if it weren't for RP. Very nice, indeed.
Thanks Bill!
just excellent! Nothing else to add.
Go to their website. This title (and others) can be listened (and more
with some handling)

I'm sorry, what's that you say? You're mumbling...what? Eh?
<-- turns up hearing aid
First Radiohead, then The White Birch....PERFECT :chillpill.gif:
Shesdifferent wrote:
Good set..too bad I have to leave now.
Okay, see ya later. 
Good set..too bad I have to leave now.
it was worth playing this song just for the transition out of 'everything in its right place'... pure genius. keep up the great work...
... So Codeine was 'slow core', eh? Sounds better than down tempo I suppose.
Yes, and apparently there's also "sadcore." Pretty sure that genre will be depressing.