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miamizsun Avatar

Location: (3283.1 Miles SE of RP)
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 7:38am

 brandog wrote:
*comes back to post this*

I googled "Sad Little Man" and got this:

(former member)

(former member) Avatar

Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 7:35am

*comes back to post this*

I googled "Sad Little Man" and got this:


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 7:33am

Remember, these people are haters. Do you want to be like them, do you want to be a hater too?

Instead, I feel sympathy and sorrow for someone who is suffering in their lives so much, that they become such evil people.

Let us all send warm thoughts to this person, to allow him/her to see the light.

(former member)

(former member) Avatar

Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 7:31am

*s Beaker and goes away*

miamizsun Avatar

Location: (3283.1 Miles SE of RP)
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 7:29am

I understand and share most everyone's opinion here, and as much as I'd like to verbally Ginsu this guy, I'm just not going to feed into it.

IMHO, he isn't worth. He is an obvious troll trying to push buttons.

When I first noticed him, I ran a modified search which revealed that he is in other forums as well.

If'n he gets shut out, he'll eventually leave. That is all.


mzpro5 Avatar

Location: Budda'spet, Hungry
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Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 7:29am

I've spent some time reviewing the last few pages of this thread and what I don't understand is why anyone is wasting time responding to warped ramblings from the resident Facist.

You will never change his thinking and like most pests if ignored he will go away.


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 7:22am

Feel better now? Now, please do not respond and maybe it will go away.

rexi Avatar

Location: Zurich, Switzerland

Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 7:22am

 Argonaut wrote:
I don't remember asking you to 'fix' anything for me, dude.

hobiejoe wrote:

Fixed it for you.

Ich würd mich an deiner Stelle mal ganz schnell wieder in dein braunes Erdloch verpissen. Dir gehört die Fresse gestopft. Hierzulande sind Äusserungen wie du sie hier zu Tage legst nämlich illegal...

jadewahoo Avatar

Location: Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 6:42am

*Cross-posted from rpeeps i won't miss *

The presence of such a despicable mind-set as held by our resident Fascist is an important marker that indicates the inevitable direction of that time worn and proven path. The spouters of the right wing regime should take that as a wake-up call regarding the inevitable conclusion of their belief system. No matter how much they might deny any affiliation with the concluding program, it is their support of the foundations of the rightwing that makes it conceivable that such dire politial systems as Fascism and Corporatism could flourish once again.

And  lest you righties get all finger pointy, as regards Socialism – in its concluding extremes of Stalinism and Maoism, we have no such exponents raising their heads here-in, that I can see, so is not a matter to be included. The forms of Socialism that proponents espouse in these pages looks to be the rather benign models provided by Denmark and Canada.

bokey Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 11, 2010 - 5:40am

 Argonaut wrote:
I just have no time now, and see no point to re-educate the libtard morons here. This web page isn't for the politics, I saw only 2 intelligent people here, one is Kurster, all the rest doesn's belong to my class.

Zep wrote:

Say what?  

Not only is this Holocaust denial, it's blame.   "If only the Jews had just kindly left and found another place to live. . . . "

Dude, you have a lot of history to catch up on.


Obviously it's second grade or below. Stick with it and you'll make it to third grade in a few years.


jadewahoo Avatar

Location: Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 10, 2010 - 11:03am

 maryte wrote:

Aryan?  So then your family is Persian (aka Iranian).  And if you're not Persian, then you're misusing the word.

 Please don't confuse the child with facts, ok?

I see Argo has taken down, in his avatar sub-header, his proud proclamation of being a Fascist neo-con. Hmmm....


sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 10, 2010 - 9:08am

 Argonaut wrote:
I can't care less what you know and what you don't. sirdroseph wrote:

Yea, I am good with that, I am not the one spreadin the hate.{#No}


sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 10, 2010 - 9:02am

 Argonaut wrote:

Well, the France got rid of the Jews and Britain was the first one, then came the 20th century..right, Nazi got rid ot those too in not nice way. Go and blame the Great Britain first. I personally like the Jewish like Murdoch is:trully far right Fox news, etc.,But the Jews like Karl Marx or Frederick Engels or Lenin, I just hate: these wrote the murderous socialism theory. Stalin was the Jew too?
OK, Borat I think we know where you stand now.{#Rolleyes}

marko86 Avatar

Location: North TX
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Posted: Mar 10, 2010 - 9:00am



maryte Avatar

Location: Blinding You With Library Science!
Gender: Female

Posted: Mar 10, 2010 - 8:53am

 Argonaut wrote:
I am German. There would be no difference if I lived in America. My family all are Aryans, as far as we can dig into our family tree, ( up to 15th century), never moved around the globe, and the 'nationality'  the 'american' says nothing to me. What is your nationality? Can you trace your family's tree 3 generations back and tell me that? The nationality?

hippiechick wrote:

Do you live here in the States? From the way you write, I get the impression that you do not.


Aryan?  So then your family is Persian (aka Iranian).  And if you're not Persian, then you're misusing the word.

cc_rider Avatar

Location: Bastrop
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 10, 2010 - 8:43am

Not to mention, segregation and animosity towards Jews goes back hundreds of years before Hitler. The word 'ghetto' is old Italian for 'foundry', which is where the Jews were segregated in ancient Venice. The 'foundry' was the hot, dirty, noisy, smelly corner of the city, so that's where they stuck the Jews.

Beyond that, in many places Jews were forbidden to own land. Which, combined with the Catholic Church's proscription against charging interest on loans, made the Jews an obvious choice to become bankers: they had cash since they couldn't buy land, and they were not forbidden to charge interest. Much of this happened something like 500 years before the Nazis. The Church created the very problems they blamed on the Jews.

The issue of (im)migration is a non-starter: should the Boers have been forced to leave South Africa? The Spanish and Portuguese forcibly removed from the Americas? Throughout time immemorial people have moved from place to place. The Nazis simply needed an 'enemy' to reinforce their nationalist fervor: Jews were an easy target. Heck, it wasn't just Jews either, remember: it was anyone who was 'other'. The Nazis also treated Russians with particular contempt: the atrocities are well-documented, and are one reason some Russians still hold a grudge against the U.S.

One likes to imagine our misguided friend is merely ignorant, but I suspect the ignorance is willful, and aggressively so. Which means no amount of persuasion, reason, or facts will sway his opinion. Which means he's not worth wasting a moment's effort on. My efforts? Well, maybe I'm just showing off, maybe I'm trying to enlighten anyone willing to listen. Who knows: the more people know about the history of such atrocities, the more we can try to prevent them from happening again.



hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Mar 10, 2010 - 8:15am

The Jewish community in Jedwabne was established in the 18th century.<10> According to the 1921 census, the town had a Jewish community consisting of 757 people, or 61.9 percent of its total population <11> It was a typical shtetl, a small town with a very significant Jewish community, one of many such towns in prewar Poland.

The start of World War II in Europe began with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany. Likewise, on September 17, 1939, the Soviet Red Army invaded the eastern regions of Poland while in secret agreement with Germany.<12><13> The area of Jedwabne was originally occupied by the Germans who crushed Polish resistance being offered by local Polish cadets. Jedwabne was then transferred to the Soviets in accordance with the September 28, 1939, German–Soviet Boundary Treaty.<14> As soon as the Soviets entered Jedwabne, local Polish government was dismantled. At first, many Polish Jews were relieved to learn that the Soviets, rather than the Nazis, were to occupy their town, and unlike Gentiles publicly welcomed the Red Army as their protector.<5><15> Some people from other ethnic groups in Kresy, particularly Belarusians, also openly welcomed the Soviets.<15> Administrative jobs were offered to Jews who declared Soviet allegiance. Some Jews joined a Soviet militia overseeing deportations organized by the NKVD. At least one witness testimony says that during round-ups of alleged anti-Soviet people, armed Jewish militiamen were seen to be guarding those prepared for deportation to far-eastern Urals, for security reasons, due the proximity of the Germans.<5><14> Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods, undercutting nearly everyone's material needs.<5> The Soviet secret police accompanying the Red Army routinely arrested and deported Polish citizens - both Gentile and Jewish - spreading terror throughout the region.<3><16> Waves of arrests, expulsions and prison executions continued until June 20–21, 1941.<5>

Following Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, German forces quickly overran the territory of Poland which had been occupied by the Soviets since 1939. A number of people who had collaborated with the Soviets before the German invasion were killed by Poles from the Jedwabne area during the first days of the German occupation. The small town of Wizna near Jedwabne saw several dozen Jewish men shot by the invading Germans under Hauptsturmfuehrer Schaper, as did other neighboring towns.<17> The Nazis distributed propaganda in the area,<18> revealing crimes committed by the Soviets in Eastern Poland and saying that Jews might have supported them. In parallel, the SS organized special Einsatzgruppen ("task forces") to murder Jews in these areas and a few massacres were carried out. The guidelines for such massacres were formulated by Reinhard Heydrich,<19> who ordered his officers to induce anti-Jewish incidents on territories newly occupied by the German forces. Local communities were encouraged to commit anti-Jewish pogroms and robberies with total impunity.<20><21>

<edit> Pogrom

World War II atrocity in Jedwabne. Map of the crime scene compiled on the basis of court documents, Poland. The march of the Jews to the barn of Bronisław Śleszyński marked in red

On the morning of July 10, 1941, by the order of mayor Marian Karolak and the town's German gendarmerie,<22> a group of Polish men from around Jedwabne and neighboring settlements was assembled,<23> which then rounded up the local Jews as well as those seeking refuge from nearby towns and villages such as Wizna and Kolno. The defenseless Jews were taken to the square in the centre of Jedwabne, where they were ordered to pluck grass, attacked and beaten. A group of Jewish men were forced to demolish a statue of Lenin that had been put up earlier by the Soviets and then carry it out of town while singing Soviet songs. The local rabbi was forced to lead this procession of about 40 people. The group was taken to a pre-emptied barn,<14> killed and buried along with fragments of the monument, while most of the remaining Jews, estimated at around 250<14> to 400, including many women and children, were led to the same barn later that day, locked inside and burned alive using kerosene from the former Soviet supplies (or German gasoline, by different accounts) in the presence of eight German gendarmes, who shot those who tried to escape.<14> The remains of both groups were buried in two mass graves in the barn.<14><24> Exhumations led to the discovery not only of the charred bodies of the victims in two mass graves, but also of the bust of Lenin (previously assumed to be buried at a Jewish cemetery) as well as bullets that according to a 2000 statement by Leon Kieres, the chief of the IPN, could have been fired from 1941 Walther P38 type pistols.<14> Some sources claim that a movie made by Germans during the massacre was shown in cinemas in Warsaw to document the alleged spontaneous hatred of local people towards the Jews. No trace of such movie has been found.<25>


sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
Gender: Male

Posted: Mar 10, 2010 - 7:59am

 Argonaut wrote:

How come Eastern Europian  'descent'  if you are Jew? The Middle East you mean? No matter where your family lived, where they belong to , that was the matter. Germans asked them just to leave the Western Europe and go home. They had the time to leave the Germany.



hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Mar 10, 2010 - 7:53am

 Argonaut wrote:

How come Eastern Europian  'descent'  if you are Jew? The Middle East you mean? No matter where your family lived, where they belong to , that was the matter. Germans asked them just to leave the Western Europe and go home. They had the time to leave the Germany.

You're full of shit. Conversation over.

Oh, but first you can read about my grandmother's family:


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