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Europe - NoEnzLefttoSplit - Jul 7, 2024 - 9:59pm
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Rhetorical questions - oldviolin - Jul 7, 2024 - 2:55pm
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The Obituary Page - Red_Dragon - Jul 7, 2024 - 1:00pm
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JCF Avatar

Posted: Jan 30, 2012 - 8:51pm

Man quits his job as a salesman and joins the Police force. About 6 months later he meets an old friend and his buddy asks if he likes being a cop now instead of a salesman,to which the cop answeres,O hell ya! It's the only job where the customer is always wrong !!

Coaxial Avatar

Location: Comfortably numb in So Texas
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 30, 2012 - 6:30pm

 DaveInVA wrote:

The Irish Millionaire Mick, from Dublin , appeared on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and towards the end of the program had already won 500,000 euros. "You've done very well so far," said Chris Tarrant, the show's presenter, "but for a million euros you've only got one life-line left, phone a friend. Everything is riding on this question. Will you go for it?" "Sure," said Mick. "I'll have a go!" "Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest?

a) Sparrow

b) Thrush,

c) Cuckoo?"

"I haven't got a clue." said Mick, ''So I'll use last lifeline and phone my friend Paddy back home in Dublin .."

Mick called up his mate, and told him the circumstances and repeated the question to him. "Fookin hell, Mick!" cried Paddy.
"Dat's simple it's a cuckoo."
"Are you sure?" "I'm fookin sure." Mick hung up the phone and told Chris,
"I'll go with cuckoo as my answer." "Is that your final answer?" asked Chris. "Dat it is." There was a long, long pause and then the presenter screamed, "Cuckoo is the correct answer! Mick, you've won 1 million euros!" The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub to buy him a drink. "Tell me, Paddy? How in Heaven's name did you know it was da Cuckoo that doesn't build its own nest?"
"Because he lives in a Fookin clock!"



DaveInSaoMiguel Avatar

Location: No longer in a hovel in effluent Damnville, VA
Gender: Male

Posted: Jan 30, 2012 - 3:45pm

The Irish Millionaire Mick, from Dublin , appeared on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and towards the end of the program had already won 500,000 euros. "You've done very well so far," said Chris Tarrant, the show's presenter, "but for a million euros you've only got one life-line left, phone a friend. Everything is riding on this question. Will you go for it?" "Sure," said Mick. "I'll have a go!" "Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest?

a) Sparrow

b) Thrush,

c) Cuckoo?"

"I haven't got a clue." said Mick, ''So I'll use last lifeline and phone my friend Paddy back home in Dublin .."

Mick called up his mate, and told him the circumstances and repeated the question to him. "Fookin hell, Mick!" cried Paddy.
"Dat's simple it's a cuckoo."
"Are you sure?" "I'm fookin sure." Mick hung up the phone and told Chris,
"I'll go with cuckoo as my answer." "Is that your final answer?" asked Chris. "Dat it is." There was a long, long pause and then the presenter screamed, "Cuckoo is the correct answer! Mick, you've won 1 million euros!" The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub to buy him a drink. "Tell me, Paddy? How in Heaven's name did you know it was da Cuckoo that doesn't build its own nest?"
"Because he lives in a Fookin clock!"


muzik Avatar

Location: Montana
Gender: Female

Posted: Nov 4, 2011 - 7:52pm

 katzendogs wrote:


The Montana Department of Employment, Division of Labor Standards claimed a small rancher was not paying proper wages to his help and sent an agent out to investigate him.

Government Agent: “I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them.”

Montana Rancher: ”Well, there’s my hired hand who’s been with me for 3 years. I pay him $200 a week plus free room and board. Then there’s the mentally challenged guy. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board, and I buy him a bottle of bourbon every Saturday night so he can cope with life. He also sleeps with my wife occasionally.”

Government Agent: “That’s the guy I want to talk to - the mentally challenged one.”

Montana Rancher: “That would be me.”



katzendogs Avatar

Location: Pasadena ,Texas
Gender: Male

Posted: Nov 4, 2011 - 7:32pm


The Montana Department of Employment, Division of Labor Standards claimed a small rancher was not paying proper wages to his help and sent an agent out to investigate him.

Government Agent: “I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them.”

Montana Rancher: ”Well, there’s my hired hand who’s been with me for 3 years. I pay him $200 a week plus free room and board. Then there’s the mentally challenged guy. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board, and I buy him a bottle of bourbon every Saturday night so he can cope with life. He also sleeps with my wife occasionally.”

Government Agent: “That’s the guy I want to talk to - the mentally challenged one.”

Montana Rancher: “That would be me.”


lily34 Avatar

Location: GTFO
Gender: Female

Posted: Oct 31, 2011 - 8:51am

 jcf wrote:
Beautiful woman knocks on the old dudes door and when he answers she says,"you've won first prize from the bar down the
street.He says,"what is it?" She says,"you can have super sex with me" He says,(gasp) "I'll take the soup".



black321 Avatar

Location: An earth without maps
Gender: Male

Posted: Oct 31, 2011 - 8:22am


An Italian workman  wants a job, but the foreman won't hire him until he  passes a little math test.. 

'Here's your first  question,' the foreman said. 'Without using numbers,  represent the number 9.'

'Withouta numbers?'  the Italian says, 'Datsa easy.' and he proceeds to draw  three trees.

'What's  this?' the boss asks.

'Ave you gota no  brain? Tree and tree and tree makes a nine,' says the  Italian.

'Fair enough,' says the boss.  'Here's your second question. Use the same rules, but this  time the number is 99.'

The Italian stares  into space for a while, then picks up the picture that he  has just drawn and makes a smudge on each tree . 'Ere you  go.'

The boss scratches his head and says,  'How on earth do you get that to represent  99?'

'Eacha of da trees is a dirty now.  So, it's dirty tree, and dirty tree, and dirty tree. Datsa  a 99.'

The boss is getting worried that  he's going to actually have to hire this Italian, so he  says, 'All right, last question. Same rules again, but  represent the number 100.'

The Italian  stares into space some more, then he picks up the picture  again and makes a little mark at the base of each tree and  says, 'Ere you go. 
One  hundred.' 

The boss looks at  the attempt. 'You must be nuts if you think that  represents a hundred!'

The  Italian leans forward and points to the marks at the base  of each tree and says, 'A little doga come along and shita  by eacha tree. So now you gota dirty tree and a turd,  dirty tree and a turd, and dirty tree and a turd, data  makea one hundred. So, whenna I start?


JCF Avatar

Posted: Oct 26, 2011 - 9:28pm

Rodney Dangerfield once said,if it wasn't for pickpockets,he'd have no sex life at all !

JCF Avatar

Posted: Oct 26, 2011 - 9:19pm

Beautiful woman knocks on the old dudes door and when he answers she says,"you've won first prize from the bar down the
street.He says,"what is it?" She says,"you can have super sex with me" He says,(gasp) "I'll take the soup".

DoctorSeagull Avatar

Location: Seabreez Motel, Rm 11
Gender: Male

Posted: Oct 26, 2011 - 10:46am

Q: What does one Blackberry® user say to another Blackberry® user?

A: Nothing!

Doctor (canyouhearmenow?) Seagull

jagdriver Avatar

Location: Now in Lobster Land
Gender: Male

Posted: Oct 26, 2011 - 10:25am

 mzpro5 wrote:
Three Holy Men and a Bear . . . 


Good one!

ZM_Herb Avatar

Location: 28? 33' N 81? 23' W
Gender: Male

Posted: Oct 26, 2011 - 10:13am

 kysmet wrote:
You are on a Horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop off. And on your left side is an Elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is a galloping Kangaroo and your horse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a Lion running at the same speed as you and the Kangaroo. What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation safely?

Get off of the Merry-Go-Round....{#Sunny}

K_Love Avatar

Gender: Female

Posted: Oct 26, 2011 - 9:52am

 hippiechick wrote:

Wake up?


Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round.


hippiechick Avatar

Location: topsy turvy land
Gender: Female

Posted: Oct 26, 2011 - 9:26am

 kysmet wrote:
You are on a Horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop off. And on your left side is an Elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is a galloping Kangaroo and your horse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a Lion running at the same speed as you and the Kangaroo. What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation safely?
Wake up?

K_Love Avatar

Gender: Female

Posted: Oct 26, 2011 - 8:47am

You are on a Horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop off. And on your left side is an Elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is a galloping Kangaroo and your horse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a Lion running at the same speed as you and the Kangaroo. What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation safely?

JCF Avatar

Posted: Oct 17, 2011 - 8:55pm

 mzpro5 wrote:
Three Holy Men and a Bear . . .

A Catholic Priest, a Baptist Preacher, and a Rabbi all served as chaplains to the students of Northern Michigan University in Marquette. They would get together two or three times a week for coffee and to talk shop.

One day, someone made the comment that preaching to people isn't really all that hard - a real challenge would be to preach to a bear.

One thing led to another, and they decided to do an experiment. They would all go out into the woods, find a bear, preach to it, and attempt to convert it.

Seven days later, they all came together to discuss their experience.

Father Flannery, who had his arm in a sling, was on crutches, and had various bandages on his body and limbs, went first.

'Well,' he said, 'I went into the woods to find me a bear.

And when I found him, I began to read to him from the Catechism.

Well, that bear wanted nothing to do with me and began to slap me around.

So I quickly grabbed my holy water, sprinkled him and, Holy Mary Mother of God, he became as gentle as a lamb. The Bishop is coming out next week to give him first communion and confirmation.'

Reverend Billy Bob spoke next....

He was in a wheelchair, had one arm and both legs in casts, and had an IV drip

In his best fire-and-brimstone oratory, he claimed, 'WELL, brothers, you KNOW that we don't sprinkle!

I went out and I FOUND me a bear. And then I began to read to my bear from God's HOLY WORD!

But that bear wanted nothing to do with me.

So I took HOLD of him and we began to wrestle.

We wrestled down one hill, UP another and DOWN another until we came to a creek.

So I quickly DUNKED him and BAPTIZED his hairy soul.

And just like you said, he became as gentle as a lamb.

We spent the rest of the day praising Jesus...Hallelujah!

The priest and the reverend both looked down at the Rabbi, who was lying in a hospital bed.

He was in a body cast and traction with IVs and monitors running in and out of him

He was in really bad shape.

The Rabbi looked up and said, "Looking back on it, ...Circumcision may not have been the best way to start."

  BWWWAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaagh!   {#Lol}


JrzyTmata Avatar

Posted: Oct 17, 2011 - 7:02am


mzpro5 Avatar

Location: Budda'spet, Hungry
Gender: Male

Posted: Oct 16, 2011 - 10:24am

Three Holy Men and a Bear . . .

A Catholic Priest, a Baptist Preacher, and a Rabbi all served as chaplains to the students of Northern Michigan University in Marquette. They would get together two or three times a week for coffee and to talk shop.

One day, someone made the comment that preaching to people isn't really all that hard - a real challenge would be to preach to a bear.

One thing led to another, and they decided to do an experiment. They would all go out into the woods, find a bear, preach to it, and attempt to convert it.

Seven days later, they all came together to discuss their experience.

Father Flannery, who had his arm in a sling, was on crutches, and had various bandages on his body and limbs, went first.

'Well,' he said, 'I went into the woods to find me a bear.

And when I found him, I began to read to him from the Catechism.

Well, that bear wanted nothing to do with me and began to slap me around.

So I quickly grabbed my holy water, sprinkled him and, Holy Mary Mother of God, he became as gentle as a lamb. The Bishop is coming out next week to give him first communion and confirmation.'

Reverend Billy Bob spoke next....

He was in a wheelchair, had one arm and both legs in casts, and had an IV drip

In his best fire-and-brimstone oratory, he claimed, 'WELL, brothers, you KNOW that we don't sprinkle!

I went out and I FOUND me a bear. And then I began to read to my bear from God's HOLY WORD!

But that bear wanted nothing to do with me.

So I took HOLD of him and we began to wrestle.

We wrestled down one hill, UP another and DOWN another until we came to a creek.

So I quickly DUNKED him and BAPTIZED his hairy soul.

And just like you said, he became as gentle as a lamb.

We spent the rest of the day praising Jesus...Hallelujah!

The priest and the reverend both looked down at the Rabbi, who was lying in a hospital bed.

He was in a body cast and traction with IVs and monitors running in and out of him

He was in really bad shape.

The Rabbi looked up and said, "Looking back on it, ...Circumcision may not have been the best way to start."

jagdriver Avatar

Location: Now in Lobster Land
Gender: Male

Posted: Oct 13, 2011 - 9:09am


black321 Avatar

Location: An earth without maps
Gender: Male

Posted: Oct 13, 2011 - 8:53am

Altar Boy's Confession

'Bless me Father, for I have sinned.
I have been with a loose girl.'

The priest asks, 'Is that you, little Joey Pagano?'

'Yes, Father, it is.'

'And who was the girl you were with?'

'I can't tell you, Father, I don't want to ruin her reputation.'

'Well, Joey, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later so you
may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?'

'I cannot say.'

'Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?'

'I'll never tell.'

'Was it Nina Capelli?'

'I'm sorry, but I cannot name her.'

'Was it Cathy Piriano?'

'My lips are sealed.'

'Was it Rosa DiAngelo, then?'

'Please, Father, I cannot tell you.'

The priest sighs in frustration. 'You're very tight lipped,
and I admire that. But you've sinned and have to
atone. You cannot be an altar boy now
for 4 months. Now you go and
behave yourself.'

Joey walks back to his pew, and his friend Franco slides over and
whispers, 'What'd you get?'

'Four months’ vacation and five good leads ....'

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