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Tori Amos — Icicle
Album: Under The Pink
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Total ratings: 371

Released: 1994
Length: 4:03
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Icicle, icicle, where are you going?
Where are you going?

Icicle, icicle, where are you going?
I have a hiding place when spring marches in
Will you keep watch for me? I hear them calling
Gonna lay down
Gonna lay down

Greeting the monster in our Easter dresses
Father says, "Bow your head, like the Good Book says"
Well, I think the Good Book is missing some pages
Gonna lay down
Gonna lay down

And when my hand touches myself
I can finally rest my head
And when they say, "Take of his body"
I think I'll take from mine instead

Getting off, getting off
While they're all downstairs
Singing prayers, sing away
He's in my pumpkin PJ's
Lay your book on my chest
"Feel the Word, feel the Word
Feel the Word, feel the Word
Feel the Word, feel it"

I could have, I should have
I could have flown, you know, well
I could have, I should have
I didn't, so

Icicle, icicle, where are you going?
I have a hiding place when spring marches in
Will you keep watch for me? I hear them calling
Gonna lay down
Gonna lay down
Lay down
Comments (75)add comment
 Hoosfoos wrote:
They play this beytoch WAY too much here.
What a charmer you are.
Absolutely awful, like everything from Tori Amos.
Beautiful touching voice Thanks
They play this beytoch WAY too much here.
This song is soooo good for the ears...
 ccjemmett wrote:
Nice coming here from Mother Moonlight Sonata
Same segue on 7-7-14 hmmmmm 
Never thought I would see anyone who hated Tori. Surprised at the comments. She is a phenom to me.
 musickat wrote:
She is one of the few "artists"  (played on RP)  that are truly worthy of a 1.

Dont forget these favorites....

Bat for Lashes
Yoko Ono
Fever Ray
Joan Osborne
Natalie Merchant 



H'i Tori.
PLEASE!  not more Tori Amos, she makes my ears bleed!!! {#No}
I think you like playing this to see if we're still listening! Every time I hear Tori Amos it's physically painful. I stop what I am doing and sign in to protest. Blahhh!

Otherwise I love RP!!!

Please stop the pain though.

Sincerely Pam :-) 
 kojiroh wrote:
Sorry, this doesn't work. She's trying so hard it's annoying.

Agreed - though technically a good voice, Tori annoys me to no end - forced drama, to these ears.
No no no!
Very hard act to follow.Thought this was an excellent choice. Would like to hear more.
Nice coming here from Mother Moonlight Sonata
 dkgillett wrote:
A superbe singer, equal to Kate Bush

Uh...first part is right.
Sorry, this doesn't work. She's trying so hard it's annoying.
A superbe singer, equal to Kate Bush
Nothing wrong with the subject, but the vocal delivery made me assign the first "sucko-barfo" rating in my years of listening to RP.

What she needs is a good producer who will make her sing NORMALLY, without all those fake cuteness, breathiness and other unnecessary devices, all falling into "trying too hard" category. She probably has not a bad voice, if only she used it.
She is one of the few "artists"  (played on RP)  that are truly worthy of a 1.
harmaton wrote:
typical tori song. But masturbation within a religious context?? Reminds me of that artist that would defecate on pictures of the Virgin Mary.. Really sad and pathetic.
Oh, harmation. What's the matter, is this song making you & your religion uncomfortable? How horrible that someone would mix sexuality with religion! Oh, how are all of those lawsuits against your sacred church going? You know, the ones where the priests were doing some masturbating of their own, only not by themselves? Typical religious hypocrite.
harmaton wrote:
typical tori song. But masturbation within a religious context?? Reminds me of that artist that would defecate on pictures of the Virgin Mary.. Really sad and pathetic.
Perhaps you have to have grown up as a catholic kid to understand everything in this song. It doesn't come from a place of disgracing the figures within the Bible, but rather, all those who manipulatively propagated it to us.
The very reason this extremely sensitive human being is so successful is that she opens up her whole bein' for us, the listeners a rare privelage! Shesdifferent wrote:
This song sucks...considering the success of this girl you would think she could sing something happier.
iMacomania wrote:
This song is as sweet as its singer! Love it!
She and her style of singing is way too precious for me
mrrmt wrote:
sex is sacred to many too. using phrases such as "not pure" when describing something as natural as masturbation completely perpetuates the idea of sexuality as sinful. I think Tori was struggling with just that idea with this song. I'm sure she'd be glad to know her work makes people think.
I see your point, but isn't it just the inverse of mine? eventually it arrives at sex and religion in a melting pot no matter which one you prefer (you're saying sex is sacred) ... produces weak art IMHO
harmaton wrote:
Where did you get "reminds me .." and the logical expression of the equivalence mixed up... wake up! I don't find shit (literally) when applied to other art to be art. What is the statement? Maybe pure disdain for catholicism. Sorry I have to draw a line somewhere and taking a crap is not art. This is a sad attempt of artistic expression I believe. Religion is sacred to so many. And now you mix it up with something that would be "not pure" and presto ... cheap art.
sex is sacred to many too. using phrases such as "not pure" when describing something as natural as masturbation completely perpetuates the idea of sexuality as sinful. I think Tori was struggling with just that idea with this song. I'm sure she'd be glad to know her work makes people think.
This song sucks...considering the success of this girl you would think she could sing something happier.
mamashannon wrote:
How the hell is masturbation and religion pathetic? Are you uncomfortable? Maybe you should go watch T.V.
WTF are you talking about?
mrrmt wrote:
so to you masturbation and pooh are the same?? Hmmmmm.....
Where did you get "reminds me .." and the logical expression of the equivalence mixed up... wake up! I don't find shit (literally) when applied to other art to be art. What is the statement? Maybe pure disdain for catholicism. Sorry I have to draw a line somewhere and taking a crap is not art. This is a sad attempt of artistic expression I believe. Religion is sacred to so many. And now you mix it up with something that would be "not pure" and presto ... cheap art.
this could be a great song, if only tori had actually sang it instead of breathed it - and if she stopped already with that pseudo-english accent she affects all too often
harmaton wrote:
typical tori song. But masturbation within a religious context?? Reminds me of that artist that would defecate on pictures of the Virgin Mary.. Really sad and pathetic.
How the hell is masturbation and religion pathetic? Are you uncomfortable? Maybe you should go watch T.V.
harmaton wrote:
typical tori song. But masturbation within a religious context?? Reminds me of that artist that would defecate on pictures of the Virgin Mary.. Really sad and pathetic.
so to you masturbation and pooh are the same?? Hmmmmm..... in many cultures sexuality and spirituality are viewed as one and the same. to some here it is shameful...now to me THAT is what is sad and pathetic.
harmaton wrote:
typical tori song. But masturbation within a religious context?? Reminds me of that artist that would defecate on pictures of the Virgin Mary.. Really sad and pathetic.
care to explain? art doesn't have to be beholden to societal (or religious) norms.
I once performed this song in a songwriting class at my "Christian" college. Many of the reactions were simliar to the ones I read here. Hhhhmmmm....
I am a reformed catholic girl and get everything she says. To me this music is fantastic.
alas....enlightenment! thanks for this on a LONG friday.... singing prayers sing away he's in my pumpkin pj's lay your Book on my chest feel the Word feel the Word FEEL IT.
Heard it before. Maybe we hear it again?
typical tori song. But masturbation within a religious context?? Reminds me of that artist that would defecate on pictures of the Virgin Mary.. Really sad and pathetic.
damien wrote:
I agree, I've been a fan since 'little earthquakes', but nothing compared to 'under the pink' since, I listened to this cd on repeat for an entire third shift, for pretty much a month straight... she certainly is amazing, I met her a few years back and I was dumbstruck, aside from her immense talents, she has a presence about her.
You are strange...
Good song writer... this song though is not the best on not the best album of hers
Craptastic. Now with even more crap!
ack gurgle ick uck ewww ugh blech Not that I have an opinion or anything.
GordianKnot wrote:
Has she nothing else to say, and no other way to say it? BORING!
Boring? This song is about masturbating while thinking about Jesus...I think that makes it pretty unique, at the very least, if not fascinating... "And when my hand touches myself I can finally rest my head And when they say take of his body I think I'll take from mine instead" perhaps a little tongue in cheek, even.
Dog_Breath wrote:
Tori is a talentless hack. Enough. No more. Especially this annoying song. Christ, every Tori song sounds the same ... basic piano and her mangling sounds out of her mouth.
Wow! Every song sounds the same?? talentless hack? ...and Stephen Hawking is stupid too, I guess. I would bet you have both Kelley Clarskon cds?
hippiechick wrote:
My absolute favorite Tori album. You guys think she has not talent? I bow to anyone who can sing and play like she does. I have seen her in concert at least 8 times. She can play a harpsicord and a piano at the same time!!! Totally amazing!!!!
I agree, I've been a fan since 'little earthquakes', but nothing compared to 'under the pink' since, I listened to this cd on repeat for an entire third shift, for pretty much a month straight... she certainly is amazing, I met her a few years back and I was dumbstruck, aside from her immense talents, she has a presence about her.
hippiechick wrote:
My absolute favorite Tori album. You guys think she has not talent? I bow to anyone who can sing and play like she does. I have seen her in concert at least 8 times. She can play a harpsicord and a piano at the same time!!! Totally amazing!!!!
yeah!!!!! take that!
There are three things that you can count on in life: death, taxes, and vitrolic posts about Tori Amos on Radio Paradise!
This song is as sweet as its singer! Love it!
My absolute favorite Tori album. You guys think she has not talent? I bow to anyone who can sing and play like she does. I have seen her in concert at least 8 times. She can play a harpsicord and a piano at the same time!!! Totally amazing!!!!
I think the Good Book is missing some pages too, Tori. This song is so beautiful.
generally I like Tori...but not this.
A talentless hack doesn't go to the Peabody institute & play piano a 3.
Murray wrote:
If Tori Amos is talentless, pray tell who do you consider to be talented? Perhaps you think you can compose, sing and play better?
I think I could compose and sing better. I'd probably be really boring in my composition and go for a tune. I can't play the piano so she has me there.
Illustr8r wrote:
You could have... you should have... YOU DIDN'T!! You DIDN'T, you whiny little keytickler you!! JESUS!
heheh Sorry .. couldnt resist myself. I do like some Tori and you know back when angst was in.. I suppose my darkside over came me.. but still that was just too funny...
Too damn precious and confessional. It's like someone once said about Alanis Morisette -- just because you write it in your diary doesn't mean it's a song.
Dog_Breath wrote:
Tori is a talentless hack. Enough. No more. Especially this annoying song. Christ, every Tori song sounds the same ... basic piano and her mangling sounds out of her mouth.
If Tori Amos is talentless, pray tell who do you consider to be talented? Perhaps you think you can compose, sing and play better?
Has she nothing else to say, and no other way to say it? BORING!
JCJ wrote:
I just can't take Tori Amos. I'm sorry. I want to like her, but i just can't. To me, every one of her songs sound like this - tinkling piano, with her voice lilting up and down
I was really into her style back then and I still enjoy her music. Your opinion and point I must note is one you could not argue with. One I can identify with in a different point of view.
oh god not her again
No wrote:
Still can't bear her voice. Sorry
No apology necessary. I can't either.
Still can't bear her voice. Sorry
You could have... you should have... YOU DIDN'T!! You DIDN'T, you whiny little keytickler you!! JESUS!
I just can\'t take Tori Amos. I\'m sorry. I want to like her, but i just can\'t. To me, every one of her songs sound like this - tinkling piano, with her voice lilting up and down
This song almost makes me regret my being so critical \'bout other songs of hers, \'cause I find it fascinating and moving. Must be \'cause I think she\'s not trying to be someone or something else than herself. Like sitting in her livingroom and listening to True Tori, so to say.
Tori.. wow.. incredible artist... someone else said passion.. \"ya think so?\" I mean the lyrics are vivid, her playing is awesomly intence! I would love to see her in concert.. not a big outdoors place.. something smaller ... more intimate.. I saw a video on VH1 where I think she was playing to a small audience.. and it was great... I\'d lLove to be there in person some day... Thanks again RP !! :)
I know many would disagree...but there is so much passion behind her voice....life, her life seeps through every note.
Originally Posted by Dog_Breath: Tori is a talentless hack. Enough. No more. Especially this annoying song. Christ, every Tori song sounds the same ... basic piano and her mangling sounds out of her mouth.
When you say things like that it makes me want to get in my car, zoom up highway 99, and come and find you so that I can give you a piece of my mind (or play you a few of her better tracks, your choice). I admit, this isn't her greatest stuff, but you're so blatently over-opinionated in an uninformed way sometimes... :(
I prefer Tori when the rest of her band is backing her up.
Tori rules