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Poe — Haunted
Album: Haunted
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Released: 2000
Length: 4:42
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Ba da pa pa ba da pa pa... (x10)
Come here
Pretty please
Can you tell me where I am?
Won't you say something?
I need to get my bearings
I'm lost
And the shadows keep on changing

And I'm haunted
By the lives that I have loved
And actions I have hated
Ba da pa pa
I'm haunted
By the lives that wove the web
Inside my haunted head

Ba da pa pa ba da pa pa... (x6)

Don't cry
There's always a way
Here in November in this house of leaves
We'll pray
Please, I know it's hard to believe
To see a perfect forest
Through so many splintered trees
You and me
And these shadows keep on changing

And I'm haunted
By the lives that I have loved
And actions I have hated
Ba da pa pa
I'm haunted
By the promises I've made
And others I have broken, I
We're haunted
By the lives that wove the web
Inside my haunted head

Hallways... always...

I'll always want you
I'll always need you
I'll always love you
And I will always miss you, ah...

(Ba da pa pa ba da pa pa...) (x3)
Ba da pa pa ba da pa pa... (x3)

Come here
No I won't say please
One more look at the ghost
Before I'm gonna make it leave
Come here
I got the pieces here
Time to gather up the splinters
Build a casket for my tears

I'm haunted
(By the lives that I have loved)
I'm hau...
I'm haunted

By the hallways in this tiny room
The echo there of me and you
The voices that are carrying this tune

Ba da pa pa... (x12, to fade)

(Father: What is it, Annie?)
(Daughter: You think I'll cry? I won't cry! My heart will break before I cry!)
(Daughter: I will go mad.)
Comments (212)add comment
 jpfueler wrote:
Poe is a prime case of showing you can be screwed by the Record companies
Yep, who hit it big in 2000?  Faith Hill, Destiny's Child, Jessica Simpson, etc.  And that's why I used to be a big Billboard fan, owned all the Joel Whitburn books, but it all lost relevance in the 1990s when the industry started pushing garbage to the top.  And looking at the Billboard charts now, it's gotten way worse.
she deserved much more credit than she got. great tunes.
Love the drumming that is, at times, up front in the mix. Great melody and some stunning twists and turns. Definitely not mainstream; some daring chance taking going on here. It's dark, uplifting and optimistic all at the same time!
 ziggytrix wrote:
This was such a good album. Such a pity what the industry did to her. (Rule #4080 tho)

A Tribe Called Quest reference on a Poe song, only in RP 
 CortezTheKiller wrote:
Anyone here read the book House of Leaves? It connects in various ways to this album, and is written by Poe's brother.

A truly frightening, wild ride. One of my favorite books, but I don't know if I could ever do it again.
Elbow, Radiohead, Oliver Mtukudzi, and Poe.

Radioparadise has turned me on to so many great musicians. Thanks, BillG and Rebecca.
 rtrt wrote:
Shades of Shirley in there
Yep still there 6 years later!
 passsion8 wrote:
Still the best concept album of the last 15 years. Rock solid.
(edited - 17 years - C'mon, POE. Crank one out for us will ya?)

Poe is a prime case of showing you can be screwed by the Record companies And the people helping you fight those record companies.
This song and entire cd is written to accompany her brother’s experimental novel House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski - both are outstanding works of art. I would love to hear more of Poe’s music work its way into the RP repertoire, her first album Hello is a favorite.
 Jelani wrote:
I don't get all the accolades for this song. Just kind of average, in my opinion. Were's the specialness located?
And there is the mystery of music... What is just so much acoustic wibble to some can be a thing of sonic beauty to others!!

The 'specialness' is within the listener
I can dig it. I especially like the special effects to make it sound like a ghost.
Truly great song.
 ziggytrix wrote:
This was such a good album. Such a pity what the industry did to her. (Rule #4080 tho)
 Industry and lawyers.
"What? You're getting the shaft from someone in the industry? I can help you! Trust me!!11!"

First heard this album ~15 years ago and judged it an overlooked treasure.  15 years later I still feel that way.  Not many relatively obscure albums hold up that well over time.
Her voice is mesmerizing.
This was such a good album. Such a pity what the industry did to her. (Rule #4080 tho)
This album, and this song, moves me to tears every time. 10 from the lachrymose Nottingham jury.
This song on its own is an emotional ride for me, but after "Purple Rain" it seems like a one/two punch to my feelings. {#Music}
 Sicarrie wrote:
Surely that was put to bed a long time ago?  Wasn't it a 10-year thing that ended in about 2012?
Well, not to be disgusting, but I've not put her to bed.  I didn't hear about Miss Poe until 2008 or so, and I'm completely at loose ends when I hear her voice.

Aiyy carramba!
Wow. Thanks. Memories... Xbox and Alan Wake {#Dance}
Surely that was put to bed a long time ago?  Wasn't it a 10-year thing that ended in about 2012?
 passsion8 wrote:
Still the best concept album of the last 15 years. Rock solid.
(edited - 17 years - C'mon, POE. Crank one out for us will ya?)

It's a legal matter, baby.
 Posted: Feb 09, 2016 7:39
 nagsheadlocal wrote:
Anyone know who the bass player is? Can't seem to find it on the Googles.
Skydog wrote:

Mike "La Bomba" Elizondo

And how nice of Skydog to not berate your internet search abilities! 

If you want to practice your internet searches, check out La Bomba's credits....he's actually a HUGE deal in the hip-hop/rap world with Dr. Dre/Eminem.  He's bad ass!
A little Poe goes well with my morning coffee... thanks RP... 
this reminds me that i haven't heard "Hey Pretty" in a while
Still the best concept album of the last 15 years. Rock solid.
(edited - 17 years - C'mon, POE. Crank one out for us will ya?)
Poe is always welcome, and this song is as fantastic now as it was when I first heard it.  Thanks, RP for playing this amazing artist!
 Skydog wrote:

Mike "La Bomba" Elizondo

Thanks, he rocks this one.
 nagsheadlocal wrote:
Anyone know who the bass player is? Can't seem to find it on the Googles.

Mike "La Bomba" Elizondo
Anyone know who the bass player is? Can't seem to find it on the Googles.
I like this one, every time.
 passsion8 wrote:
UnBeLiEvAbLe!! Imogen, Gabriel and POE all within a few songs? OuTsTaNDiNg!

POE, where did you go? Blew me away and then...so long ago! 

It's a legal matter, baby.
One of my favorite songs. Thanks RP for turning me on to Poe.
UnBeLiEvAbLe!! Imogen, Gabriel and POE all within a few songs? OuTsTaNDiNg!

POE, where did you go? Blew me away and then...so long ago! 
Thanks, BillG for turning me on to this great great album.
Love this song so much. It brings a little tear to my eye. {#Good-vibes}
Jayzoos!  Her voice puts me to the red line immediately!  (In a good -- no GREAT way!)  
 jamelch wrote:
One of my favorite albums to listen to when I am making art.

I agree from one artist to another!👍👍💜💚
Purchased tracks off this album.  Thank you Bill & Becky👍💜
By itself, I think this is a solid song. As a part of the complete album: brilliant. I fell in love with the story of this album (and how she chose to tell it).
Shades of Shirley in there
One of my favorite albums to listen to when I am making art.
 ajlept wrote:
".....and I will always miss you!" This part brings me to tears (lost my Mother this past year).

I can never listen to this song, and this album, without getting goose pumps, and tears welling behind my eyes, and I'm not a tearful person. This is what music is all about - feeling and emotion, and moving the listener. A triumphant personal testament from Poe, and a tribute to her father. An undoubted 10 from the moved, lachyrimose Nottingham jury.
 ajlept wrote:
".....and I will always miss you!" This part brings me to tears (lost my Mother this past year).

Oh, how sad. My thoughts are with you.
".....and I will always miss you!" This part brings me to tears (lost my Mother this past year).
Dammit cannot bump anymore! 10->10->10->10->10->10
..can-not-resist-bumpage..8 >> 9..
Discovered Poe through, of all places, Pandora when I created a "Syntax" channel. Used RP to link to Amazon and buy this CD. Damn thing is taking too long to get here. Snail mail bites! Using Spotify to listen to it for now. Very nice!
How many electronic venues can you mention in one paragraph? {#Music}

This has become one of my favorite female artists. Thanks RP. 
Cool Poe

Now this is definitely some cool Poe.

Wiki link goes to Edgar Allan, not the singer. lol

 CortezTheKiller wrote:
Anyone here read the book House of Leaves? It connects in various ways to this album, and is written by Poe's brother.
I have as well. On the remix of "Hey Pretty" the vocals are replaced by her brother reading an excerpt from the book. Oddly enough that's the version of song that was always played on my local radio station. And the book is a wonderful, very unique read.
This album is one of the best ever - where on Earth is
poe.  I know, Conjure One - but please get us another solo album!{#Dancingbanana_2}
Thought this was Chrissie Hynde till I checked.
Simple great album, wish there was more POE !! 
Reminds me of the theme to "The 4400".

Guess I was too involved elsewhere to have hit this power pop when it was new, but thanks to RP, I now own two Poe CD's (purchased through the RP links).  Her story is compelling, especially when examined against her schizo/manic/depressive song sets.

Infectous voice << And I mean that in a good way    ;-)

 potatomutant wrote:
"Haunted" is the one song on the album I absolutely have to have as loud as it can go, just to hear the ethereal whispers and gothic choruses in the background, and Poe wailing midway through, "and I will always miss you..." Gives me goosebumps every time.

And this album is one of the most beautiful, exciting, grief-strewn, bewitching things I've ever heard. From the confused, pulse-pounding, climactic cacophonies of "Wild" to the utterly heartbreaking whispers of "Terrified Heart", it feels sometimes too-private as you witness Poe processing the loss of her father, with tummy-tickling highs and grim, sometimes chilling lows. This album is a journey, a memoir, a symbol, not just a collection of songs. I can't listen without coming away feeling haunted, and that's a good thing.
The whole album, and the track "Haunted" in particular, helped me face the loss of my mother. It's rare when this song doesn't leave me in tears. 
 potatomutant wrote:
"Haunted" is the one song on the album I absolutely have to have as loud as it can go, just to hear the ethereal whispers and gothic choruses in the background, and Poe wailing midway through, "and I will always miss you..." Gives me goosebumps every time.

And this album is one of the most beautiful, exciting, grief-strewn, bewitching things I've ever heard. From the confused, pulse-pounding, climactic cacophonies of "Wild" to the utterly heartbreaking whispers of "Terrified Heart", it feels sometimes too-private as you witness Poe processing the loss of her father, with tummy-tickling highs and grim, sometimes chilling lows. This album is a journey, a memoir, a symbol, not just a collection of songs. I can't listen without coming away feeling haunted, and that's a good thing.

I agree. While listening to this record, I always reflect on the lose of my own father...it can be very emotional.

Very true.... a wonderful album that must be listened to from beginning to end.  "Ghostly" describes it on a surface level, but its so much more than that. 

I cannot wait to see what Poe will do next!  Here's hoping for more someday!
crockydile wrote:

Then there's that whole House of Leaves connection to consider...A truly haunting book.


This song scares me. I like it, but the minor key just sorta freaks me out.
 potatomutant wrote:
"Haunted" is the one song on the album I absolutely have to have as loud as it can go, just to hear the ethereal whispers and gothic choruses in the background, and Poe wailing midway through, "and I will always miss you..." Gives me goosebumps every time.

And this album is one of the most beautiful, exciting, grief-strewn, bewitching things I've ever heard. From the confused, pulse-pounding, climactic cacophonies of "Wild" to the utterly heartbreaking whispers of "Terrified Heart", it feels sometimes too-private as you witness Poe processing the loss of her father, with tummy-tickling highs and grim, sometimes chilling lows. This album is a journey, a memoir, a symbol, not just a collection of songs. I can't listen without coming away feeling haunted, and that's a good thing.
Then there's that whole House of Leaves connection to consider...A truly haunting book.

 potatomutant wrote:
"Haunted" is the one song on the album I absolutely have to have as loud as it can go, just to hear the ethereal whispers and gothic choruses in the background, and Poe wailing midway through, "and I will always miss you..." Gives me goosebumps every time.

And this album is one of the most beautiful, exciting, grief-strewn, bewitching things I've ever heard. From the confused, pulse-pounding, climactic cacophonies of "Wild" to the utterly heartbreaking whispers of "Terrified Heart", it feels sometimes too-private as you witness Poe processing the loss of her father, with tummy-tickling highs and grim, sometimes chilling lows. This album is a journey, a memoir, a symbol, not just a collection of songs. I can't listen without coming away feeling haunted, and that's a good thing.

Nicely put. I'd second those views.

every time I hear a song from this I think I have to get it and I just keep forgetting.
"Haunted" is the one song on the album I absolutely have to have as loud as it can go, just to hear the ethereal whispers and gothic choruses in the background, and Poe wailing midway through, "and I will always miss you..." Gives me goosebumps every time.

And this album is one of the most beautiful, exciting, grief-strewn, bewitching things I've ever heard. From the confused, pulse-pounding, climactic cacophonies of "Wild" to the utterly heartbreaking whispers of "Terrified Heart", it feels sometimes too-private as you witness Poe processing the loss of her father, with tummy-tickling highs and grim, sometimes chilling lows. This album is a journey, a memoir, a symbol, not just a collection of songs. I can't listen without coming away feeling haunted, and that's a good thing.

 fredriley wrote:
A haunting song, right enough - brings up goose pimples on my arms. Scarier than The Fall of the House of Usher. 9 from the haunted Nottingham jury.

Edit: I bought this CD last week and it's pure 10, and very moving indeed. I was in tears at the end, and I'm not a tearful person.

I know! "If You Were Here" is by far one of the most sincere, loving songs I've ever heard from any musician — pure heart in that one.

 CortezTheKiller wrote:
Anyone here read the book House of Leaves? It connects in various ways to this album, and is written by Poe's brother.
I read it — well, as much as one can "read" that book - it's a trip, and this album is both the soundtrack to go with House of Leaves and a tribute to her father —he was one of the first people to ever try and do Sartre's "No Exit" in film. Such a talented family....

I have liked every song from this album
 nagsheadlocal wrote:

Huh - I didn't know that connection. Thanks. I did know that the spoken tracks on "Control" had some family history.

I love your locale description - too true.  My family has a cottage just south of Jockey's Ridge. 

As for Poe:  definitely my best "discovery" by listening to RP. 

 CortezTheKiller wrote:
Anyone here read the book House of Leaves? It connects in various ways to this album, and is written by Poe's brother.
Huh - I didn't know that connection. Thanks. I did know that the spoken tracks on "Control" had some family history.

Anyone here read the book House of Leaves? It connects in various ways to this album, and is written by Poe's brother.
A haunting song, right enough - brings up goose pimples on my arms. Scarier than The Fall of the House of Usher. 9 from the haunted Nottingham jury.

Edit: I bought this CD last week and it's pure 10, and very moving indeed. I was in tears at the end, and I'm not a tearful person.

 Mandible wrote:

anyone know: where did Poe go? What is she doing? I wish she'd record more music.

you said pogo...

 Mandible wrote:

anyone know: where did Poe go? What is she doing? I wish she'd record more music.

She did some guest singing for Conjure One a few years back. Some of thier songs are played here. Quite good, I might add.

 saeys wrote:
I never get bored of this. I never get bored of her album.
me neither. I just wish she would record something new or tour again........
Re: this album. The sum is greater than the parts and the parts are all great. Not a weak moment and if you listen to it consecutively it tells quite a tale.
I never get bored of this. I never get bored of her album.

                       {#Yawn}   (big yawn)

It sounds like there's a car crash in the background about half way through?  Or maybe it was a car crash outside here?
First time I heard it, quite good and may be one that I grow to like as I hear it more.
This is a really good album.

anyone know: where did Poe go? What is she doing? I wish she'd record more music.

Too late to go through all the old comments, so pardon if I'm repeating myself, but this song blows me away every time I hear it. I iTuned it quite a while back as the result of hearing it here (where else?), and it still gets me going every time. Love it, and thanks for playing it, Bill.
Jelani wrote:
I don't get all the accolades for this song.
Just kind of average, in my opinion.
Were's the specialness located?

The budububu at the start make it sound like it's a yet undiscovered Nena song!

The earlier comment about the layering of sound on this song is really on target. Through headphones one can perceive the complex array of chorale backings and sonic textures. The album is another that RP alerted me to. Finding it for $2 was a bonus.
Ok, three favorite songs in a row... that's a sign that I need to make that contribution I've been putting off.
spaceman wrote:
Too much pitch-correction effect on the vocals...
Must explian why the likes of Rhys Fulber has her collaborate on his albums - not bad performance for a Pinceton grad... closer to a Julliard class performance.
spaceman wrote:
Urk. Too much pitch-correction effect on the vocals...
Urk. That would be Cher... Poe can actually sing :)
Urk. Too much pitch-correction effect on the vocals...
superfido wrote:
I believe Lisa Gerard is one of the most outstanding female singer.
True, but this is a different singer and she's outstanding, too. :D
I believe Lisa Gerard is one of the most outstanding female singer.
lmic wrote:
Hadn't noticed before how similar her and Rilo Kiley's styles are.
That's because they aren't.
I think it is located in her forehead
I don't get all the accolades for this song. Just kind of average, in my opinion. Were's the specialness located?
leathepea wrote:
You may want to actually buy this whole album, its an outstanding album of layered musical goodness.
Well said!! And I agree.
leathepea wrote:
You may want to actually buy this whole album, its an outstanding album of layered musical goodness.
Yes, definitely buy the whole album. A great album in the dying breed of concept albums.
lawman wrote:
Bloody Hell! (as we say in the UK) This is another track I'm going to have to buy, via the fabulous iTunes. What was that that the music industry were saying about Internet radio? The only music I've bought in the last two years has been via RP and iTunes!
You may want to actually buy this whole album, its an outstanding album of layered musical goodness.
Just enough anger to make it plausable. 7.
Poe's one of those extraordinary singers who has 'another gear' in her voice. Remarkable when she kicks it in, and incredibly powerful. Most excellent.
Yet anothe example that the music industry is a pile of septic shite. A fantastic artist bound and gagged by an impossible contract.
Great Tune-Great Album! Love Poe!
Bloody Hell! (as we say in the UK) This is another track I'm going to have to buy, via the fabulous iTunes. What was that that the music industry were saying about Internet radio? The only music I've bought in the last two years has been via RP and iTunes!
"Haunted", right enough - this is a haunting and moving song, and I dare say Edgar Allen would have approved of the gothic imagery in the lyrics... ;-). 8 from the Nottingham jury.
I love this album...
well, yes, but I still do. :P
Thea wrote:
I read somewhere that this album was made/produced after the death of her father, which makes me cry when the bridge comes around.
Yeah, but she says "don't cry."
Title says it all
Hey, its Poe's Birthday today. Oh wait, not this girl, the writer...Edgar.
another stalker/beggar/desperate song..
I read somewhere that this album was made/produced after the death of her father, which makes me cry when the bridge comes around.
rococodeco wrote:
This song doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary....
The production is really very good. Working with little more than commonly found amongst mainstream pop artists; they came up with this thrilling sound. Pop music on another level.
another stalker/beggar/desperate song...like it oh so much.
Hadn't noticed before how similar her and Rilo Kiley's styles are.
She sure has an appealing, expressive voice. Her range seems fairly limited, but she really knows how to use what she's got.