what does this stuff do? ?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0
rel=0 I'm not sure controls=0 Does not display controls (play, pause, etc.) showinfo=0 Does not display title
Those things are set with some toggles on the YouTube page if you press the "show more" under the embed code. I don't think they're the problem. You need to figure out where that extra table code is coming from. If it is putting the frame in a table that is never closed I don't think it would show up. You might try using the html button in RP editor to see if you can see any extra code that is being added.
As I said earlier the witchcraft seems to be emanating from your end. I just noticed that in your reply there is some strange extra table code that had no business being there. It's like it's picking up more than the embed code when you copy but is also adding some of the nonprinting formatting code around it. You might try copying it then pasting it into notepad and compare it carefully to what you were trying to copy.
that was weird. i pasted your code and hit submit. saw nothing. reloaded the page and it was there.
Im callin witchcraft. you should be burnt at the stake. or made to eat burnt steak. or sumthin.
was that the same code?
As I said earlier the witchcraft seems to be emanating from your end. I just noticed that in your reply there is some strange extra table code that had no business being there. It's like it's picking up more than the embed code when you copy but is also adding some of the nonprinting formatting code around it. You might try copying it then pasting it into notepad and compare it carefully to what you were trying to copy.
yeah didn't work for me either....shrugs. I figure if y'all really wanna see what I am looking at, you can paste the URL into your own damn browser......lol
True, but it is a strong indication that the problem is not in the embed code or the RP post editor. The next most likely culprits would be configuration issues in your computer or browser neither of which I'm able to look at so I'm afraid I can't be much more help to you. My advice would be to start looking there.
I'm thinking of creating another album. I need to raise the money and all I can think of is a crowd sourcing effort. My first album, Time Water, was a dismal failure. Worse than I could have ever imagined and I'm the ultimate pessimist. So I don't know if shiopping that around as a sample of what could be Is a good idea. I know what's wrong with the last album and the new album might actually shine. So I'm just asking around, looking for ideas. I would like to partner with someone. I would like to find a pro bono bro. A manager/promoter. 50/50 split.
So most people here probably have no idea who I am. I was a regular for about 7 years until both my computers died. It's really hard to use this site on my iPad so I've been absent but always keep my friends here close to my heart. My 10 year paradisaversary is around the corner.
I'm open to any and all suggestions so please feel free to throw anything at me... tractor seats, false teeth, bum pants, hobo tapioca... or real thoughts and ideas.
Also, I'm thinking of changing the name From MBE to something less lamo. Should I do this? it would mean an ice cold start for the new project. Not that anyone knows me but I've invested a crapload of time building a tiny social media presence. I just don't know.
this post will probably die quietly as it sinks below the topics waterline but I'm trying everything i can think of because music is in my heart and mind, the essence of me. If you want to hear samples of my music just google Manbird Experiment. I'm not hard to find. Some of the tunes have bad videos I made but don't let that put you off. if you want to talk directly with me you can get hold of me on FB or Twitter.
Well... alright, cheers then,
Rob Diebold (Manbird Experiment)
I'm a firm believer of : "If it feels good, do it!" My son is a budding musician and self-taught guitarist. He uses alot of You tube capabilities for production value. Seems to be the way to go for young musicians that just want to get themselves out there and have something they can pass along. One I particularly admire is....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFiyZB5ucgo She is an amazing musician and has somehow utilized You Tube to its full potential with her own productions. BTW I remember you and always admired your sense of humor and dedication to the crafts you choose to participate in. Good Luck to you!