I have this issue also. I believe it depends on what search engine you are using to access the web. Firefox is not RP friendly and doesn't allow me to embed URL links.
I got the embed code from Youtube. I tried both Safari and Chrome.
please advise me as to how to post a video. I pasted the embed code. hit preview twice. I got nuttin, honey.
I have this issue also. I believe it depends on what search engine you are using to access the web. Firefox is not RP friendly and doesn't allow me to embed URL links.
Well, the first album was a mixture of styles: I was in the process of leaving orchestral compososition using a program called harmony. I wrote each instrument note by note the traditional way and rendered the sound with the voices which came with the software. And the other half of the album was my first forays into electronica. But I couldn't let go of the classical, so some of the tunes were classical leaning, some were electronica, and a couple were pop or a mixture of electronica and pop. This next effort would be pure electronica. I'll never let go of my original influencers but it will be more consistent. I aleays thought my first effort was music for musicians and had very little appeal to the average consumer. The music is full of musical Easter eggs. I won't spend quite as much time building those kinds of tinker toys into the music. I'll spend more time on the production and engineering of the sound to vastly improve the quality. Ill be much more patient. I'll use better and more universal software so I can collaborate with other musicians. I will make my own samples a la Waits and SPARKLEHORSE. I will play more of the instruments myself and use fewer loops. It will stay strange but be infinitely more listenable.
I always enjoy/hate thinking about this topic. On one hand, am I making music for money? Then one path is to fully express my muse and hope to reach kindred spirits and get their bucks to keep me going. (Todd Rundgren) But money isn't sure to follow.
Or, if I want to be crassly commercial, it has to appeal to the lowest common denominator that will spend money on it. (Beyonce) But recognize that people don't buy music now; they steal it or stream it.
So, if you're guaranteed to not make money off it, then you're doing it for grins. Whose? Are you going to labor to create something so you can watch other people say "that's good"? Why would you do that, except for the ego trip. And that'll be in frequent since not many people are going to hear it anyway. There are too many competitors now, and anyone with one finger and a program can make an entire EDM record in real time.
What stops me is the thought "what do I have to say that's worth taking 3 minutes of someone else's life if it doesn't make it better?" And I don't have an answer to that, so I have to factor other people out of my process.
So there's only one option: the final product gives you a big smile. No one else may ever understand it - but if they do that's cool.
Hmmmm. Missed this. Life is about reinventing yourself over and over again. Rebranding is another matter. Since you have a new direction, maybe its time for the Manbird Theory since the experiment is over.
I'll have to go and refresh my memory regarding your music as its been a while since I last listened to it. I do remember or think I remember it being kinda moody and dark. What would be different this time around ? I'll do some thinking and listening.
Glad to see you back around these parts.
Well, the first album was a mixture of styles: I was in the process of leaving orchestral compososition using a program called harmony. I wrote each instrument note by note the traditional way and rendered the sound with the voices which came with the software. And the other half of the album was my first forays into electronica. But I couldn't let go of the classical, so some of the tunes were classical leaning, some were electronica, and a couple were pop or a mixture of electronica and pop. This next effort would be pure electronica. I'll never let go of my original influencers but it will be more consistent. I aleays thought my first effort was music for musicians and had very little appeal to the average consumer. The music is full of musical Easter eggs. I won't spend quite as much time building those kinds of tinker toys into the music. I'll spend more time on the production and engineering of the sound to vastly improve the quality. Ill be much more patient. I'll use better and more universal software so I can collaborate with other musicians. I will make my own samples a la Waits and SPARKLEHORSE. I will play more of the instruments myself and use fewer loops. It will stay strange but be infinitely more listenable.
I'm thinking of creating another album. I need to raise the money and all I can think of is a crowd sourcing effort. My first album, Time Water, was a dismal failure. Worse than I could have ever imagined and I'm the ultimate pessimist. So I don't know if shiopping that around as a sample of what could be Is a good idea. I know what's wrong with the last album and the new album might actually shine. So I'm just asking around, looking for ideas. I would like to partner with someone. I would like to find a pro bono bro. A manager/promoter. 50/50 split.
So most people here probably have no idea who I am. I was a regular for about 7 years until both my computers died. It's really hard to use this site on my iPad so I've been absent but always keep my friends here close to my heart. My 10 year paradisaversary is around the corner.
I'm open to any and all suggestions so please feel free to throw anything at me... tractor seats, false teeth, bum pants, hobo tapioca... or real thoughts and ideas.
Also, I'm thinking of changing the name From MBE to something less lamo. Should I do this? it would mean an ice cold start for the new project. Not that anyone knows me but I've invested a crapload of time building a tiny social media presence. I just don't know.
this post will probably die quietly as it sinks below the topics waterline but I'm trying everything i can think of because music is in my heart and mind, the essence of me. If you want to hear samples of my music just google Manbird Experiment. I'm not hard to find. Some of the tunes have bad videos I made but don't let that put you off. if you want to talk directly with me you can get hold of me on FB or Twitter.
Well... alright, cheers then,
Rob Diebold (Manbird Experiment)
Good luck in your endeavors! I did like your song on the mix and think you are a funny dude.
The funny is just a bad habit. Generally I do it without thinking about it... except for a couple graphics that i really put a little effort into but thanks for that, it's a good thing I guess. I made it onto a mixtape? That, so far, is surely the highlight of my musical career. I am honored! which tuna boat was it?
I'm thinking of creating another album. I need to raise the money and all I can think of is a crowd sourcing effort. My first album, Time Water, was a dismal failure. Worse than I could have ever imagined and I'm the ultimate pessimist. So I don't know if shiopping that around as a sample of what could be Is a good idea. I know what's wrong with the last album and the new album might actually shine. So I'm just asking around, looking for ideas. I would like to partner with someone. I would like to find a pro bono bro. A manager/promoter. 50/50 split.
So most people here probably have no idea who I am. I was a regular for about 7 years until both my computers died. It's really hard to use this site on my iPad so I've been absent but always keep my friends here close to my heart. My 10 year paradisaversary is around the corner.
I'm open to any and all suggestions so please feel free to throw anything at me... tractor seats, false teeth, bum pants, hobo tapioca... Â or real thoughts and ideas.
Also, I'm thinking of changing the name From MBE to something less lamo. Should I do this? it would mean an ice cold start for the new project. Not that anyone knows me but I've invested a crapload of time building a tiny social media presence. I just don't know.Â
this post will probably die quietly as it sinks below the topics waterline but I'm trying everything i can think of because music is in my heart and mind, the essence of me. If you want to hear samples of my music just google Manbird Experiment. I'm not hard to find. Some of the tunes have bad videos I made but don't let that put you off. if you want to talk directly with me you can get hold of me on FB or Twitter.Â
Well... alright, cheers then,
Rob Diebold (Manbird Experiment)
Good luck in your endeavors! I did like your song on the mix and think you are a funny dude.
I work all the time and I'm still broke plus my hands hurt like the devil so I don't know what relevant or constructive advice I can give but I will say that obscurity is kind of sexy when it comes right down to it so the worst that can probably happen is that you can spend all your time reaching out and not touching but at least the bread was a metaphor...catfish?
I'm thinking of creating another album. I need to raise the money and all I can think of is a crowd sourcing effort. My first album, Time Water, was a dismal failure. Worse than I could have ever imagined and I'm the ultimate pessimist. So I don't know if shiopping that around as a sample of what could be Is a good idea. I know what's wrong with the last album and the new album might actually shine. So I'm just asking around, looking for ideas. I would like to partner with someone. I would like to find a pro bono bro. A manager/promoter. 50/50 split.
So most people here probably have no idea who I am. I was a regular for about 7 years until both my computers died. It's really hard to use this site on my iPad so I've been absent but always keep my friends here close to my heart. My 10 year paradisaversary is around the corner.
I'm open to any and all suggestions so please feel free to throw anything at me... tractor seats, false teeth, bum pants, hobo tapioca... or real thoughts and ideas.
Also, I'm thinking of changing the name From MBE to something less lamo. Should I do this? it would mean an ice cold start for the new project. Not that anyone knows me but I've invested a crapload of time building a tiny social media presence. I just don't know.
this post will probably die quietly as it sinks below the topics waterline but I'm trying everything i can think of because music is in my heart and mind, the essence of me. If you want to hear samples of my music just google Manbird Experiment. I'm not hard to find. Some of the tunes have bad videos I made but don't let that put you off. if you want to talk directly with me you can get hold of me on FB or Twitter.
Well... alright, cheers then,
Rob Diebold (Manbird Experiment)
Now I know where the song Lazy8 put on his last Mixed Tape Culture Club collection came from.
I'm thinking of creating another album. I need to raise the money and all I can think of is a crowd sourcing effort. My first album, Time Water, was a dismal failure. Worse than I could have ever imagined and I'm the ultimate pessimist. So I don't know if shiopping that around as a sample of what could be Is a good idea. I know what's wrong with the last album and the new album might actually shine. So I'm just asking around, looking for ideas. I would like to partner with someone. I would like to find a pro bono bro. A manager/promoter. 50/50 split.
So most people here probably have no idea who I am. I was a regular for about 7 years until both my computers died. It's really hard to use this site on my iPad so I've been absent but always keep my friends here close to my heart. My 10 year paradisaversary is around the corner.
I'm open to any and all suggestions so please feel free to throw anything at me... tractor seats, false teeth, bum pants, hobo tapioca... or real thoughts and ideas.
Also, I'm thinking of changing the name From MBE to something less lamo. Should I do this? it would mean an ice cold start for the new project. Not that anyone knows me but I've invested a crapload of time building a tiny social media presence. I just don't know.
this post will probably die quietly as it sinks below the topics waterline but I'm trying everything i can think of because music is in my heart and mind, the essence of me. If you want to hear samples of my music just google Manbird Experiment. I'm not hard to find. Some of the tunes have bad videos I made but don't let that put you off. if you want to talk directly with me you can get hold of me on FB or Twitter.
Well... alright, cheers then,
Rob Diebold (Manbird Experiment)
Hmmmm. Missed this. Life is about reinventing yourself over and over again. Rebranding is another matter. Since you have a new direction, maybe its time for the Manbird Theory since the experiment is over.
I'll have to go and refresh my memory regarding your music as its been a while since I last listened to it. I do remember or think I remember it being kinda moody and dark. What would be different this time around ? I'll do some thinking and listening.
I work all the time and I'm still broke plus my hands hurt like the devil so I don't know what relevant or constructive advice I can give but I will say that obscurity is kind of sexy when it comes right down to it so the worst that can probably happen is that you can spend all your time reaching out and not touching but at least the bread was a metaphor...catfish?
I'm thinking of creating another album. I need to raise the money and all I can think of is a crowd sourcing effort. My first album, Time Water, was a dismal failure. Worse than I could have ever imagined and I'm the ultimate pessimist. So I don't know if shiopping that around as a sample of what could be Is a good idea. I know what's wrong with the last album and the new album might actually shine. So I'm just asking around, looking for ideas. I would like to partner with someone. I would like to find a pro bono bro. A manager/promoter. 50/50 split.
So most people here probably have no idea who I am. I was a regular for about 7 years until both my computers died. It's really hard to use this site on my iPad so I've been absent but always keep my friends here close to my heart. My 10 year paradisaversary is around the corner.
I'm open to any and all suggestions so please feel free to throw anything at me... tractor seats, false teeth, bum pants, hobo tapioca... or real thoughts and ideas.
Also, I'm thinking of changing the name From MBE to something less lamo. Should I do this? it would mean an ice cold start for the new project. Not that anyone knows me but I've invested a crapload of time building a tiny social media presence. I just don't know.
this post will probably die quietly as it sinks below the topics waterline but I'm trying everything i can think of because music is in my heart and mind, the essence of me. If you want to hear samples of my music just google Manbird Experiment. I'm not hard to find. Some of the tunes have bad videos I made but don't let that put you off. if you want to talk directly with me you can get hold of me on FB or Twitter.
I'm thinking of creating another album. I need to raise the money and all I can think of is a crowd sourcing effort. My first album, Time Water, was a dismal failure. Worse than I could have ever imagined and I'm the ultimate pessimist. So I don't know if shiopping that around as a sample of what could be Is a good idea. I know what's wrong with the last album and the new album might actually shine. So I'm just asking around, looking for ideas. I would like to partner with someone. I would like to find a pro bono bro. A manager/promoter. 50/50 split.
So most people here probably have no idea who I am. I was a regular for about 7 years until both my computers died. It's really hard to use this site on my iPad so I've been absent but always keep my friends here close to my heart. My 10 year paradisaversary is around the corner.
I'm open to any and all suggestions so please feel free to throw anything at me... tractor seats, false teeth, bum pants, hobo tapioca... or real thoughts and ideas.
Also, I'm thinking of changing the name From MBE to something less lamo. Should I do this? it would mean an ice cold start for the new project. Not that anyone knows me but I've invested a crapload of time building a tiny social media presence. I just don't know.
this post will probably die quietly as it sinks below the topics waterline but I'm trying everything i can think of because music is in my heart and mind, the essence of me. If you want to hear samples of my music just google Manbird Experiment. I'm not hard to find. Some of the tunes have bad videos I made but don't let that put you off. if you want to talk directly with me you can get hold of me on FB or Twitter.