Mar. 30. brite and fair, went out with Potter Gorham. saw some toads 2 robins and a blewbird. gosh it makes a feller feel good to see birds and toads and live things.
Mar. 31. April fool day tomorrow. i am laying for Beany. old Francis licked 5 fellers today becaus they sung rong when we was singing speek kindly it is better far to rule by luv than feer.
April 1. auful cold and rainy. i was going to wright a love letter to Beany and sine Lizzie Toles name to it but i told father about it for fun and he said that it was fourgery and that i cood be prostecuted and sent to jale. so i dident. tonite me and Beany rung five door bells for april fool.
April 2. been trying to get rid of some warts. Pewt says if you hook a piece of pork after dark, rub it on the warts and say arum erum irum orum urum and nurum 3 times turn round twice and throw the pork thru a window, then the warts will all be gone the next day. me and Beany is going to try it tomorrow.
April 3. brite and fair. dident get a chance to hook the pork.
April 4. The band played in the band room to-nite. it was warm enuf to have the windows open and we cood hear it. i sat out in the school yard til 10 oclock to hear it and father came out and walked me home. Beany was mad becaus i cared more for the band than for getting rid of the warts.
You mean existentially speaking? I would say the innocent bystander probably. Or possibly the cowardly lion. Also a nod to both lazy bones and twin hideou, time flyer...
I know you are but what am I?= Same to you but more of it Algebra happens; add, subtract, divide, multiply Substitute
Does logic follow? And and Nand and Nor to explore Are there haves and have nots? or what bots and half knots?
I know you are but more of it = Same to you but what am I? Are we hung up on fractions or factions? Substitute
Do the questions become rhetorical thereby cancelling each other out? Is that a rhetorical question? Can we taste the wind? Is it sweet or sour by the half an hour?
Does life have a half life? Is it in the shape of a world? Substitute
These are the questions I ask myself when the oxygen is thin... When ones and zeroes sit idling half awake...
Tryin' to sum it up,
'To be, or not to be, that is the question.'
A train of thought, in-calculating suicide, or so it looks to me. Salted with eternal wisdom, not understood by majority. In all, a somewhat sad story, me thinks. How much abuse does on have to take, before arriving in such a realm?
OV, please correct me, if I went completely astray, the air is getting thinner by each inhalation, leading me to a fish-breathing... and the light becomes supermorphous.
Math is the new arithmetic
To what end would you die to have lived even half the time you were alive?
Vincent shot himself in the chest on this day, 27 July, but died some time later not of the bullet. He died from infection; his brother Theo saying that his last words were "The sadness will last forever"
Sunflowers We're all astray my friend. And yet, somehow we can find our way through this sadness. It need not last forever but for some? Well...
And now, once again, I bid my hideous progeny go forth and prosper. I have an affection for it, for it was the offspring of happy days, when death and grief were but words, which found no true echo in my heart. MWS
from opening post and throughout the thread, at least abstractly...
I know you are but what am I?= Same to you but more of it Algebra happens; add, subtract, divide, multiply Substitute
Does logic follow? And and Nand and Nor to explore Are there haves and have nots? or what bots and half knots?
I know you are but more of it = Same to you but what am I? Are we hung up on fractions or factions? Substitute
Do the questions become rhetorical thereby cancelling each other out? Is that a rhetorical question? Can we taste the wind? Is it sweet or sour by the half an hour?
Does life have a half life? Is it in the shape of a world? Substitute
These are the questions I ask myself when the oxygen is thin... When ones and zeroes sit idling half awake...
Thou art the Great Chief, the first among thy brethren, the Prince of the Company of the Gods, the establisher of Right and Truth throughout the World, the Son who was set on the great throne of his father Keb. Thou art the beloved of thy mother Nut, the mighty one of valour, who overthrew the Sebau-fiend. Thou didst stand up and smite thine enemy, and set thy fear in thine adversary. Thou dost bring the boundaries of the mountains. Thy heart is fixed, thy legs are set firm.Thou art the heir of Keb and of the sovereignty of the Two Lands (Egypt). He (Keb) hath seen his splendours, he hath decreed for him the guidance of the world by thy hand as long as times endure. Thou hast made this earth with thy hand, and the waters, and the winds, and the vegetation, and all the cattle, and all the feathered fowl, and all the fish, and all the creeping things, and all the wild animals therof. The desert is the lawful possession of the son of Nut. The Two Lands (Egypt) are content to crown thee upon the throne of thy father, like Ra.
I who asks nothing with voice of water no song of time pay I the lemons with lime...
Thou art the Great Chief, the first among thy brethren, the Prince of the Company of the Gods, the establisher of Right and Truth throughout the World, the Son who was set on the great throne of his father Keb. Thou art the beloved of thy mother Nut, the mighty one of valour, who overthrew the Sebau-fiend. Thou didst stand up and smite thine enemy, and set thy fear in thine adversary. Thou dost bring the boundaries of the mountains. Thy heart is fixed, thy legs are set firm. Thou art the heir of Keb and of the sovereignty of the Two Lands (Egypt). He (Keb) hath seen his splendours, he hath decreed for him the guidance of the world by thy hand as long as times endure. Thou hast made this earth with thy hand, and the waters, and the winds, and the vegetation, and all the cattle, and all the feathered fowl, and all the fish, and all the creeping things, and all the wild animals therof. The desert is the lawful possession of the son of Nut. The Two Lands (Egypt) are content to crown thee upon the throne of thy father, like Ra.