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Paris Olympics - kurtster - Jul 27, 2024 - 12:39am
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260,000 Posts in one thread? - oldviolin - Jul 26, 2024 - 9:54pm
NY Times Strands - Steely_D - Jul 26, 2024 - 9:29pm
J.D. Vance - haresfur - Jul 26, 2024 - 9:26pm
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What the hell OV? - oldviolin - Jul 26, 2024 - 6:59pm
Song of the Day - oldviolin - Jul 26, 2024 - 6:39pm
WHY am I so addicted to chocolate??? - kcar - Jul 26, 2024 - 6:25pm
Yellowstone is in Wyoming Meetup • Aug. 11 2007 • YEA... - KurtfromLaQuinta - Jul 26, 2024 - 3:59pm
Bug Reports & Feature Requests - DrLex - Jul 26, 2024 - 3:02pm
Things You Thought Today - GeneP59 - Jul 26, 2024 - 2:33pm
NYTimes Connections - geoff_morphini - Jul 26, 2024 - 2:24pm
Russia - a_geek - Jul 26, 2024 - 2:20pm
July 2024 Photo Theme - Summer - fractalv - Jul 26, 2024 - 8:18am
Project 2025 - rgio - Jul 26, 2024 - 5:38am
Radio Paradise Comments - Coaxial - Jul 26, 2024 - 5:01am
What inspires you? - sirdroseph - Jul 26, 2024 - 4:42am
As California Goes, So Goes The Rest Of The Country - kurtster - Jul 25, 2024 - 9:48pm
Positive Thoughts and Prayer Requests - haresfur - Jul 25, 2024 - 8:49pm
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What makes you smile? - Steely_D - Jul 25, 2024 - 8:18pm
Poetry - oldviolin - Jul 25, 2024 - 6:50pm
Trump - kcar - Jul 25, 2024 - 6:22pm
Things that piss me off - Manbird - Jul 25, 2024 - 5:50pm
Electronic Music - Manbird - Jul 25, 2024 - 5:45pm
your music - Manbird - Jul 25, 2024 - 5:37pm
Joe Biden - Beaker - Jul 25, 2024 - 5:10pm
Photos you have taken of your walks or hikes. - NoEnzLefttoSplit - Jul 25, 2024 - 11:56am
USA! USA! USA! - R_P - Jul 25, 2024 - 10:48am
The War On You - Isabeau - Jul 25, 2024 - 9:31am
The Obituary Page - Antigone - Jul 25, 2024 - 8:43am
Get the Quote - black321 - Jul 25, 2024 - 8:06am
Today in History - DaveInSaoMiguel - Jul 25, 2024 - 6:44am
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Message To Lucky - oldviolin - Jul 25, 2024 - 6:22am
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Vinyl Only Spin List - kurtster - Jul 23, 2024 - 11:18pm
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Mixtape Culture Club - KurtfromLaQuinta - Jul 23, 2024 - 7:34pm
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New Music - KurtfromLaQuinta - Jul 23, 2024 - 11:00am
Poetry Forum - Isabeau - Jul 23, 2024 - 8:18am
Sampled - R_P - Jul 22, 2024 - 6:51pm
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Coaxial Avatar

Location: Comfortably numb in So Texas
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:37pm

 winter wrote:
Blue skies.

Green grass.

Smiling children.

Beautiful women.

A way to relax and enjoy my life


I hope so B, you deserve it.{#Good-vibes}

BlueHeronDruid Avatar

Location: Заебани сме луѓе

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:36pm

 Coaxial wrote:

Wow, that is sweet.
Yeah. So is our current cash-flow situation. We're spoiled at the moment.

We might have to (gasp) budget if we bought this, and could get a halfway decent price for our house. It's 2 blocks from here. I'm working on hobbitt.


muzik Avatar

Location: Montana
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:35pm

2 bumper stickers that irked me.

newwavegurly Avatar

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:35pm

 winter wrote:
Blue skies.

Green grass.

Smiling children.

Beautiful women.

A way to relax and enjoy my life. 
It makes me happy to read this post from you.

winter Avatar

Location: in exile, as always
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:33pm

Blue skies.

Green grass.

Smiling children.

Beautiful women.

A way to relax and enjoy my life. 

Coaxial Avatar

Location: Comfortably numb in So Texas
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:32pm

 BlueHeronDruid wrote: 
Wow, that is sweet.


MsJudi Avatar

Location: Houston, TX
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:30pm

 BlueHeronDruid wrote: 
Oh, lordy. {#Hearteyes}

MsJudi Avatar

Location: Houston, TX
Gender: Female

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:30pm

 Latka wrote:

No, no, he's not dead, he's, he's restin'!
Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!
He's...he's, ah...probably pining for the fjords.
The Norwegian Blue prefers kippin' on it's back! Remarkable bird, id'nit, squire? Lovely plumage!



Latka Avatar

Location: 3rd rock

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:29pm

 MsJudi wrote:
As I was walking into the living room this afternoon, I glanced out at the hummer feeder hanging just outside the window. Something about it was odd, so I got closer and realized with horror that a dead hummingbird was evidently still, somehow, stuck to the feeder. I got right up to the window, just a few inches from the feeder itself, and had a better look- and on closer inspection, I was certain the bird was dead. It was still- weirdly- clutching the perch, hanging completely upside down. It's tail feathers were up under the base of the feeder and it's beautiful neck was arched way back, its ruby throat forming the shape of a little bow.

I was devastated, even as a curious voice in my head said, "Go get the camera and take some photos before you clean up this awful mess." I couldn't though... the thought of taking a photo of a dead hummer, after snapping so many vibrantly alive ones, was sickening.

I went and fetched G from the driveway, where he had been cleaning Fun Car, and brought him back into the house to have a look. He was as stumped as me about how the hell this poor dead bird was still clutching the perch. It had to be some sort of awful, rigor mortis, "Surprise! you're dead and now you can't unclench!" kind of thing, I dunno.

Anyway, I go and grab a handful of paper towels, figuring I'd use them to retrieve the bird and then wrap it up until we could get it out into the forest to bury it, and out G and I march to the feeder.

Now my heart is really breaking... I've about convinced myself that his death is my fault: I knew those feeders were hanging too low, and now the cat's gotten to one of my beloved hummers. G and I creep up to the feeder, trying to figure out if there's any life left in the bird at all (there must be, he's still hanging on!) but I can't tell if he's dead, or what... his eyes are open, but now I'm right up on him, inches away, and nothing, no movement, no nothing. I feel like crying! I reach out to gather him up in the paper towels when he suddenly turns his head, sees me, and beats a hasty path away.


And I didn't get a photo of it because I was convinced that he was dead and who wants to see a photo of a dead, cute animal? No one I want to know, anyway. No one wants to see that, least of all me, so yeah... We have a hummer who evidently gets his jollies like a 5 year old on the playground by hanging upside down from the monkey bars so he can look at the world... You know... upside down.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.



No, no, he's not dead, he's, he's restin'!
Remarkable bird, the Norwegian Blue, idn'it, ay? Beautiful plumage!
He's...he's, ah...probably pining for the fjords.
The Norwegian Blue prefers kippin' on it's back! Remarkable bird, id'nit, squire? Lovely plumage!


BlueHeronDruid Avatar

Location: Заебани сме луѓе

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:29pm

 Coaxial wrote:

Most be a great deal for you to even consider it...{#Good-vibes}

It needs redecorating.


BlueHeronDruid Avatar

Location: Заебани сме луѓе

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:28pm

 bokey wrote:

Can you beat my crappy 2.67% CD's?{#Arghhh}

Yes. I have a $10k EE savings bond, matured, and currently earning 4%.


bokey Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:23pm

 BlueHeronDruid wrote:
A house I want. Who's got $200k that I can borrow until I sell this place?

Can you beat my crappy 2. 67% CD's? {#Arghhh}

Coaxial Avatar

Location: Comfortably numb in So Texas
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:17pm

 BlueHeronDruid wrote:
A house I want. Who's got $200k that I can borrow until I sell this place?


Most be a great deal for you to even consider it...{#Good-vibes}

Coaxial Avatar

Location: Comfortably numb in So Texas
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:09pm

 manbirdexperiment wrote:

Pretty much. But I'm still going to count is a head of game at the end of the season. 

{#Yes} A kill is a kill.


Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:09pm

 bokey wrote:

I wonder how pigeon owners feel about hawks.

 I wonder how hawk owners feel about rednecks with chicken coops and shotguns.

 I wonder why a cruel and uncaring God doesn't provide us all with a large,nicely formed breast that is filled with tacos and fresh tomatos.

  But mostly I wonder why "My Name Is Earl " got cancelled.



bokey Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:07pm

 manbirdexperiment wrote:

Pretty much. But I'm still going to count is a head of game at the end of the season.  

I wonder how pigeon owners feel about hawks.

 I wonder how hawk owners feel about rednecks with chicken coops and shotguns.

 I wonder why a cruel and uncaring God doesn't provide us all with a large, nicely formed breast that is filled with tacos and fresh tomatoes.

  But mostly I wonder why "My Name Is Earl " got cancelled.


BlueHeronDruid Avatar

Location: Заебани сме луѓе

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:06pm

A house I want. Who's got $200k that I can borrow until I sell this place?

Manbird Avatar

Location: La Villa Toscana
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 8:00pm

 Coaxial wrote:

Committed suicide my friend...Nothing you could do...Sucks you had to clean it up.
Pretty much. But I'm still going to count is a head of game at the end of the season. 

bokey Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 7:37pm

 manbirdexperiment wrote:

unfortunately it is - somehow it got into the weathering area.  



Coaxial Avatar

Location: Comfortably numb in So Texas
Gender: Male

Posted: Aug 8, 2009 - 7:35pm

 manbirdexperiment wrote:

unfortunately it is - somehow it got into the weathering area. 


Committed suicide my friend...Nothing you could do...Sucks you had to clean it up.
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