Hmm. One of them colors her newsy information and stories with face palms, roll eyes, yeah rights and does little to couch her liberal fun time get-together hour as hard news and the other is a mechanical flat out lying disinformation machine who wants to present his propaganda as cold hard news - and wants to manipulate people who don't know better. Has Maddow ever flat out lied? I'll bet she has but if you count the lies they both have told (in the manner that they counted Trump's lies over the years) there really is no comparison, IMHO.
I abhor Rachel Maddow's style of yellow journalism.
Demonizing Russia in the post-Soviet period has to be one of the dumbest, stupidest, most strategically dangerous things that Americans have done in the post-war period.
Note I said "Americans". Republicans, Democrats, others, I see no difference.
If and when we do have a true mass deadly indiscriminate pandemic one that hospitalizes every demographic at a high rate regardless of health and age, one that the massive effects were indisputable and permeated our lives wholly, one that a complete societal shutdown is actually commensurate with the danger posed ala Ebola, Bubonic Plague or some disease like that, there will be very little or no politics or arguments on policy. There will only be survival and terror and we will all be lined up in the streets begging for vaccines, I assure you.
Why does it have to be that bad before we abandon superstition? At what point is it more advantageous to politicians to actually serve their constituents rather than exploit and promote scientific illiteracy?
613,000 deaths wasn't enough. Running out of ICU beds wasn't enough. Running out of places to put the bodies wasn't enough
If and when we do have a true mass deadly indiscriminate pandemic one that hospitalizes every demographic at a high rate regardless of health and age, one that the massive effects were indisputable and permeated our lives wholly, one that a complete societal shutdown is actually commensurate with the danger posed ala Ebola, Bubonic Plague or some disease like that, there will be very little or no politics or arguments on policy. There will only be survival and terror and we will all be lined up in the streets begging for vaccines, I assure you.
So many words. All of it boiling down to "doesn't it make you wonder..." which is a horrible platform to build your philosophies on.
What i got out of it was, politicians, fauci, medical professional leaders (e.g. various bureacrats) manipulated and often lied for various reasons, some good and some bad. Initially they lied about masks to preserve PPE. It didnt take a genius to understand even in the beginning a mask was a good idea. I don't recall any initial lies or manipulation around the lab v. nature argument, but once the GOP whackjobs starting using the lab theory as ammunition against Ghina, the freaks on the left would never admit it was lab based, purely for political reasons, and shut down the whole argument, without anything to back it up. Gotta stick with your team! All this does beg the question, as per the video, what also are they misleading us about? The above examples were all pretty obvious, so I dont think we need to think too hard to figure what else. Still, all this subterfuge, which eventually always gets out, makes the naive question the establishment, and adds to the antivaxx movement. You get what you deserve.
Back in the days when her Friday show ended with bar keeping ideas, I use to lurve Rachel. After a while it became obvious that she had an hour to fill, and would build things up to make that happen. Stopped watching her many years ago.
Yeah, I hate that kind of commentary show and podcasts that spin shit out forever rather than getting to a simple and clear point. Cocktails are a much better way to fill time. And I would love it if they all were held accountable to use appropriate disclaimers or at least waffle-words like "suggests" and "might lead you to believe"
So many words. All of it boiling down to "doesn't it make you wonder..." which is a horrible platform to build your philosophies on.
What i got out of it was, politicians, fauci, medical professional leaders (e.g. various bureacrats) manipulated and often lied for various reasons, some good and some bad. Initially they lied about masks to preserve PPE. It didnt take a genius to understand even in the beginning a mask was a good idea. I don't recall any initial lies or manipulation around the lab v. nature argument, but once the GOP whackjobs starting using the lab theory as ammunition against Ghina, the freaks on the left would never admit it was lab based, purely for political reasons, and shut down the whole argument, without anything to back it up. Gotta stick with your team! All this does beg the question, as per the video, what also are they misleading us about? The above examples were all pretty obvious, so I dont think we need to think too hard to figure what else. Still, all this subterfuge, which eventually always gets out, makes the naive question the establishment, and adds to the antivaxx movement. You get what you deserve.
Hmm. One of them colors her newsy information and stories with face palms, roll eyes, yeah rights and does little to couch her liberal fun time get-together hour as hard news and the other is a mechanical flat out lying disinformation machine who wants to present his propaganda as cold hard news - and wants to manipulate people who don't know better. Has Maddow ever flat out lied? I'll bet she has but if you count the lies they both have told (in the manner that they counted Trump's lies over the years) there really is no comparison, IMHO.
Back in the days when her Friday show ended with bar keeping ideas, I use to lurve Rachel. After a while it became obvious that she had an hour to fill, and would build things up to make that happen. Stopped watching her many years ago.
This is very odd. Why all of the sudden in this particular case are they doing their jobs proper and making sense. Is it because the victim wasn't black?? Well it least it shows that they have the ability for unbiased truth based reporting. They can do it when they want to.