Big beautiful wall paid for by Mexico
Repeal replace Obamacare
etc etc etc
He just literally said whatever was necessary to get back in the WH, and now he will do literally whatever he feels like. Nice work, GOP. Really making the nation great.
I was particularly impressed with the interview portion where he states that he probably won't be able to lower prices for folks.
If the prices of groceries don't come down, will your presidency be a failure?
"I don't think so. Look, they got them up. I'd like to bring them down. It's hard to bring things down once they're up. You know, it's very hard. But I think that they will."
Big beautiful wall paid for by Mexico
Repeal replace Obamacare
etc etc etc
He just literally said whatever was necessary to get back in the WH, and now he will do literally whatever he feels like. Nice work, GOP. Really making the nation great.
I was particularly impressed with the interview portion where he states that he probably won't be able to lower prices for folks.
If the prices of groceries don't come down, will your presidency be a failure?
"I don't think so. Look, they got them up. I'd like to bring them down. It's hard to bring things down once they're up. You know, it's very hard. But I think that they will."
I come to RP to get away from politics. Left or right, these posts are annoying.
Then why do you click into this thread ? Just sayin'. What do you expect to see in here ?
Plenty of other threads where there are no politics discussed, like most of them.
FWIW, this thread is over 19 years old. As of this writing, you oldest post is just 4 hours old.
Edit : I see that you have been posting in a few of the song comments for around a year now. That is where the political stuff gets really mean and nasty compared to out here in the main forum. It is rather civilised out here in comparison. Go look up a few Eric Clapton songs and the comments and get back to me. There are many, many more artists whose songs have political comments that border on unhinged and disgusting.
Republicans played the old game of "let's see who can hit the softest. you go first" and after the Dems give the lightest tap possible, the Repubs slug as hard as they can and say "you win."
Allowing ____________(thing we hate) into _________________(thing we give lip service to) will empower the ____________(other thing we dislike) and__________(adverb) impact the _____________(other group supports us despite our efforts to suppress them).
Allowing hippies into the football games will empower the tik tokers and terribly impact the suburban housewives.
Allwing avacado toast into the monster truck rally will empower the trans kids and will wrongfully (almost went with vivaciously) impact the lumberjacks.
It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to hit the keywords and the emotion button.
Allowing ____________(thing we hate) into _________________(thing we give lip service to) will empower the ____________(other thing we dislike) and__________(adverb) impact the _____________(other group supports us despite our efforts to suppress them).
Allowing hippies into the football games will empower the tik tokers and terribly impact the suburban housewives.
Allwing avacado toast into the monster truck rally will empower the trans kids and will wrongfully (almost went with vivaciously) impact the lumberjacks.
It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to hit the keywords and the emotion button.
And this crap has been going on forever. I remember reading a biography of LBJ and coming across claims from state-level TX politicians that they were "tough on communism."
As always, the outage over wedge issues is based on a manly need to "protect" the innocentsâwhite women from black men, children from gays and trans, etc.
Can anyone confirm that Drumpf called Bruce Springsteen a "communist" in social media post?