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Unified Theory — Wither
Album: Unified Theory of Music
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Total ratings: 1280

Released: 2000
Length: 3:53
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Fill the hole with a single perforation
Makes the mountains look big enough from where I'm sitting
Poking through the skin your wearing
The spike has a way of dimming you life
And so I'll sit and watch you wither on by
A miracle is what I'm asking,
To take away the spike and spoon I see you sweatin
And open up to the world you missing
If just for a day
And so I'll sit and watch you wither on by
You are blowing away
Pulled from the roots
Don't crumble from weight
Like a wave that broke to far from shore
And so I'll sit and watch you wither on by
Comments (129)add comment
cool album art.
The more I hear this, the more I like it!!   Thanx RP!   
GOOD TUNE!!  I never heard of them before.  Thanx RP!
 bam23 wrote:

This is the only "place" I have heard this excellent piece of music. Why?

Because commercial musuc radio sucks, playing the same crap day after day

This is the only "place" I have heard this excellent piece of music. Why?
Shades of early Genesis in here...
Interesting juxtaposition of music to lyrical content.  The music is kind of happy, the lyrical content definitely not.
Never knew about them when they were active, discovered them here.  Great album, produced and mixed great, too!
Good song & great production ( nice Wah wah & delay on the guitar)
Wow, it been another long while...
Haven't heard this in a long while. I've missed it.
Never realized what a sad song it is.
 rdo wrote:

It's weird, I have no recollection of posting that, or what I was trying to communicate by it.  I am sure it was not related to the above though.   I must have been reading an interesting article at the time while listening to this song.

some of us call that a senior moment
 rdo wrote:

It's weird, I have no recollection of posting that, or what I was trying to communicate by it.  I am sure it was not related to the above though.   I must have been reading an interesting article at the time while listening to this song.

I think it was in reference to the Unified Theory jpeg that 4merdj posted below (and the snails jpeg was added.)

I get what you mean by "I must have been reading an interesting article at the time...." I think we all do that.

BTW - I really like this song.

Sounds a bit pedestrian to me. Not bad, not great.

The entire CD is very good, definitely worth picking up for 9.99.
 Stingray wrote:


It's weird, I have no recollection of posting that, or what I was trying to communicate by it.  I am sure it was not related to the above though.   I must have been reading an interesting article at the time while listening to this song.
like this a lot.
just love the "wow-wow" of the guitar ... {#Bananajam}
Intuitive and cool. Chorus has an infectious hook. Hearing a bit of 'Band of Horses' in here too.
nice song...
BETTER band name.
 sirdroseph wrote:

Actually, Remy Zero would have to sound like them, this is an early 90s release. Shannon died in 1995 so I am pretty sure the release date was not 2000.{#Think}

Shannon Hoon had nothing to do with this. This is the band formed by Christopher Thorn (guitar) and Brad Smith (bass) from Blind Melon several years after Shannon's death.  The release date is correct.
Good, "old", 90's rock.  A little poppy, yet with a solid base to work with.  I'm really liking this song!  I wonder what crap I was listening to when this was new.

 Stingray wrote:

Hm...  That'd be hermaphrodite love, actually.

 gandalfbmg wrote:

ya... Remy Zero if anyone is who this sounds like...

Actually, Remy Zero would have to sound like them, this is an early 90s release. Shannon died in 1995 so I am pretty sure the release date was not 2000.{#Think}

 rdo wrote:

this is a better one.


Ich liebe BUTTROCK!!!!

a solid 7.
Not bad!!
I like this one, I am going to upload AM radio which I think is their best tune.{#Yes}
 4merdj wrote:

Unified theory of everything!

Unified Theory of Everything {#Sunny}


this is a better one.

 wenatchee wrote:
The intro and chorus buys this a "7" - Woot!

Unified theory of everything!

Unified Theory of Everything {#Sunny}

Cover art:

 wrangler wrote:

not at all!

ya... Remy Zero if anyone is who this sounds like...
 25demayo wrote:
Anybody hear Interpol?{#Stupid}

 Are ya serious?

This is available as a 99 cent download (the whole album is $9.99) at Amazon.

Nice, uplifting tune.{#Daisy}
 25demayo wrote:
Anybody hear Interpol?{#Stupid}

not at all!
 Odyzzeuz wrote:
Old-school, like something that would have been hittish when I was in high school.
Totally. But it's evoking a band of that era that I haven't quite hit on yet...in a very specific way. - Someone more poppy than Yes or REO...
The intro and chorus buys this a "7" - Woot!
 manbirdexperiment wrote:
COOL! I just scored this CD - new - from Amazon.com for $1.49 
Whoops! I just received the CD. I guess I accidently ordered some band call Grand Unified Theory. Oh, well. I'll give it a listen and see if I can find a gem - because so far it's not even LRC worthy... no wonder it was so cheap.
COOL! I just scored this CD - new - from Amazon.com for $1.49 
Anybody hear Interpol?{#Stupid}
 cattail321 wrote:
Alan Parsons  with wah-wah!!!    nice


To me it sounds more like Alan Parsons married someone from Yes and had a little wah-wah ;-) who grew up to be a singer.

I hear a little of both in here and yes, it is catchy for an old Alan Parsons Project/Yes-man like me.{#Smile}
Alan Parsons  with wah-wah!!!    nice

Another first-hear on RP. Quite catchy. I like it. I'd want to hear it again. Probably need to add this to my collection.
Whither and yon? Quite catchy in an undemanding poppy sort of way...
Wither...or not?
Wither...what? Please define.
westslope wrote:
Yes, this song is catchy. Another RP introduction. The comments have me wanting to look for the CD. Sorry to hear that the lead singer ODed.
He didn't OD...two of the band members were in Blind Melon, and that band's singer ODed. The lead singer from Unified Theory, Chris Shinn, is alive and in a new band, Everything is Energy. https://everythingisenergymusic.com/
E_A_D_G wrote:
Coulda' been Rush
I'll never get tired of this. One of the best cd's EVER!
E_A_D_G wrote:
Coulda' been Rush
never would've come up with that - but you're right!
Yes, this song is catchy. Another RP introduction. The comments have me wanting to look for the CD. Sorry to hear that the lead singer ODed.  Oops.  Porcupine Tree, early Genesis? hehe Not quite but a great song all the same. Once upon a time in southern France, I met a very together couple who were close friends of a morphine/heroin addict, somebody who had known much better times as among other things an amateur boxer. He had just withered away. The lyrics and melody fit well.

slowly grabbed me...good guitars....solid 7 (on first listen...could see it growing on me)...
brighthue wrote:
Porcupine Styx?
Not that I necessarily agree, but that is hysterical!
This is an excellent cd overall. Highly recommended.
I am really liking this, thanks!
Coulda' been Rush
bergjr wrote:
Very upbeat song about watching a friend wither away on heroin. I've seen it and it ain't a pop song. And it is not sit and watch, it is more like, spinning like a top without an answer worried and sick about the fact that they lost against the needle. You want to do anything but sit and watch. I had to sit and watch at his funeral his family crushed by it all. Oh wait, Natalie Merchant, give me that needle, oh never mind, I'll use a 45, I have to end the pain of hearing her voice NOW!!!!!!
Obsess much?
Again, a band which I did not know before! Promising, too... The Artist's website is interesting, like their name...
Tireux_De_Roche wrote:
Sounds like safe, dentist office waiting room music.
An evil dentist's office? Great song, but not exactly soothing... -Dinsey
I'm not sure wither or not I like this one.
Very upbeat song about watching a friend wither away on heroin. I've seen it and it ain't a pop song. And it is not sit and watch, it is more like, spinning like a top without an answer worried and sick about the fact that they lost against the needle. You want to do anything but sit and watch. I had to sit and watch at his funeral his family crushed by it all. Oh wait, Natalie Merchant, give me that needle, oh never mind, I'll use a 45, I have to end the pain of hearing her voice NOW!!!!!!
Porcupine Styx?
Garbage. Not the band.
We've found a cure for insomnia guys!
Old-school, like something that would have been hittish when I was in high school. Reminds me a little of REO and Yes.
Sounds like safe, dentist office waiting room music.
shmiverson wrote:
unique song, unique voice. good.
wow - I respectfully disagree - it all sounds sooooo done before and blandorama to me....
larz wrote:
Do you have opinions on the music or do you just like saying the name of the song and album with smilies? Or maybe you want to post the lyrics.... My advice to you? Crack a window.
Do you have opinions on the music, or do you just like insulting other listeners? Maybe you want to make Mari feel bad... My advice to you? Get rid of that nasty streak.
Haven't heard this tune in a while. Good. You're on a roll, Bill.
unique song, unique voice. good.
Thank Goodness for RP to hear great new-to-me stuff!!!! Thanks...I'm gonna get this cd!
the album is self-titled (just "Unified Theory"), which is probably why the Amazon link / cover graphic is not working above.
Has a tinge of early Genesis in the phrasing
Been craving this song that I heard first on RP...have the album, which is great, but my stereo is down - thanks for the treat RP
larz wrote:
Do you have opinions on the music or do you just like saying the name of the song and album with smilies? Or maybe you want to post the lyrics.... My advice to you? Crack a window.
I think someone was having a bad day.
larz wrote:
Do you have opinions on the music or do you just like saying the name of the song and album with smilies? Or maybe you want to post the lyrics.... My advice to you? Crack a window.
Mari is one of my favorite people here at RP. She seems like a sensitive and generally positive entity. If, sometimes, her posts are not informative, I suggest that you ignore them. Is there any reason to dis her like this? Are you trying to be another physicsgenius? Like the Talking Heads say: When I have nothing to say My lips are sealed Say nothing once Why say it again?
Mari wrote:
Wither... ...Unified Theory of Music...( Einstein would be proud )
Do you have opinions on the music or do you just like saying the name of the song and album with smilies? Or maybe you want to post the lyrics.... My advice to you? Crack a window.
trekhead wrote:
Anyone know if the cover art on GUT is LOTR ref? Two Towers? Seems familiar. Or should I say Faramiliar(?)
Heh. It does not remind me of LotR:TTT; the image is too abstract.
AWWW MAN! hearing this song reminded me that I left this CD in Florida when I moved. I'm an eeeeediot! What a great album. \:D/
trekhead wrote:
Anyone know if the cover art on GUT is LOTR ref? Two Towers? Seems familiar. Or should I say Faramiliar(?)
Man, your comment is confusing. I think I figured out what you were looking at though and decoded your acronyms... Grand Unified Theory (GUT I presume) is a totally different artist that the amazon search engine comes up with when it searches for Unified Theory. That's why it shows up on this song comment page. As for your actual question about Lord of the Rings... I have no idea.
Nice album cover; someones been taking pictures at the Monterrey Bay Aquarium
A lovely song. Nothing great, but I look forward to hearing it again.
Anyone know if the cover art on GUT is LOTR ref? Two Towers? Seems familiar. Or should I say Faramiliar(?)
Fill the hole with a single perforation. Makes the mountains look big enough from where I'm sitting Poking through the skin your wearing The spike has a way of dimming you life And so I'll sit and watch you wither on by And so I'll sit and watch you wither on by A miracle is what I'm asking, To take away the spike and spoon I see you sweatin And open up to the world you missing if just for a day it's winning your life And so I'll sit and watch you wither on by And so I'll sit and watch you wither on by You are blowing away Pulled from the roots Don't crumble from weight Like a wave that broke to far from shore And so I'll sit and watch you wither on by And so I'll sit and watch you wither on by
This followed Alpinestars...because of RP I bought Alpinestars and Unified Theory on the same day. How can Bill be so amazingly tasteful?
I get a nice touch of FLAMING LIPS outta that...
Slipped off the edge into Cheese-land after Neil Finn. What happened, Bill? Must have been a maudlin mood! I'm not quite as discouraged as Tux, but I'm getting there. Would buzzkill be an appropriate general term, Colt4x5? cuz Im there
This is a really good album, I've always liked Blind Melons guitar work...I'll check the other via platy's suggestion
Didn't like it so I went over to the LRC, where they were playing something by String Theory. Getting rather quantum today at RP, in theory at least.
hmmm ... sounds like ambrosia kinda wound up a coupla notches. anyone remember ambrosia? i used to have a college dorm neighbor who would CRANK that infernal band right when my (illegal reference removed) was kicking in. are you listening larry?
It's obviously not my favourite RP day. I don't like this either. I'll insert a CD and leave it for today.
Splendiferous!!! :sunny.gif:
Pleasant, but predictable... Lyrics? I like the wah-wah...
Platypus wrote:
the entire album is tremendous. primarily in a similar vein as this song. somewhat of a "concept album" as well, i suppose. unfortunately, it was their one and only album. bassist Brad Smith and guitarist Christopher Thorn from Blind Melon, original Pearl Jam drummer Dave Krusen, excellent singer. would love to hear more output from these guys. also check out Abandon Jalopy - Brad Smith's other post-Blind Melon project.
I didn't know about this one. Thanks! I'm ordering it now!!
i think this song was written about a friend consumed by drugs....a different, personnal perspective just occured for me, and now it's really, really sad...drugs aren't the only means by which a person can "wither"......ouch
oldslabsides wrote:
quite powerful...is this typical of their stuff?
the entire album is tremendous. primarily in a similar vein as this song. somewhat of a "concept album" as well, i suppose. unfortunately, it was their one and only album. bassist Brad Smith and guitarist Christopher Thorn from Blind Melon, original Pearl Jam drummer Dave Krusen, excellent singer. would love to hear more output from these guys. also check out Abandon Jalopy - Brad Smith's other post-Blind Melon project.
quite powerful...is this typical of their stuff?
Very good this Unified Theory!
I dig it.
Monkeysdad wrote:
I'm surprised this doesn't have a higher average rating, I think its a real agreeable song. Nice, like Pattonfever said.
Yeh, nice like you said
I'm surprised this doesn't have a higher average rating, I think its a real agreeable song. Nice, like Pattonfever said.
gata420 wrote:
because Shannon Hoon overdosed on Heroin.
That would be the reason Blind Melon didn't carry on, not the reason Unified Theory broke up. My UN-unified theory is that they were still living the shadow of their prior success. Either way, I DO like the sound of this band.
leathepea wrote:
If you like this song then just buy this cd. The whole thing is outstanding, every song is excellent. I think that they only did 1 album, and I would love to know why they broke up.
because Shannon Hoon overdosed on Heroin.
this is somewhat too radio friendly for me, however for some strange reason i like this song more and more each time i hear it.
Sounds like that idiot from Blind Melon who O.D.\'d on heroin. dumbass.
RP turned me on to this band....bought the CD and love it. Outstanding rock music!
Originally Posted by Programwitch: Good song. I need to look into Unified Theory some more. Reminds me a little bit (just a little bit) of Remy Zero's Gramarye
If you like this song then just buy this cd. The whole thing is outstanding, every song is excellent. I think that they only did 1 album, and I would love to know why they broke up.
Originally Posted by andrewpickford81: sounds like an idendikit US FM band AN Other
...whatever that means
sounds like an idendikit US FM band AN Other
Good song. I need to look into Unified Theory some more. Reminds me a little bit (just a little bit) of Remy Zero\'s Gramarye
Eh... this song just doesn\'t do much for me. Every time it gets played, I just feel like I\'m patiently waiting for it to end... --d
I love Unified Theory..
Originally Posted by Platypus: I know man, I saw them live about two years ago when they were first touring for their only album. I was just saying that nobody's voice can ever compare to Shannon's. and you do have to admit that UT sounds more than just a bit like Blind Melon. Its pretty obvious that Brad & Chris had a strong hand in the writing of Melon's tunes.
ai, sorry for the mistake, I also saw them (opening for Counting Crows and Live) a couple years ago. And I agree on the songwriting comment.
Originally Posted by mlsully7: I am also saddened by the loss of Shannon Hoon, but this guy isn't a replacement. Unified Theory is 2 members of Blind Melon, 1 former Pearl Jam drummer, and 1 new guy (lead singer)
I know man, I saw them live about two years ago when they were first touring for their only album. I was just saying that nobody's voice can ever compare to Shannon's. and you do have to admit that UT sounds more than just a bit like Blind Melon. Its pretty obvious that Brad & Chris had a strong hand in the writing of Melon's tunes.
Originally Posted by Platypus: so sad to hear about the break-up. the singer does somewhat remind me of Shannon Hoon as well, but nobody will ever be able to replace him.
I am also saddened by the loss of Shannon Hoon, but this guy isn't a replacement. Unified Theory is 2 members of Blind Melon, 1 former Pearl Jam drummer, and 1 new guy (lead singer)