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Carbon Leaf — On Any Given Day
Album: Echo Echo
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Total ratings: 393

Released: 2001
Length: 5:00
Plays (last 30 days): 0
I woke, I broke free drove a long time
It didn't purge you from my mind
Hang up the halo, maybe you're right
Chalk it up to a starry night
To be set free, to live and learn
Did we pass or fail the term?
You wrote a note with chalk on my door
A message I'd known long before:
On any given day, you'll find me gone
On any given day, you'll find me gone

Give me your reason, give me your rhyme
So I can tempo me to your time

So I can scratch your surface and be
A deeper part of the mystery
To be undone, to be alone
To live life in monotone
I reach the beach and try to ignore
The warning I'd known long before
On any given day, you'll find me gone
On any given day, you'll find me gone

I've been down to the sea
I've been down to the sea
And so all of the lovers will say
Forever star-crossed will we stay
Still I can't help feeling castaway
on any given day
Still I can't help feeling you'll run away
on any given day

I window shop for you in my mind
A flannel shirt at the five and dime
A lether coat cut big city style
Boots from plastic crocodile
A pinecone dipped in glitter glue
A penny 1942
A necklace with a cheap green stone
Barefeet, cold sand. Chill to the bone


My eye on you. My eye on you.
My eye on you always


I lift my hands up, smell to reveal
Your perfume on the steering wheel
You're next to me asleep and I smile
I think I'll drive on for awhile
Comments (83)add comment
Green Day morphing into Bob Mould. Dull, considering the influences.
 calray wrote:
yeah, this is really bland.
Rock by the numbers. Completely generic. 
Christianish soft rock on RP now? What a bore.
 romeotuma wrote:

This song is good for the ears...

This Romeotuma is so Romeotuma for the Romeotuma.
Having not heard any Carbon Leaf in quite a while, I instantly recognized their sound even though I'd not heard this song before.  Thought that was worth mentioning...
 Cruithne3753 wrote:
Quite likeable, if a bit "Green Day - Lite".
I'd agree, except that Green Day already is Green Day Lite. This is Green Day - Heavy I like it.

well heck, I like Green Day, too

i think nickelback might go well with that...
{#Stop} Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not good....what is this matchbox 357?  generic rock band 6458?  Not at all for me.  And sandwiched between Pearl Jam and Bruce too poor bastards didn't stand a chance.
aaarrrgggghhh.....  ~ I'd like to find you gone NOW!  
What is a "Gibbon Day"?

 leadfeather wrote:
This is the single greatest song ever written ...
... by a left-handed Anglican eating scrambled eggs on a hard roll.
So what would your choice for greatest song be, then?

 superfido wrote:

Either that is Irony or you are the one who wrote it and have an awfully skewed and utterly egocentric system of values. {#Stupid}

 leadfeather wrote:
This is the single greatest song ever writen.

Either that is Irony or you are the one who wrote it and have an awfully skewed and utterly egocentric system of values. {#Stupid}
Here's a tip for enjoying these guys more.  Don't let your friends play the same Carbon Leaf CD over and over and over again during a field trip if you're the one stuck in the back of a 15 passenger van.

leadfeather wrote:
This is the single greatest song ever writen.
I'll have what he's having
leadfeather wrote:
This is the single greatest song ever writen.
Oh yeah? What about The Chicken Dance? Uh-huh, forgot about The Chicken Dance, didn't you.
Cambot wrote:
I can hear a bit of Armstrong, too.
See, I'm hearing more of a prepubescent Crash Test Dummies.
Nuance wrote:
their sound just rubs me the wrong way... or is it the vocals.... lyrics? dunno... All Carbon Leaf tends to make me cringe.
Amen corner
I dn't like every Carbon Leaf song I've ever heard, but there's just something about them . . . even when they're playing a cut I don't care for, I still like the band.
Cruithne3753 wrote:
Quite likeable, if a bit "Green Day - Lite".
I can hear a bit of Armstrong, too.
Bill, more Carbon Leaf, please!
leadfeather wrote:
This is the single greatest song ever writen.
That's a wee bit of a stretch methinks.
rluking wrote:
I'm digging the string quartet coming in after the break.
Agreed. Nice touch. Quite likeable.
This is the single greatest song ever writen.
I'm digging the string quartet coming in after the break.
Really good filler song.
splendy wrote:
Speaking of Bob Mould, why isn't there any on the playlist? Love almost all of Workbook.
TheBob wrote:
AGREED! Workbook is a great piece of work. Just yesterday I was just thinking about uploading some cuts from it - as soon as I figure out how :-k ">
A grevious omission indeed. Workbook is splendid. Not sure what this has to do with Carbon Leaf though, as they are totally unalike. One of these things just doesn't belong here. . .
Whirlpool wrote:
Kind Of Boring
yeah, this is really bland.
Kind Of Boring
Really like Carbon Leaf...Both Echo Echo and Indian Summer are great disc...start to finish....
noelbarnes wrote:
What's their background?
Carbon Leaf started out as a college band, back in the day. They're from Richmond, Va. They were an indie band before signing with Vanguard to do their most recent album, Indian Summer. I've seen them open for Big Head Todd and the Monsters and Blues Traveler. I love their sound and the guys are very cool and very sweet. https://www.carbonleaf.com/ They did pay me--I have pictures of myself and my son with members of the band. What could be better than that?
What's their background? They should pay you to do all that stuff... artmarcia wrote:
I discovered Carbon Leaf about two and a half years ago right here on Radio Paradise. Now I'm on their street team and have worked the merchandise booth at their concerts at least three times. Plus I've seen them perform live at least half a dozen times--not bad for a girl from Kansas. It's great to hear this less well-known Carbon Leaf song. I just got an email from the band and a new album is coming out soon! Woo Hoo!
I discovered Carbon Leaf about two and a half years ago right here on Radio Paradise. Now I'm on their street team and have worked the merchandise booth at their concerts at least three times. Plus I've seen them perform live at least half a dozen times--not bad for a girl from Kansas. It's great to hear this less well-known Carbon Leaf song. I just got an email from the band and a new album is coming out soon! Woo Hoo!
Wow, this is great music for a sleepy Monday morning!
Quite likeable, if a bit "Green Day - Lite".
Not quite sure why, but this song is catchy as all get out.
i like it
not bad...reminds me a bit of The Bats...
johnsolo wrote:
I like it, I've never heard of this band. Thus Radio Paradise comes through again.
I discovered Carbon Leaf here on RP about a year and a half ago. Since then I've seen them live four times (quite a feat if you live in Kansas ;) ) They are amazing live--but I love their CD's also.
It rubs me the wrong way too. it puts me to sleep.
I bought this album about a year ago after hearing "Mary Mac" played. Now it's one of my favorite albums and I just picked up Indian Summer. There's just something about their sound that's very nostalgic and beautiful. Also, there's something about their lyrics that really strike a tone with me. They seem to write a lot about family and childhood.
their sound just rubs me the wrong way... or is it the vocals.... lyrics? dunno... All Carbon Leaf tends to make me cringe.
I like it, I've never heard of this band. Thus Radio Paradise comes through again.
Platypus wrote:
this is really quite terrible. awful as well. extraordinarily bland. aside from the voice (which is pretty irritating in its own right, imho) it may as well be cookie-cutter corporate radio fluff.
WHAT?!? That's what I call Tori Amos. These guys do not qualify for that kind of rebuke. This band really makes me smile. I've seen them live twice now, and each time it was the most fun I've had at a show in a long time.
Just saw these guys at XPN in Philly since I didn't win the cool San Fran trip a few months back. They're good performers, good show...
I like this song a lot, especially the harmonies in the "window shopped" verse. And there's something about the short-stroke violins that works pretty well to my ears as well.
...I like this song...a good sing along in the car tune...it seems to me that these guys are giving an honest effort... S.
this is really quite terrible. awful as well. extraordinarily bland. aside from the voice (which is pretty irritating in its own right, imho) it may as well be cookie-cutter corporate radio fluff.
No, no, no. Also was that a skip in there?
joe1 wrote:
Still very wank though...all said?....1/10?
Very wank? Either means very good or very bad. I don't know . . . Just for laughs, pulled this off dictionary.com: wank /wangk/ Used much as hack is elsewhere, as a noun denoting a clever technique or person or the result of such cleverness. May describe (negatively) the act of hacking for hacking's sake ("Quit wanking, let's go get supper!") or (more positively) a wizard. "wanky" describes something particularly clever (a person, program, or algorithm). Conversations can also get wanky when there are too many wanks involved. This excess wankiness is signalled by an overload of the "wankometer" (compare bogometer). When the wankometer overloads, the conversation's subject must be changed, or all non-wanks will leave. Compare "neep-neeping" (under neep-neep). Usage: US only. In Britain and the Commonwealth this word is *extremely* rude and is best avoided unless one intends to give offense.
The introduction caught my attention and I thought it would be a cool song. Kind of lost me during the "top 40" portion.
I must respectfully yet vehemently disagree that Echo Echo has any more than a pinch of "popishness". Aside from the occassionally radio-aired cut "The Boxer", I can think of nothing on this CD that seems "mainstream". Now their latest CD, Indian Summer, clearly has more broad (popular) appeal with its catchy rythms and easy- to-get-stuck-in-your-head tunes. Hey, they've gotta pay the bills, but Indian Summer is definitely not a sell-out either; just moves them more toward the mainstream while maintaining their great sound.
splendy wrote:
Speaking of Bob Mould, why isn't there any on the playlist? Love almost all of Workbook.
AGREED! Workbook is a great piece of work. Just yesterday I was just thinking about uploading some cuts from it - as soon as I figure out how :-k ">
Rockabobbie wrote:
Bro-in-law gave this disk to us for Xmas. Recognized a few cuts from RP. On balance, it's a good record. The knocks for being poppy are accurate. I described the overall sound as somewhere in between the three vectors of pop/rock, punk, and irish pub music. Word is that they are terrific live. I could imagine it's a really high energy show.
This album is very pop (I prefer the term "accessible"), but also very addictive. Several songs on "Echo Echo" I thought were so-so, but every time I listen another favorite presents itself. The kind of music that's in your mind when you wake up in the morning. In this case, that's a Good Thing. A unique sound, IMHO. :nodhead:
He sounds like he is reading his lines off a page.
Yup, this song's a catchy one... Some folks been mentioning/ comparing to Bob Mould and I can sort of see that. -But, by all means play some Bob Mould as well, anything off of his 'workbook' album is great stuff.
Well, I liked the first 15 mintues of this song. Is it over yet?
oh this is so much easier to listen to than Mary Mac :P I think this may be the only song of theirs I like best.
certainly heard of them, but never heard them til now...consensus, not liking it. Ed. as the weeks go by since I've heard this...it has been creeping into my subconscious. I change to a 5.
splendy wrote:
Speaking of Bob Mould, why isn't there any on the playlist? Love almost all of Workbook.
Yeah; and his SUGAR work too: I'm all for more Bob Mould being played. Believe What You're Saying, Gee Angel, It's Too Late, See A Little Light, If I Can't Change Your Mind and Helpless would resonate well in Paradise.
um2k wrote:
Can anyone fill in the connection between Great Big Sea and Carbon Leaf?
Carbon Leaf has played with GBS on tour. Lauren
thanks for thinking outside "the box(er)." this is much better than that overplayed tune!
Bro-in-law gave this disk to us for Xmas. Recognized a few cuts from RP. On balance, it's a good record. The knocks for being poppy are accurate. I described the overall sound as somewhere in between the three vectors of pop/rock, punk, and irish pub music. Word is that they are terrific live. I could imagine it's a really high energy show.
This is really likeable!
Can anyone fill in the connection between Great Big Sea and Carbon Leaf?
Never heard this before. Liking it. Gave is a six.
Quite likable introduction - my reason for listening. Poppy tune with artsy lyric. Thanks, maybe it will become a good friend.
I had the same thought. Far too poppy for Bob, but the influence is undeniable.
Originally Posted by pilgrim: on first listen, his voice careens into Bob Mould territory...that's a good thing ;)
Quite possibly the worst thing I\'ve ever heard on RP.
Sounds too much like the twin Bennie & June soundtrack song dorks. I would walk 500 hundred miles to get away from this song too.
I saw Carbon Leaf for the first time a little over a year ago - this is one of the songs that hooked me. Sara
I dig the Carbon Leaf. Saw them here in Richmond, VA on Friday night. great album, great concert, can't wait for more!
A little too Top-40-poppy for me... Nice voice, not-so-original music.
Speaking of Bob Mould, why isn\'t there any on the playlist? Love almost all of Workbook.
Originally Posted by pilgrim: on first listen, his voice careens into Bob Mould territory...that's a good thing ;)
Bob Mould.. sounds familier... but just not enough so... the sound is vaguely familiar too.. a bit like some They Might be Giants with some Bare Naked Ladies.. Would definitely like to hear more.. :)
I may have to add this to my CD collection...it\'s sweet..
on first listen, his voice careens into Bob Mould territory...that\'s a good thing ;)