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Angus & Julia Stone — Silver Coin
Album: A Book Like This
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Total ratings: 1615

Released: 2008
Length: 4:52
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Heard the rattle from the train
Sounds of a hundred people,
Maybe more
Cut through the ropes before you came
I had a dream that you were gone.

I'm in the days of throwing rocks
When I saw your picture on a silver coin
Stole a kiss through your golden locks
I had a dream that you were gone.
Woke up and you were gone

All this love has gone away
'Cause I didn't have the heart or strength to say
I'll miss you when you're gone
I'll miss you when you're gone
I'll miss you when you're gone
I'll miss you when you're gone

Heard the rattle from the chains
This goddamn room it gets so small sometimes
I had a dream that you were gone
Woke up and you were gone
Comments (81)add comment
This song touched me in the right time I needed it.  This calms all my inner insecurities and hits my heart strings to allieve my fears at emotional irrelevance 
They started so nicely.Attended their concert in Cologne.Now unfortunately is different.
 vandal wrote:

I don't know why I like this so much, but I do. . .

It's her voice--mesmerizing, hypnotic,
Thank you R.P for playing such great tracks✌️
I love this whole album, from start to finish.  Quirky for sure, but magic...
Thisisarealwrist-slitterisn't it?
 Bosami wrote:
Love it. The piano - soft notes....and then the train-track spatter of the snare drum. Awesome.  
The keys reminded me of something else but due to the upbeat percussion and guitars I can't quite put my finger on it. Good tune in itself, though!
Very unique vocal and production
One of my depression go-to songs.
I wasn't aware I've probably heard this band here before... I recently heard one of their songs used very well on an Australian TV series The Heart Guy. Exploring their music I find most of it to be too monotonal for me, but there are a few songs here and there that are quite compelling. Draw Your Swords is one of them.
Moody, just the way I like it. I will check them out. Instant 8
saw them in Paris, and loved it {#Hearteyes}{#Bananajam}
I love this whole album!
A better song by them is "Draw Your Swords."
 calypsus_1 wrote:
Julia Stone by ~ProgressiveEuphoria
©2007-2010 ~ProgressiveEuphoria

This is Julia Stone from Angus and Julia Stone. I went to the Southern Roots Festival in April. It was amazing.


Nice photo.  That's a pretty expensive guitar to be putting duct tape on the face of, even if it is to keep a sound-hole cover on; I guess desperate times called for desperate measures. She can get another guitar through endorsements or get someone to clean off the glue residue, I guess.   Cool song.
Definitely one of those grab you by the brain-stem kind of voices; there can be no doubt that she is transmitting the real thing here!  Soothing and evocative... Reminds me of Kerin Peris, Leigh Nash...
 electronicthroat wrote:
I think this song would be much better without the drums. I still like it though.
it surly woundn't hurt
 calypsus_1 wrote:

Julia Stone by ~ProgressiveEuphoria
©2007-2010 ~ProgressiveEuphoria

This is Julia Stone from Angus and Julia Stone. I went to the Southern Roots Festival in April. It was amazing.


She reminds me of the recently passed Signe Toly Anderson, original member of the Jefferson Airplane, look not sound
Beautiful and haunting.

the base of arcade fire - no cars go but taken in a different direction?
 calypsus_1 wrote:

Julia Stone by ~ProgressiveEuphoria
©2007-2010 ~ProgressiveEuphoria

This is Julia Stone from Angus and Julia Stone. I went to the Southern Roots Festival in April. It was amazing.

She looks about 12!  Did her parents drive her to the gig?
" Ok so which one is 'the straight and narrow,' cuz they both look the same to me."  Good tune.
I think this song would be much better without the drums. I still like it though.
 Bosami wrote:
What a great tune. Never heard of these cats before.

Julia Stone by ProgressiveEuphoria

This is Julia Stone from Angus and Julia Stone. I went to the Southern Roots Festival in April. It was amazing.

This album makes quite a striking impression. It is truly worth buying. Thanks, Radio Paradise, for turning me on to it.
When you come to a fork in the road, look out for the knife!  {#Eek}
 WonderLizard wrote:
"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." —Yogi Berra

One of the foremost American philosophers of the 20th century.
 WonderLizard wrote:

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." —Yogi Berra


Is that deep Indian knowledge...?

I say: If you come to a fork - railroad it!
Has an ethereal sound that is simultaneously relaxing and pleasing. A sound that bypasses the conscious and goes straight to the soul.
 WonderLizard wrote:

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." —Yogi Berra

Pretty song, BTW.

I was thinking of that Yogi-ism when I looked at this cover too!

Good sounds!
 greencoffeeman wrote:
just the right song for writing papers ..
Just the right song for insomnia {#Sleep}
just the right song for writing papers ..

8 to 9!

Kind-a sweet ... good way to start a nice warm morning—and warmer by the minute—in the north-east, of the south, of the north, of the east {#Sunny}

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." —Yogi Berra

Pretty song, BTW.

 vandal wrote:

I don't know why I like this so much, but I do. . .

Me too!! Love this song {#Daisy}
This song is "Quite Likeable"

I don't understand what prompted the Mellencamp request below.  {#Stupid}  If you are so jonesin' for Mellencamp — spare us the misery and BUY THE CD!  Listen on your own time.  He probably doesn't get played on RP because he is way overplayed on mainstream radio.
 Stingray wrote:
A question totally out of contect!

Why we do not hear nothing of "MELLENCAMP" on RP?

I think I am a member here for 5 years or so,
I do not listen 24 hours a day, but there are
weeks and month when I am 10 hours online with RP - at least!


No Mellencamp! Why is that! Is he not good enough? Does Bill not like him?
Do RP-listener do not like him?

He has a huge catalogue with at least 20-25 songs one could play at all times
to get applause!

What is it about him...?

Can anybody tell? Please?

Do you mean John Mellencamp? A quick search of the RP database reveals 40 of his songs, but the ones I looked at appear to be played few times if at all (based on the number of ratings).

Here's one that has at least a few ratings: Pink Houses

A question totally out of contect!

Why we do not hear nothing of "MELLENCAMP" on RP?

I think I am a member here for 5 years or so,
I do not listen 24 hours a day, but there are
weeks and month when I am 10 hours online with RP - at least!


No Mellencamp! Why is that! Is he not good enough? Does Bill not like him?
Do RP-listener do not like him?

He has a huge catalogue with at least 20-25 songs one could play at all times
to get applause!

What is it about him...?

Can anybody tell? Please?

Julia Stone by ProgressiveEuphoria

This is Julia Stone from Angus and Julia Stone. I went to the Southern Roots Festival in April. It was amazing.

 vandal wrote:

I don't know why I like this so much, but I do. . .


Because it's great! Subtle and effective.

I don't know why I like this so much, but I do. . .


Love it. The piano - soft notes....and then the train-track spatter of the snare drum. Awesome.  
What a great tune. Never heard of these cats before.
Wonderful way to enjoy my coffee sitting in a dark office on a rainy morning.
great mellow set for this overcast day in philadelphia:

angus & julia stone - silver coin
beth orton - thinking about tomorrow
Calexico - slowness
Does anybody gets reminded to Tom McRae by this voice? Sounds extremely related in my ears. Love it. Fin de siècle tunes...
Musically, I love this song, but I have to say I don't like the choppy delivery of the vocals.  That stacatto stuff has its place, but in this case it doesn't work for me, sorry.  6.
Reminds me a bit of Jess Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter.  Another lovely discovery - thanks Bill!

 nagsheadlocal wrote:

He: Look what I have!

She: And look what I have - and with it I will rule your life forever.


ROTF-LMFAO (where's that confounded emoticon?)
dude's like all sad 'n stuff...
 csnyder wrote:
As a violist, I've got to give this one an automatic 10.{#Boohoo}

 inindian wrote:

Well, if yer havin' a laugh, let's hear it!
He: Look what I have!

She: And look what I have - and with it I will rule your life forever.

I am starting to like this sweetness more and more...{#Curtain}
Low coo pee the future wishae...

 sirrus wrote:

That photo is SCREAMING for a tasteless caption.... {#Twisted}


Well, if yer havin' a laugh, let's hear it!
Less clipping and I would rate this.  Right now holding off until I get a few more passes by the ear.
Nice morning music for those of us on the left coast.
Nice. Love the bass tone/groove below the strings.
just like dean and britta.
8 {#Arrow} 9 !!

So weak it hurts...
Wow. This song came on RP, just as I was listening to this live version:


Great tune.

Such great tune ...

added to my want list

 oscar_driver wrote:
so nice ...
ya man.

so nice ...
As a violist, I've got to give this one an automatic 10.{#Boohoo}

umm.. it's the third time i come to check who's this song from. Think i should get the album! 
Thanks RP 
Mari wrote:

That photo is SCREAMING for a tasteless caption.... {#Twisted}

Nice... anyone know what the rest of the album is like?


First time I heard this one...
I've got "The Beast" on the LRC. Thought that would get uploaded before this. Glad this did though...

Simple yet evocative lyrics. The yearning is palpable.

Heard the rattle from the train
Sounds of a hundred people,
Maybe more
Cut through the ropes before you came
I had a dream that you were gone.

I'm in the days of throwing rocks
When I saw your picture on a silver coin
Stole a kiss through your golden locks
I had a dream that you were gone.
Woke up and you were gone

All the love has gone away
Cos I didn't have the heart or strength to say
I'll miss you when you're gone
I'll miss you when you're gone
I'll miss you when you're gone
I'll miss you when you're gone

Heard the rattle from the chains
This goddamn room it gets so small sometimes
I had a dream that you were gone
Woke up and you were gone


Not sure about this one yet but so far it's pleasant enough.  A 7 to start.