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Led Zeppelin — Down By the Seaside
Album: Physical Graffiti
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Total ratings: 1866

Released: 1975
Length: 5:11
Plays (last 30 days): 3
Down by the seaside. See the boats go sailin'
Can the people hear, What the little fish are sayin'

Oh, oh, the people turned away. Oh, the people turned away

Down in the city streets, see all the folk go racin', racin'
No time left, to pass the time of day

The people turned away. The people turned away
So far away, so far away

See how they run, see how they run, see how they run, see how they run.

Do you still do the twist
Do you find you remember things that well
I want to tell you... Some go twistin' every day
Though sometimes it's awful hard to tell

Out in the country, hear the people singin'
Singin' 'bout their progress, knowin' where they're goin'

Oh, oh, oh, oh, the people turned away
Yes, the people turned away

Sing loud for the sunshine, pray hard for the rain
And show your love for Lady Nature. And she will come back again
The people turned away
The people turned away
Comments (197)add comment
Haven't heard this in forever....<3
Curious tune.. not a big Led Zeppelin fan but the story behind this one is pretty cool..
 Stephen_Phillips wrote:

I was a real Led Zep fan until this album which did not resonate with me. Fancy time signatures or not, it is still 'easy listening' and not the early heavy rock and blues that I love. Some people like this song and the album but I don't think they are the same people that loved the previous albums.

WTF? "In My Time of Dying" is not heavy rock and blues? It's the apex of heavy rock and blues.  "The Rover". "Ten Years Gone" is a masterpiece of rock blues. 
"Don't they know that they're going?"

Thanks for leaving it in, BIllG and successors!
 stangalbraith wrote:

Started with an 8 and then upped it to a 9. The variety in this tune is compelling. Changes of time signatures. Changes of tempo. Changes of instrumentation. And yet it all flows together naturally.

LZ are real deal in so many ways.  I remember reading as a youngster NME's Illustrated Rock Encyclopedia.  Under LZ entry there was a quote from Page saying something like this: "Intention was to span band's musical range from heavy metal blues to folk style like Incredible String Band." 
 LaurieinTucson wrote:

There's too much Robert Plant on this station. I've heard him 3 times today.

I know people that would argue that "...too much Robert Plant..." is purely an abstract concept. It doesn't actually exist in the material world.

LaurieinTucson wrote:
There's too much Robert Plant on this station. I've heard him 3 times today.

 dandueck07 wrote:
Perhaps, your music diet is more Meatloaf based?

Suzanne Vegan perhaps?
 dandueck07 wrote:
 LaurieinTucson wrote:
There's too much Robert Plant on this station. I've heard him 3 times today.

Perhaps, your music diet is more Meatloaf based?

That tickles my funny bone.  {#Roflol}
the versatility of zep... love this one
Wow - keep on being opinionated people as I rate this a 10…. This album is one of their finest and I love all of them.
Makes me think they were listening to the Dead around this time. 
 LaurieinTucson wrote:
There's too much Robert Plant on this station. I've heard him 3 times today.

Perhaps, your music diet is more Meatloaf based?
I was a real Led Zep fan until this album which did not resonate with me. Fancy time signatures or not, it is still 'easy listening' and not the early heavy rock and blues that I love. Some people like this song and the album but I don't think they are the same people that loved the previous albums.
My rating a weak 7      i will Skip
...show your love for Lady Nature. And she will come back again 
Superlative track, one of Zeppelin's finest, well done RP!
 aspicer wrote:
Unforgettable memories to this double album.  The cassette got stuck in my car player as a teenager, so I spent the whole summer listening to this album.  Of all the ones to get stuck in my deck for the summer......PERFECT!  

I had this cassette stuck in my car player in college for a couple years.  Technically, it wasn't stuck, it just never got ejected.  Until one day my roommate took it out and put some sort of rap garbage in there and left the LZ tape on the seat on a hot NY day with the windows up.  It didn't fit in the tape deck after that.

Later I got the LZ CD box set.  My sister in law borrowed it and when I got it back, disc one of PG was missing.  Never got replaced either.  It fills me with regret whenever I go on a LZ1 through CODA straight through listen. (Which, by the way, usually gets cut off by my wife soon after ZOSO.)  Point is, I only get to hear those songs here on RP, which basically means only Kashmir.

Started with an 8 and then upped it to a 9. The variety in this tune is compelling. Changes of time signatures. Changes of tempo. Changes of instrumentation. And yet it all flows together naturally.
 spiggy wrote:
This is the same band that produced Dazed and Confused, Black Dog, Trample underfoot...?? What bland garbage. :((((

Funny, I was thinking the same but more like... wow, what awesome range and variety... All My Love, Dyer Maker.... just love them all 
 spiggy wrote:
This is the same band that produced Dazed and Confused, Black Dog, Trample underfoot...?? What bland garbage. :((((
This is the same band that produced Black Mountain Side, Thank You, That's The Way, The Battle of Evermore, The Rain Song, Ten Years Gone, and Tea For One.

Perhaps the problem lies in a limited perspective. 
 BCarn wrote:

So what? It's an 8 to me.

You're right, it's an 8.
 Tomasni wrote: 
So what? It's an 8 to me.
We do hear our share of Plant.
A choice Zep tune pick. I mean, damn...
Glad to see RP still diving into album cuts all around.

I love RP
There's too much Robert Plant on this station. I've heard him 3 times today.
Blue blood Down By the Seaside.
 coloradojohn wrote:
YEAH! Pulling on a pipe and a killer beer with this blaring, just like always... Ties that bind, sounds that speak of things eternal, and ...

Yay cj! what a way to start the day, Led Zep rocks ; )
 spiggy wrote:
This is the same band that produced Dazed and Confused, Black Dog, Trample underfoot...?? What bland garbage. :((((
Why was Zep great?
Well, many reasons, one of which was their diversity.
They were masters of mixing the heaviest rockers with the prettiest ballads (Tangerine, That's The Way, et al).
Perhaps Slipknot would be more to your liking?
This is the same band that produced Dazed and Confused, Black Dog, Trample underfoot...?? What bland garbage. :((((
 NeilBlanchard wrote:
I guess you had to hear this one back when it came out - it doesn't have nearly the appeal of their bluesier / harder rocking stuff.

My first listen and I am unmoved.  5

 I would have given this a 5, or lower, when I first heard it at its initial release date.  I thought it was kind of cheesy. Now I have it at 9.  Guess it grows on you.
YEAH! Pulling on a pipe and a killer beer with this blaring, just like always... Ties that bind, sounds that speak of things eternal, and ...
One of my favourite Zeppelin songs.... outstanding!  
 (Banned) wrote:
I think it's kind of funny how Robert Plant now lives in Austin, TX with his talented & beautiful wife Patty Griffin and he seems quite happy about it.  Good for you Robert!  

They split up last year.
The Powerful & Almighty™ Led Zep!  {#Notworthy}
Just another side of the dnamic Zeppelin. Greatest rock guitarist ever
 kingart wrote:
Dead Zeppelin. 

and then there's Dread Zeppelin (reggae band)
I guess you had to hear this one back when it came out - it doesn't have nearly the appeal of their bluesier / harder rocking stuff.

My first listen and I am unmoved.  5
 Peter_Bradshaw wrote:

.... is that all!?
That's as high as THIS ONE will go.

 paradisepig wrote:
Everybody in my sewing room loves this...{#Daisy}
Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of homeless camps loves this song, and this album...

hope you are having a marvelous time right now, paradisepig... 
 wtango wrote:

.... is that all!?
I think it's kind of funny how Robert Plant now lives in Austin, TX with his talented & beautiful wife Patty Griffin and he seems quite happy about it.  Good for you Robert!  
Everyone in my song loves this church. 
Here's another version of this one:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36Y0Xf26eSI
Everybody in my sewing room loves this...{#Daisy}

Everybody in my churches loves this song...
ahhhhh Zep.......

They really could do it all

Jeez.  Hanging out on the screened (and opaque) tennis courts on spring nights with the crew, listening to his on a portable cassette player.  Moonlight, a glow from the roach, and an artificial illumination from cheap bourbon.
Everyone in my trailer loves this
THIS is the Led Zeppelin you wish you heard played on the radio. The chance to hear songs like this make me thankful for RP. Wouldn't be on my playlist but so happy when it comes up.
This is NOT your classic rock radio (where we only get to hear the big songs)..  Thanks RP

Where else would you get a song from India and the Zepp
 kingart wrote:
Dead Zeppelin. 
Maybe, but they seem to have following out there!  At least there's water mentioned.......{#Umbrella}
Dead Zeppelin. 
Takes me back to High School.  Love it.
This would play well on The Grand Ole Opry
Unforgettable memories to this double album.  The cassette got stuck in my car player as a teenager, so I spent the whole summer listening to this album.  Of all the ones to get stuck in my deck for the summer......PERFECT!  
Led Zeppelin goes country.
No doubt others noticed it, but this has a very Grateful Dead and Jerry dippy twang to it. 
 jagdriver wrote:
Great story here for Zep fans that'll you'll find most humorous.


Scroll the page to:

Excerpt: 'Roadwork'
by Tom Wright

Chapter 17: The Grande

Wow, that was cool. Makes you realize how the history of rock n' roll was filled with chance happenings, weird people, and seat-of-your-pants planning when things broke down. The music industry back then was definitely not a perfectly controlled machine...

I heard one story of luck that blew my mind a few years ago while watching a history of Stax/Volt records. The company had arranged a 1962 recording session with Johnny Jenkins. Since there was still some studio time left after the band had finished, the engineers let a kid who'd come along with Jenkins—mostly to drive the car and carry the equipment—record two songs. The kid was Otis Redding, the two songs became hits and Redding became the mainstay for Stax/Volt.  
 peter_james_bond wrote:
Bill, you should pair this song with Queen's Seaside Rendezvous from A Night At The Opera. {#Roflol}

That's an amusing and odd song.

I always picture parts of this song being what Arthur Dent hears the people of Krikkit singing when he's watching the history of Krikkit on Slartibartfast's Starship Bistromath, and he thinks that Paul McCartney would have enough money to buy Kent if he had written the song.

 Dave_Mack wrote:
It's chilly by the seaside in Carmel, but beautiful.

The sand was so cold, but offset by the hot guy pressed against me.
It's chilly by the seaside in Carmel, but beautiful.
 jagdriver wrote:
Great story here for Zep fans that'll you'll find most humorous.


Scroll the page to:

Excerpt: 'Roadwork'
by Tom Wright

Chapter 17: The Grande


That's a great goosebump-inducing story. Thanks.
Bill, you should pair this song with Queen's Seaside Rendezvous from A Night At The Opera. {#Roflol}

I love the smell of conk shells in the morning...or evening
LOVE LED  !!    {#Lol}
Always been much of a Led Zeppelin fan.
Never been much of a Led Zeppelin fan.
Nice Bill. Thanks for this gem so forgotton........
Not your typical Zep song, but it's one of their best.
This Playlist is not what i get here. By the way, nice rotation!

if I had to pick my favorite Zep album, this would have to be it. Since it is a double album/cd, there are more songs to love.
This song does have that feeling of leaving the beach on a hot day, sand in your hair, your whole body and brain fried by the sun and surf and the wind is blowing through the window and your just driving home trying to stay awake and thinking about how you have to work tomorrow and won't get day like this for at least another week.{#Cool}
 bentonian wrote:
One of the best LZ songs - bluesey, kind of sad, melodic, then with the kick. Outstanding!
Agreed (~:
So what is the attraction of this song again? If I wanted to listen to the Dead, I would.
Ahhh yes, rub that previous tune out of my ears!
Ilike a bit of the old LZ, but this is rubbish
 jagdriver wrote:
Wow... I never realized Jimmy Page is a midget.

One of the best LZ songs - bluesey, kind of sad, melodic, then with the kick. Outstanding!
 dotiegail wrote:
love this song
It's just about perfect..........................................{#Clap}

love this song
 skyguy wrote:
I JUST noticed after listening this to this for many years..shake it shake it sugar-ree.

I really thought it was Gerry Garcia at first. This is one of the few LZ albums I don't have.
I JUST noticed after listening this to this for many years..shake it shake it sugar-ree.
Great story here for Zep fans that'll you'll find most humorous.


Scroll the page to:

Excerpt: 'Roadwork'
by Tom Wright

Chapter 17: The Grande

I like the version of this Plant sings with Tori Amos, too.... beautiful.
 Chazar wrote:
Most Delicious. Great album. While Kashmir is a well-known classic, IN THE LIGHT and TEN YEARS GONE need more play.

Man... now you made me turn off RP and digg out the album... {#Cheesygrin}

 Gednabb wrote:

Sorry, just don\'t get it. A 3. I feel like all these classic bands are overrated.

You gave James - Ring the Bells a \"10\", now we get it.
 Chazar wrote:
Most Delicious. Great album. While Kashmir is a well-known classic, IN THE LIGHT and TEN YEARS GONE need more play.


 Gednabb wrote:

Sorry, just don't get it. A 3. I feel like all these classic bands are overrated.
I think you should stop rating the songs and wait until you DO get it.

Cool to hear this insead of "Kasmir" for the 23,409,582,340,958th time...but I'd still rather hear "Houses of the Holy". Physical Graffiti is a great record. Why only four cuts to choose from on RP?

Sorry, just don't get it. A 3. I feel like all these classic bands are overrated.
Something about this song makes me think of the people of Kricket. I like to think that this is the song that they are singing that if Paul McCartney had written it, he could have bought the British Isles.
Thanks for playing this gem. It's been a ton of years since I heard it last. I sometime forget how versatile that band was.
Most Delicious. Great album. While Kashmir is a well-known classic, IN THE LIGHT and TEN YEARS GONE need more play.
Hats off... This was the first album I ever recorded 16 track reel to reel. I still like it.
mrrmt wrote:
love the version he recorded with tori too!
You and me both.
love the version he recorded with tori too!
Totally forgot this album and now I remember who swapped it from me,ha,I am coming to get you! Better yet, going for the CD,vinyl probably a see-trough by now.And yes #9.
Man, I haven't heard this in forever. Great song.
love this tune
Always a favorite
Great track from another monster Zep album!
It's funny, any time this song starts up on RP or my iPod, my first thought is "Oh man, do I really want to listen to Led Zeppelin gone soft?" But whenever I stick with it (like today), it never fails to change my mind again. By the 2nd chorus the slide guitar captures my attention, during the bridge I realize my foot is tapping, and then as the keyboard ends the song I find myself thinking quite contentedly "boy, what a great song." Amazing!
still goosebumps when I hear any Zep tune............
me too... and they increase exponentially the longer that Plant continues to whine.
Godlike. Enough said.
still goosebumps when I hear any Zep tune............
One gem of many on this set. Check out the remake of Richie Valens Song - Labeled : Boogie With Stu, it really rocks.
One of many hidden jems on this album. Nice to hear this one getting play from somewhere besides my CD.
YOWZA: country zep!!!
What a great song. For how many times I have played the 1s and 0s off all their other albums, I haven't listened to this one more than a couple times. I'm really stoked that there is a LZ album that I get to enjoy for virtually my first time when I want to go there.
i love radioparadise... ten years gone is also a beautiful song
When I first got this album, this song crept up on me! I had to listen to it at least 5 times in a row because I loved the sound of it so much ~ it really is that great! Always makes me smile!
dwhayslett wrote:
Odd. I like Zep's sound. I'm not too fond of beets, though.
What, red beets like beetroot or sugar beet? You don't like eatin' them or what, dwhayslett? Or do them beets make music and I just didn't know that?!
PG is Zep's best album IMO. "9" for 'Seaside.
You know, if you stop listening to classic rock stations and only listen to RP, you hear this song at the correct rotation frequency.