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U2 — The Fly
Album: Achtung Baby
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Total ratings: 2441

Released: 1991
Length: 4:26
Plays (last 30 days): 0
It's no secret that the stars are falling from the sky
It's no secret that our world is in darkness tonight
They say the sun is sometimes eclipsed by the moon
Y' know I don't see you when she walks in the room

It's no secret that a friend is someone who lets you help
It's no secret that a liar won't believe anyone else
They say a secret is something you tell one other person
So I'm telling you, child

Gospel Voice
Love, we shine like a
Burning star
We're falling from
The sky... tonight

Low Voice
A man will beg
A man will crawl
On the sheer face of love
Like a fly on a wall
It's no secret at all

It's no secret that a conscience can sometimes be a pest
It's no secret ambition bites the nails of success
Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief
All kill their inspiration and sing about the grief

Gospel Voice
Love, we shine like a
Burning star
We're falling from
The sky... tonight

Low Voice
A man will rise
A man will fall
From the sheer face of love
Like a fly from a wall
It's no secret at all

Gospel Voice
Love, we shine like a burning star
We're falling from the sky tonight
Love, we shine like a
Burning star
We're falling from
The sky... tonight

It's no secret that the stars are falling from the sky
The universe exploding 'cos-a one man's lie
Look I gotta go
Yeah, I'm running outta change
There's a lot of things
If I could I'd rearrange
Comments (230)add comment
this sounds like noise... but pretty bloody good noise!
 aspicer wrote:

Would LOVE to see the Sphere experience. Anyone that can share some details..? I'm just glad I got to see this tour when it came out. Mind blowing show, especially at that time.

The Sphere was a completely different venue than I have ever experienced.  I don't think it is hyperbole to say its next generation and not just in a music venue but in human engineering in general.  Can't wait to see Phish next!
 garydgould wrote:

U2 are back, The Fly is incredible especially in a Las Vegas Sphere!

Would LOVE to see the Sphere experience. Anyone that can share some details..? I'm just glad I got to see this tour when it came out. Mind blowing show, especially at that time.
Radio paradise doit être la seule radio à diffuser cette merveille 💙
Damn, I like this song! There goes my hipster cred.
U2 are back, The Fly is incredible especially in a Las Vegas Sphere!
 deniseperry wrote:

Not my favourite track. But super fabulous album. Played it to death.

They traveled a huge distance musically going from "Joshua Tree" to "Achtung Baby"...
 acolt wrote:

Hey, come on, let's be nice here. People can have different opinions.

Yeah, but that was in response to a NASTY comment!  "crap racket"? ..eh? ...appropriate response!!!  .
Obligatory anti-mainstream comment.
from the 80's to now, U2 i'm with U
The Edge kicks-ass! Period.
Let's not overlook the critical contributions of Brian Eno on their reinvention here!
 eileenomurphy wrote:

If you don't like it, hit the SKIP BUTTON, skippy! ...and shut up!!

Hey, come on, let's be nice here. People can have different opinions.
Not my favourite track. But super fabulous album. Played it to death.
Easily one of my faves of theirs - for the guitar alone 👌
I like it!!!
 MattRudely wrote:

Crap racket

If you don't like it, hit the SKIP BUTTON, skippy! ...and shut up!!
The last relevant U2 album, so many great memories 
By far their best album! And it endures for me (very happy memories associated). One of the best songs on this great album
 TLynneHenry wrote:

I used to live for U2 (well, after REM) - but at some point in my life, I started to find their earnestness exhausting. There are still some of their songs that I will listen to forever, but that list is shorter than it used to be.

Both bands became so self-important and made no secret of it.
Early career: fantastic stuff; later career: would rather not listen to it.
that arythmic tambourine in the left speaker is KILLING ME
Crap racket
 dmiklitz wrote:
I played this CD over and over in my car when it was released. Probably my next fave album after Unforgettable Fire. Still kicks @$$ today. I need it in this bizarre year; aural medicine for the soul.
Ikr? I played this song non-stop when I was a teenager. When I say non stop, I mean like getting to sleep and waking up with this song.
One of my favourites from U2 of all times. I just love the guitar work and Edge repeating himself with his abrasive effects. You can get hurt on that guitar. And that solo is out of this world.

"Hey, there's a song named after you."
"Really? There's a song called "Fred"?"
I played this CD over and over in my car when it was released. Probably my next fave album after Unforgettable Fire. Still kicks @$$ today. I need it in this bizarre year; aural medicine for the soul.
This album is nearly 30 years old now. Ugh.
 nickferrante10 wrote:
My favorite U2 album. Great songs throughout and a brave departure from their former sound.

I think this is when their sound 'gelled' into their distinctive 'U2 Sound'. Everything came together. Lyrics, guitar, harmonies, drumming... the Edge and his sonic experiments sound like no one else
Love this song! One of the best on this album, and one of the Edge's best solos ever!  
One of my all time fav guitar solos. The Edge is killing it. 
My favorite U2 album. Great songs throughout and a brave departure from their former sound.
Outstanding track,crank up the volume,long live R.P🥳
 TLynneHenry wrote:
I used to live for U2 (well, after REM) - but at some point in my life, I started to find their earnestness exhausting. There are still some of their songs that I will listen to forever, but that list is shorter than it used to be.
 You've mentioned THE two most overrated bands on Earth. Both never get >3 and most a 1. Pity there's no zero!

I used to live for U2 (well, after REM) - but at some point in my life, I started to find their earnestness exhausting. There are still some of their songs that I will listen to forever, but that list is shorter than it used to be.
 mjwstickings wrote:
One might argue, their best album. Excellent pretty much all the way through. Too bad they -- and Bono, in particular -- have become so %$@&ing annoying. If ever a case could be made for a band that should have quit at its peak, this is it, right after this album.
People should try separating the artist from the art. Sometimes the two are inextricably linked and there isn't a possible separation. I don't think that's the case with U2 though.
My favorite U2 album.
Absolute shit.
U2's best album IMO....great from beginning to end.
 SteffT wrote:
One of the most overrated bands ever!!{#Headache}
Just like the Beatles and Rolling Stones and Jimi Hendrix. They're in good company.
 JIan wrote:
I, I, I, my, my, my, you, you, you.   Listen to yourself drone on and on... self important much?  Vote with yourratings.  Mute the volume.  Better yet, go do something else.  
H8rhater, not to be a pain in the arse, but didn't Byron directly state he already does what you so wisely suggest in his original post?  Just sayin'.  Additionally, I tend to agree with what Byronape says here about U2 and other bands, that while they may be immensely popular, I never developed a particular taste for despite said popularity.  To each his/her own. No?

No pain received. I think you missed the point of my (Byron)ape-ing those suggestions from the OP as a a setup for the "Better yet".
 coloradojohn wrote:
One of the things I have always appreciated (had to; it's their call) about U2 is that they never make the same song twice. They evolve. I mean, in this song, Edge sounds like he's lathing metal on his guitar, and Bono delivers in close to a Michael Hutchence vocal style...

So true CJ... especially that they never make the same song twice. This is so different from their early stuff yet it has the braggadocio and swagger that we want them to give us but only the greatest bands can deliver.
 stalfnzo wrote:
Argggghhh!! I can feel my brain cells committing suicide one by one! PSD! PSD!
Maybe you should quit huffing paint thinner.
Argggghhh!! I can feel my brain cells committing suicide one by one! PSD! PSD!
 justin4kick wrote:

I really like your comment. However to experience this live in the open air with the lightning flashes of a thunder storm coming in from the distance was an unforgettable experience for me.

I agree, this tour was fabulous.
One of the things I have always appreciated (had to; it's their call) about U2 is that they never make the same song twice. They evolve. I mean, in this song, Edge sounds like he's lathing metal on his guitar, and Bono delivers in close to a Michael Hutchence vocal style...
 rushed wrote:
Highlights Edge's expertise as a rhythm guitarist and his ability to sculpt an enticing soundscape. Always a fave, generally with headphones to grab the nuances.

I really like your comment.  To experience this live in the open air with the lightning flashes of a thunder storm coming in from the distance was an unforgettable experience for me.

Highlights Edge's expertise as a rhythm guitarist and his ability to sculpt an enticing soundscape. Always a fave, generally with headphones to grab the nuances.
They started to lose me with this album. I saw the show live and there are much better tracks on this album, but somehow I stopped caring after this release.
One of the most overrated bands ever!!{#Headache}
 lemmoth wrote:
Love this song.  Love this album.  Love this band.  Love RP.

In the last 3 songs I read this same comment from you LOL
 aspicer wrote:
Outstanding tune. One of their finest albums (in top 3).


Had a hard time enjoying this album when it first came out (was expecting another Joshua Tree) but I'd agree with you now about that ranking. This is one of my all-time fave U2 songs. The ZooTV live version is outstanding.
Love this song.  Love this album.  Love this band.  Love RP.
superb.  What a track {#Cool}
 rdo wrote:

My how you do cry like a babe.
 DeemerDave wrote:
So have you met Bono? Chatted with him or his friends to find out how he thinks of himself? Read interviews from reliable sources maybe?
I didn't think so.
Keep your uninformed character assassinations to yourself.
Thank you.
So tired of these Bono-obsessed whiners.  {#Rolleyes}
F that....Just last week, I kid you not, there were two headline news stories about Bono.  One was for him "falling down".  The other was for his private aircraft hitting turbulence.  This is a man litterally running for the post of world leader and world saviour.  He spammed some toxic waste "music" on every single Earthling's iPhone last month and this caused a media sensation and a record number of trips to the bathroom to vomit.  Now he is fucking Big Brother and we cannot even get the jerk off our smart phones.
 rdo wrote:
easmann:  when you have hundreds of millions of dollars, then it is newsworthy nowadays if you are a miser and don't give a lot of it away.  Giving money away and do-gooding is fine, but it is nothing heroic or special when you are a mega rich publicity whore.  Who wouldn't give lots of money away if they had it to give?  Why make a spectacle of yourself about it?  Why rub shoulders with third world dictators to get them off the hook from paying their debts, so they can deposit it in the Cayman islands instead?  St. Bonio sees himself as a Christ-like figure and it is vomit inducing to see him talked about on every fucking entertainment tabloid and news show.  Capiche?
So have you met Bono? Chatted with him or his friends to find out how he thinks of himself? Read interviews from reliable sources maybe?

I didn't think so.

Keep your uninformed character assassinations to yourself. 
Wish the new album was 3/4 as good as this one....{#Confused}
 ScottN wrote:
What did you think of the song?  I could give a rats patootey what you think of Bono.

ditto, Scott.
 rdo wrote:
easmann:  when yiu have hundreds of millions of dollars, then it is newsworthy nowadays if you are a miser and don't give a lot of it away.  Giving money away and do-gooding is fine.  St. Bonio sees himself as a Christ like figure and it is vomit inducing to see him talked about on every entertainment and news show.  Capiche?
  What did you think of the song?  I could give a rats patootey what you think of Bono.

easmann:  when you have hundreds of millions of dollars, then it is newsworthy nowadays if you are a miser and don't give a lot of it away.  Giving money away and do-gooding is fine, but it is nothing heroic or special when you are a mega rich publicity whore.  Who wouldn't give lots of money away if they had it to give?  Why make a spectacle of yourself about it?  Why rub shoulders with third world dictators to get them off the hook from paying their debts, so they can deposit it in the Cayman islands instead?  St. Bonio sees himself as a Christ-like figure and it is vomit inducing to see him talked about on every fucking entertainment tabloid and news show.  Capiche?
This is just terrible.
Seem to be a lot of haters out there, but for myself, I like it. {#Dancingbanana_2}
 lemmoth wrote:
Great song live.

yes. definitely!
Outstanding tune. One of their finest albums (in top 3).
 CanuckMakem wrote: Estoy de acuerdo totalmente  {#Cheers}
Couldn't agree more 



Great song live.
First some context for this album: late 80's /early 90's, The Cold War was coming to an end and the Berlin Wall was starting to be demolished. A new world needed new music. Achtung Baby clearly represents the spirit of that era. U2 is (was) IMO a band that portraited the change and "avantgard-ness" of those times. No more 4-guys-lost-in-the-desert look or sound. 
When an artist lives up to its historic period and adapts to change it is when real art is produced. I'll give them that. 
 perrygibbs wrote:

thanks for the psd function

Couldn't agree more 

 Zeito wrote:

This was the first U2 album that really grabbed my attention personally.  Their work in the '90s was really groundbreaking, IMHO.

Interesting. I thought the had their cutting-edge moments in the 80s as well, or at least albums that induced a lot of copy-cat bands like The Alarm. Unforgettable Fire shook people up when it came out. I remember listening to Joshua Tree in early '87 and thinking that it might be of one the best rock albums of all time. These days JT and Achtung Baby are my faves, although it's easier to get into AB. Music has changed drastically since the 80s...

U2's success in both decades had a lot to do with Brian Eno--the guy often changes bands for the better IMO. I missed the fire and passion of 80s U2 when stuff like Zooroopa came out, although I like that album. You have to give credit to the band for staying ahead of fans' preferences for a while and for not getting stuck in a rut.  

thanks for the psd function

 kcar wrote:

A lot of U2 fans hated this album at first because they wanted the band to make more "Joshua Tree"-like music. The guys kinda shot themselves in the foot with the bland and self-congratulatory "Rattle and Hum." 

It took me quite a while to warm up to this album but it's one of my U2 faves. The video from the ZooTV tour is greatgreatgreat. 
This was the first U2 album that really grabbed my attention personally.  Their work in the '90s was really groundbreaking, IMHO.
 Euskadita wrote:
This song really sounded different the time it was launched. It's 1 out of 5 songs I like from this band!
A lot of U2 fans hated this album at first because they wanted the band to make more "Joshua Tree"-like music. The guys kinda shot themselves in the foot with the bland and self-congratulatory "Rattle and Hum." 

It took me quite a while to warm up to this album but it's one of my U2 faves. The video from the ZooTV tour is greatgreatgreat. 
 Byronape wrote:

Ok, I'm something of a hater so I'll go ahead and hate on...

Popular and good (by my standards since the music is going into my ear holes and my opinion is the only one that counts to me) have little to do with each other.  If you look at a top ten list of the highest grossing concerts in history, you will see a lot of the same names.  The Rolling Stones (I don't really like them), ACDC (eh, depends on my mood), Madonna (don't even get me started), The Police (depends on the song), and Bon Jovi (hatehatehate...)  So, I offer this list up as evidence that good and popular do not always have a connection.

Besides, spouting numbers at me or telling me how popular a band is will do nothing to change my opinion of of the music.  I'm either going to like it, love it, hate it, or be indifferent to it.  Nothing you say will change that and nothing that everyone else likes will influence me one way or another.  

For the most part, I know I'm in the minority of RP listeners when it comes to U2.  I'm ok with that.  I vote with my ratings and if I don't like what I'm hearing, I mute the volume or go do something else.  

Please don't make the assumption that facts have anything to do with something as subjective as taste in music.  If I'm the only one on the planet that doesn't like something, then it just means that it didn't do happy things for my ears.  Maybe that makes me strange or my tastes questionable, but I don't care.  My tastes are mine and I don't feel compelled to tell anyone why they are wrong.  Doing so would gain me nothing and only lower me to the level of the people that think sales or popularity should define my tastes.  
I, I, I, my, my, my, you, you, you.   Listen to yourself drone on and on... self important much?  Vote with yourratings.  Mute the volume.  Better yet, go do something else.  
H8rhater, not to be a pain in the arse, but didn't Byron directly state he already does what you so wisely suggest in his original post?  Just sayin'.  Additionally, I tend to agree with what Byronape says here about U2 and other bands, that while they may be immensely popular, I never developed a particular taste for despite said popularity.  To each his/her own. No?
As I've said before, U2, one of the bands that come around a bit too often on here for my liking.
 Byronape wrote:

Ok, I'm something of a hater so I'll go ahead and hate on...

Popular and good (by my standards since the music is going into my ear holes and my opinion is the only one that counts to me) have little to do with each other.  If you look at a top ten list of the highest grossing concerts in history, you will see a lot of the same names.  The Rolling Stones (I don't really like them), ACDC (eh, depends on my mood), Madonna (don't even get me started), The Police (depends on the song), and Bon Jovi (hatehatehate...)  So, I offer this list up as evidence that good and popular do not always have a connection.

Besides, spouting numbers at me or telling me how popular a band is will do nothing to change my opinion of of the music.  I'm either going to like it, love it, hate it, or be indifferent to it.  Nothing you say will change that and nothing that everyone else likes will influence me one way or another. 

For the most part, I know I'm in the minority of RP listeners when it comes to U2.  I'm ok with that.  I vote with my ratings and if I don't like what I'm hearing, I mute the volume or go do something else. 

Please don't make the assumption that facts have anything to do with something as subjective as taste in music.  If I'm the only one on the planet that doesn't like something, then it just means that it didn't do happy things for my ears.  Maybe that makes me strange or my tastes questionable, but I don't care.  My tastes are mine and I don't feel compelled to tell anyone why they are wrong.  Doing so would gain me nothing and only lower me to the level of the people that think sales or popularity should define my tastes. 
 Bosami wrote:
Such a great song - and weirdly awesome guitar solo.
it could be my favourite guitar solo, and it's the weird bits that I like.
Actually, it's an unusually rhythmic solo, with lot's of fun call-and-response within the solo. And when Bono's vocals layers over at the end...
 Byronape wrote:

Ok, I'm something of a hater so I'll go ahead and hate on...

Popular and good (by my standards since the music is going into my ear holes and my opinion is the only one that counts to me) have little to do with each other.  If you look at a top ten list of the highest grossing concerts in history, you will see a lot of the same names.  The Rolling Stones (I don't really like them), ACDC (eh, depends on my mood), Madonna (don't even get me started), The Police (depends on the song), and Bon Jovi (hatehatehate...)  So, I offer this list up as evidence that good and popular do not always have a connection.

Besides, spouting numbers at me or telling me how popular a band is will do nothing to change my opinion of of the music.  I'm either going to like it, love it, hate it, or be indifferent to it.  Nothing you say will change that and nothing that everyone else likes will influence me one way or another. 

For the most part, I know I'm in the minority of RP listeners when it comes to U2.  I'm ok with that.  I vote with my ratings and if I don't like what I'm hearing, I mute the volume or go do something else. 

Please don't make the assumption that facts have anything to do with something as subjective as taste in music.  If I'm the only one on the planet that doesn't like something, then it just means that it didn't do happy things for my ears.  Maybe that makes me strange or my tastes questionable, but I don't care.  My tastes are mine and I don't feel compelled to tell anyone why they are wrong.  Doing so would gain me nothing and only lower me to the level of the people that think sales or popularity should define my tastes. 
I, I, I, my, my, my, you, you, you.   Listen to yourself drone on and on... self important much?  Vote with your ratings.  Mute the volumeBetter yet, go do something else

This album is so underrated.
Such a great song - and weirdly awesome guitar solo.
This song really sounded different the time it was launched. It's 1 out of 5 songs I like from this band!
 Sloggydog wrote:
I remember seeing this album on when good bands go bad
Well, for me this their best album and a Masterpiece at that. 

I remember seeing this album on when good bands go bad

If we are honest, we have to admit that U2 is half the good band

we think they are!


THE EDGE is a mediocre guitar-player without his machines

On bass is an amateur

Voice is great and drums are OK!


Still - 10 great songs is not much for a band of that status being 30 years

in business!

 On_The_Beach wrote:

So Bono, how long have you been using this "MiracleDrug" handle?
Really, you're not fooling anyone.  ; )

ROFL {#Lol}
 MiracleDrug wrote:
So Bono, how long have you been using this "MiracleDrug" handle?
Really, you're not fooling anyone.  ; )
 dwhayslett wrote:

Well, except for the reason that fewer of their fans would have gotten to see them, most likely, as playing multiple smaller venues per city would have resulted in fewer cities being visited.  (Or maybe a 4 year tour.)

and in addition the real point in all this is:


if you don't happen to agree with the millions of us world-wide that do like their music...
that's fine...

just be aware your opinion is a minority view...

 On_The_Beach wrote:

Well, congratulations, they made sh*tloads of cash; so did Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian.
Further to Byronape's insightful comments below, the reason the tour was "high-grossing" is because they charged ridiculously high prices for the honour of seeing them in massive, soulless football stadiums where the sound and view suck beyond all hope (trust me, I made the mistake of seeing them on said tour). There's no reason (other than greed) they couldn't play multiple nights in smaller venues. I like U2 as much as the next guy, but they lost my respect when they started putting profits ahead of their fans.
Well, except for the reason that fewer of their fans would have gotten to see them, most likely, as playing multiple smaller venues per city would have resulted in fewer cities being visited.  (Or maybe a 4 year tour.)
 MiracleDrug wrote:
By its conclusion, U2 360° had set records for the highest-grossing concert tour with $736 million in ticket sales, and for the highest-attended tour with over 7.2 million tickets sold.
Well, congratulations, they made sh*tloads of cash; so did Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian.
Further to Byronape's insightful comments below, the reason the tour was "high-grossing" is because they charged ridiculously high prices for the honour of seeing them in massive, soulless football stadiums where the sound and view suck beyond all hope (trust me, I made the mistake of seeing them on said tour). There's no reason (other than greed) they couldn't play multiple nights in smaller venues. I like U2 as much as the next guy, but they lost my respect when they started putting profits ahead of their fans.

Let's ZIP it !!!!  {#Naughty}{#Grumpy}
I give it an 8 for The Edge, but I'd give it a 9 if it were an instrumental.

Love. It.
9! {#Razz}
 MiracleDrug wrote:
the HATE continues I see...

good thing MOST people disagree...

By its conclusion, U2 360° had set records for the highest-grossing concert tour with $736 million in ticket sales, and for the highest-attended tour with over 7.2 million tickets sold.

hate ON haters...

Ok, I'm something of a hater so I'll go ahead and hate on...

Popular and good (by my standards since the music is going into my ear holes and my opinion is the only one that counts to me) have little to do with each other.  If you look at a top ten list of the highest grossing concerts in history, you will see a lot of the same names.  The Rolling Stones (I don't really like them), ACDC (eh, depends on my mood), Madonna (don't even get me started), The Police (depends on the song), and Bon Jovi (hatehatehate...)  So, I offer this list up as evidence that good and popular do not always have a connection.

Besides, spouting numbers at me or telling me how popular a band is will do nothing to change my opinion of of the music.  I'm either going to like it, love it, hate it, or be indifferent to it.  Nothing you say will change that and nothing that everyone else likes will influence me one way or another. 

For the most part, I know I'm in the minority of RP listeners when it comes to U2.  I'm ok with that.  I vote with my ratings and if I don't like what I'm hearing, I mute the volume or go do something else. 

Please don't make the assumption that facts have anything to do with something as subjective as taste in music.  If I'm the only one on the planet that doesn't like something, then it just means that it didn't do happy things for my ears.  Maybe that makes me strange or my tastes questionable, but I don't care.  My tastes are mine and I don't feel compelled to tell anyone why they are wrong.  Doing so would gain me nothing and only lower me to the level of the people that think sales or popularity should define my tastes. 

the HATE continues I see...

good thing MOST people disagree...

By its conclusion, U2 360° had set records for the highest-grossing concert tour with $736 million in ticket sales, and for the highest-attended tour with over 7.2 million tickets sold.

hate ON haters...

 MiracleDrug wrote:
this song is MURDEROUS live...{#Bananajam}
and MURDER to hear on RP. What a waste of bandwidth.
 PA1749 wrote:
U2 was just voted the best band of the past 25 years by Q magazine. I agree!

Oh good, another magazine i dont have to read....... 

such a lame band.  WTF, it works !


U2 was just voted the best band of the past 25 years by Q magazine. I agree!
Bloody hell. You really hate this don't you! I give it an 8 for being a fabulously well written ultra-pop song.

redmachine wrote:
There is never, ever a good reason for playing this soul-less corporate wank.
Hateful middle of the raod rubbish for people who do not understand the real soul of music.

There is never, ever a good reason for playing this soul-less corporate wank.
Hateful middle of the raod rubbish for people who do not understand the real soul of music.
Fair enough if that's your idea of good music.
I'd rather listen to a singer with real soul as opposed a smug tool like Bonio.
Millions of people like Coldplay or joined the Nazi party, doesn't make it right ;)

That_SOB wrote:

Perhaps a {#Chillpill} pill will provide a bit of analgesic help for your pain. I happen to like this album very much, and my guess is that there are millions just like me out there. A little tolerance goes a long way.


 redmachine wrote:
                                                      // but playing this crap is painful.


Perhaps a {#Chillpill} pill will provide a bit of analgesic help for your pain. I happen to like this album very much, and my guess is that there are millions just like me out there. A little tolerance goes a long way.

It is totally bemusing why anyone likes U2, Truly awful music from a one dimentional band who have been clogging the airwaves for far too long. RP plays some brilliant stuff but playing this crap is painful. Can't believe there is no 'zero' option in the ratings.

 Cynaera wrote:
I love U2, but lately, I think I loved them more when I didn't know anything about them.
Second that. I once bought a DVD from them. Couldn't stand to watch almost 2 hours of Bono taking life very seriously while being very important. So the DVD was a waste of money.

 Stingray wrote:
U2 come out with a new album before CHRISTMAS-2010!
They did. It was called Spiderman, The Musical.{#Frustrated}

Bono is too busy being a self-appointed ambassador for the U.S. these days for U2 to do anything good anymore.
this song is MURDEROUS live...{#Bananajam}
 LPCity wrote:
Kick Ass Live Version

I love the rush, but I hate the Schtick.  NO intimacy, no nuance. Maybe if I'd been there, I'd have been swept away by the sheer power of it all, but to watch it on YouTube? I saw tired faces, bored expressions, and cued musical interludes. It was almost like the whole band wanted to be somewhere else.   Still, the music was powerful, as always.  I love U2, but lately, I think I loved them more when I didn't know anything about them.

Kick Ass Live Version


 januismer wrote:
Rather have the old school.
It's 2 decades old.

Rather have the old school.
yahoo!  {#Sunny}
 Shaken_Bake wrote:
I've always wondered who does the falsetto background vocals - is that Edge, or overdubbed Bono?  I love that aspect of this song.

That's the Edge doing the falsetto vocals.

Love this song!!!

Remember when it came out thinking how different it sounded from all their previous albums.

Change is good, people!

Just dreadful. Why when there's so much good music out there?

Why the haters....great tune, especially live!
U2 come out with a new album before CHRISTMAS-2010!
Twice in seven days?

Come on, RP!  There is plenty of good music out there.