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Natalie Merchant — The Peppery Man
Album: Leave Your Sleep
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Total ratings: 968

Released: 2010
Length: 4:52
Plays (last 30 days): 0
The Peppery Man was cross and thin;
He scolded out and scolded in;
He shook his fist, his hair he tore;
He stamped his feet and slammed the door.

Heigh ho, the Peppery Man,
The rabid, crabbed Peppery Man!
Oh, never since the world began
Was any one like the Peppery Man.

His ugly temper was so sour
He often scolded for an hour;
He gnashed his teeth and stormed and scowled,
He snapped and snarled and yelled and howled.

He wore a fierce and savage frown;
He scolded up and scolded down;
He scolded over field and glen,
And then he scolded back again.

His neighbors, when they heard his roars,
Closed their blinds and locked their doors,
Shut their windows, sought their beds,
Stopped their ears and covered their heads.

He fretted, chaffed, and boiled and fumed;
With fiery rage he was consumed,
And no one knew, when he was vexed,
What in the world would happen next.

Heigh ho, the Peppery Man,
The rabid, crabbed Peppery Man!
Oh, never since the world began
Was any one like the Peppery Man.
Comments (88)add comment
slow Alvin the chipmunk’s voice down from 45 to 33 rpm’s and you got Natalie Merchant. 
 Shaggy27 wrote:

Peppery man is a very offensive term nowadays. Tsk, tsk.

I have no idea what it means, but apparently YOU do.  Please tell us?
 gjr wrote:

her voice has all the charm of lemon juice on a paper cut and all the soothing qualities of sandpaper on a sunburn

Oh, that's awful! I like her but that's FUNNY! I'm stealing it for future use!
 gjr wrote:

her voice has all the charm of lemon juice on a paper cut and all the soothing qualities of sandpaper on a sunburn

Yikes, tell us how you really feel...
 maxvonevil wrote:

Why? Seriously, though. Enough! {#Roflol}
Them safe-space-craving, trigger-warning whiny, snowflaky social warrior kids seem to get their panties in a bunch over anything these days. Stick that in your Micro-agression pipe and smoke it, LOL!
Dude.  It was sarcasm...
 Shaggy27 wrote:
Peppery man is a very offensive term nowadays. Tsk, tsk.
Why? Seriously, though. Enough! {#Roflol}
Them safe-space-craving, trigger-warning whiny, snowflaky social warrior kids seem to get their panties in a bunch over anything these days. Stick that in your Micro-agression pipe and smoke it, LOL!
Peppery man is a very offensive term nowadays. Tsk, tsk.
 Proclivities wrote:

It's odd how often I hear people say that.


Peppery Man deserves a Salty Woman.{#Heartkiss}
 ycb661 wrote:
the tuba seals the deal for me

Not only is there tuba, it's a subdued tuba, which is not something you hear often - here I think it's perfect!

The song gets a 7 from me as such:

5 for NM and the song

+1 for TUBA

+1 for the Blind Boys of Alabama - what great deep and gravely voices.

 ntoll wrote:
Nice tuba! Can't get enough tuba... :-)
It's odd how often I hear people say that.
A seven, my highest rating for a NM song. 
                               Dream Control

                       Temper temper Dr Pepper
        Keep that  Pep talk it's  pretty much anti tamper,
   You know, it's just kids coming running accross the lawn.
 hansk wrote:
Awesome song from a fantastic album!  The whole concept of the "Lose Your Sleep" album is little-known children's poetry set to new music.  Each song is very different from every other one.  And the stories in the liner notes are interesting too.

An excellent album!
 oldfart48 wrote:
Natalie haters are deeff,  dunm  and  deranged{#Nyah} go back to squeal and bowie

Right ON! {#Cheers}
The register of these two voices supplement each other very well ... nice and nice! {#Cheers}
Wow, something from Nat that does not make me want to take a drill bit to my frontal cortex.  Not bad.
Natalie haters are deeff,  dunm  and  deranged{#Nyah} go back to squeal and bowie
 Chingachgook wrote:

An excellent suggestion. Firm but fair.

I agree.  The other musicians & singers almost make her bearable....almost.
Awesome song from a fantastic album!  The whole concept of the "Lose Your Sleep" album is little-known children's poetry set to new music.  Each song is very different from every other one.  And the stories in the liner notes are interesting too.
 leafmold wrote:
Keep the blind boys and ditch the annoying chick

An excellent suggestion. Firm but fair.
A quirky piece that deserves air-time. If you like your music vanilla, this might be a trifle errr peppery for you.
I thought it was 'Purpley Man' LOL I can't agree with the haters. IMO this is a great little song and Natalie Merchant is a fantastic artist.
Keep the blind boys and ditch the annoying chick
blechhh —- I turn RP off when she comes on ... and forget to turn it back on. HAVE MERCY!!
 tkosh wrote:
Like it or not, I think this is the coolest song I've heard for a long time.  I really enjoyed it!
How long were you under that rock?
the tuba seals the deal for me
Not something I'd normally like, but, for some unexplained reason I seem to
second sucko barfo-song in a row :-((
not to be confused with the Peppermint Man by Dick Dale
 calypsus_1 wrote:

who disdains, to either buy.
 mandolin wrote:


First, you're conflating pointing at a work with publishing or reproducing it.........   

Our Calypsus 1!
Serendipitous grammar.
Accidental zen?

who disdains, to either buy.
 mandolin wrote:


First, you're conflating pointing at a work with publishing or reproducing it.........   

Like it or not, I think this is the coolest song I've heard for a long time.  I really enjoyed it!
Love it!
makes me wanna sneeze so it can go away!
I love Natalie, 10,000 Maniacs Unplugged has always been one of my favorite albums, But I just can't feel this one AT ALL...
Nice tuba! Can't get enough tuba... :-)

 mandolin wrote:
First, you're conflating pointing at a work with publishing or reproducing it.  . . . (see full post below) 
Nicely articulated.
Thanks for clearing this up. {#Cheers}

 calypsus_1 wrote:
You need to know that the photos or pictures published and displayed in web-pages on the Internet, and therefore only appear on the screen of your PC, these images are not yours, have an author, a photographer, an artist who owns his property and Copyright (called: Copyright Copyright), which exposes them to the place of origin (usually their own site or a specialty site that is a member) and thus can be seen across the Web Community

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This prevents that content may in some way be injured, damaged or tampered with, to be published on a site that is not appropriate.

The same applies when it comes to manipulating, associate or join with other photos, which can distort, trivialize, scoff or otherwise impair the original work.

First, you're conflating pointing at a work with publishing or reproducing it.  Every time your images appear in these threads, they are still being published by the original sites to which you linked, and simply pointed-to by the commenter.

Secondly, copyright offers absolutely no control over third-party commentary.  People are free to point at and associate, trivialise, scoff, or otherwise impair responses to any work, experience, or idea as they see fit.

Thirdly, fair use doctrine even allows for limited republication of copyrighted works for the purposes of critique, analysis, or satire, including injury, damage, tampering, or manipulation of the original work.  Note that such republiction is not happening in this case, but copyright allows for such fair use if it were to take place.

I understand that you have great respect for the artists whose images you share in these pages, and we all appreciate your contributions to the community.  Those contributions are not sacred, however, and remain subject to the same commentary afforded any discourse in a public forum, including flippant and disrespectful observations.

If you're uncomfortable brooking ridicule in equal measure with praise of your photo collection, a public forum might not be the best venue for sharing it.

Is that Solomon Burke singing, talking? - backup, that is.

Yowwwwezeee. I want it now. Only a 10? That's all I can give this? Heavenly.
I have a strong feeling Hazamat Modine been involved in the production of this song.
All I hear is "the purple remains".
 On_The_Beach wrote:
{images removed to spare the viewer}

"Zee plane, boss, zee plane!"

My eyes!  My eyes!

You are indeed evil - I will NEVER again be able to "un-see" that . . .


You Git ! you've spoilt the whole Natalie Merchant thing for me now Lol !!!

 On_The_Beach wrote:

"Zee plane, boss, zee plane!"


Not a fan of this album, but love a sousaphone bass line. Ms. Merchant is very nearly an afterthought on this one, a credit to her ego and studio direction.

 LongGoneDaddy wrote:

scr PPepper800x600 jpg
I found him...the Pepper man!
btime jpg

BURGERTIME! Nice.  I had forgotten about that game.

 Bazooka wrote:
Moving on...This is a pretty cool song ..eh?
Fantastic tune.  Only on RP. 

Moving on...This is a pretty cool song ..eh?

Natalie Merchant  by Guus Krol

Natalie Merchant, Paradiso 11-05-2010

This photo was taken on May 11, 2010 in Jordaan, Amsterdam, NH, NL, using a Nikon D3.

On_The_Beach wrote:

"Zee plane, boss, zee plane!"


Let's see:

You need to know that the photos or pictures published and displayed in web-pages on the Internet, and therefore only appear on the screen of your PC, these images are not yours, have an author, a photographer, an artist who owns his property and Copyright (called: Copyright Copyright), which exposes them to the place of origin (usually their own site or a specialty site that is a member) and thus can be seen across the Web Community

But when it comes to the publish or reproduce in another location or on another web page different from the original site where the author has published, so you only can and should do with the prior permission of the author, and always mention the source.

This prevents that content may in some way be injured, damaged or tampered with, to be published on a site that is not appropriate.

The same applies when it comes to manipulating, associate or join with other photos, which can distort, trivialize, scoff or otherwise impair the original work.

I am convinced that it was not frivolous or with bad intentions that prompted you to do the exercise below, but only the desire and the illusion of participating or commenting on the pages of RP, and to satisfy the whim to create situations of humor and good mood.

And if so, I think it is salutary that we can all participate and comment here, telling jokes, playing, creating situations of relaxed mood, etc..

So please respect the author (s) of the papers published, bearing in mind in your mind that this content does not belong to you and not all means are used to satisfy our whims. It's simple: always respect others so that you be yourself respected.

I wish that you can have good moments in RP.

 fredriley wrote:
One of those guys at the start has a voice so low it's almost subsonic. Scary, in a good way.
Once I stayed in an old mansion in Macon GA made into a B&B and my wake up call was from a guy with this kind of voice.  "Dis is yo wake up call."  I sat right up in bed and squeaked "I'm up! I'm up!" 

scr PPepper800x600 jpg
I found him...the Pepper man!
btime jpg

 Jelani wrote:
Help! he stole my neck- what the heck!! That peppery man!
"Zee plane, boss, zee plane!"

This was alright... but I feel her best material is behind her.   I don't look forward to new albums with excitement, like when she was still with 10,000 Maniacs, or when she released her first couple of solo albums.  I suppose it happens to every artist eventually.
Not her best piece, but that's like saying "not the shiniest piece of gold." It's still freaking gold. I could listen to her all day. 
She came here to West Michigan a couple of weeks ago. Saw her at an outdoor venue and it was a perfect night! She made me laugh when she stopped in the middle of a song to call someone out for talking on their cell phone while she was performing. She told the rude individual to pretend that it was 1975 and there was no such thing as cell phones.

She's a neat lady!
Wow this is awful.  At first I thought it was off of some comedy album.
One of those guys at the start has a voice so low it's almost subsonic. Scary, in a good way.

Natalie Merchant - sings old poems to life, Live (2010)

"I don't think any artist should be forced to stay in the same mold that placed them in the public eye. It may disapoint some fans but I love it when an artist explores new ground. Natalie has been moving in this direction all along. I love this sound and I love her voice. It's perfect for this type of music. She could sing anything and I would love it. She has a haunting quality to her voice that is lovely and easy on the ears. No one today can match her sound. "

Help! he stole my neck- what the heck!! That peppery man!

calypsus_1 wrote:

Natalie Merchant  by Guus Krol

Natalie Merchant, Paradiso 11-05-2010


Lifeless, plodding, muteworthy.
I  feel like I really *ought* to like this one.  It just doesn't gel for me, though.
I love the way she can switch to baritone.
Not enough Pep in this!
I just can't help it!  I can NOT stand NM.  Her voice just seems too affected to me....I've always thought that
Tolerable but just thanks to the Blind Boys OF Alabama.....maybe they can use it on the soundtrack of "Treme" instead of playing it on RP?

Natalie Merchant  by Guus Krol

Natalie Merchant, Paradiso 11-05-2010 

 tmidd wrote:
anybody know if the entire album is like this?

Like this, no, but a mix of music from all over the world... I bought this album as soon as I heard the Dancing Bear song on RP and haven't the slightest regret!  The more I play it (the album) the more I love it.  Try the samples on amazon.com under MP3 music.
I find her insufferable in every permutation. 
Another nice one off this album. {#Sunny}
her voice has all the charm of lemon juice on a paper cut and all the soothing qualities of sandpaper on a sunburn
Sounds like John Coffey from the Green Mile.
Ah's sorry boss... 
This would rate much higher without Ms. Merchant fronting and stifling the Blind Boys of Alabama.
Best track I've heard off this recording so far.
Finally. One of the tunes on this CD that I can bear to listen to because Chef's singing with her.

Backed by The Blind Boys of Alabama?

Natalie Merchant by *Trippy4U
©2009-2010 *Trippy4U

Copyright © Creativefocus. All rights reserved. This image may not be reproduced in any form without my written permission.

I like this track soooo much better than "The Dancing Bear" off this album that has been getting so much RP play lately!
anybody know if the entire album is like this?
I was really hoping Natalie had had those pesky adenoids out since Motherland, but it sounds like they're still in there clogging up her throat.  Bleah.
Definately best with headphones and a small cigar!
Voices, voices, voices!
Had to put my headphones on for this one!
Wow.  Really cool to hear Natalie in this genre.
My WORD!  Nice deep voices!!!!  Somehow I feel like I'm at church when I hear this.

superB Double albuM! ;)*

Nice, atmospheric song.