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Profile: kestrel

Tagline: Indicator species
Location: Southern shore of Lake Superior
Member since: Jan 19, 2005
Occupation: Raptor
Bathroom preference: Men's
Birthday: Sep 23, 1952
Blog: kestrel's Blog
Photos: kestrel's Photos
Website: kestrel's website
Song Ratings: ?
10 - BeckMorning
10 - Johnny CashHurt
9 - AirAll I Need
9 - BonoboCirrus
9 - CreamBadge
9 - GigiGuramayle
9 - HemHalf Acre
9 - SantanaJingo
9 - TrafficGlad
8 - AirTalisman
8 - AirLeft Bank
8 - BellyGepetto
8 - Da LataBinti
8 - ElbowK2
8 - HemOld Adam
8 - HemReservoir
8 - HemIdle
8 - HemHollow
8 - MobyPorcelain
8 - NamasteJam
8 - OutbackBaka
8 - PoeHey Pretty
8 - R.E.M.Belong
8 - SpoonPink Up
8 - TychoDaydream
8 - U2Bad
8 - U2One
8 - XTCGrass
8 - YeskaFideo
8 - Zero 7Home
7 - alt-JChicago
7 - alt-JU & Me
7 - alt-JTaro
7 - AmasonÄlgen
7 - ArchiveAgain
7 - BabbleTribe
7 - BeckJack-Ass
7 - BeckMissing
7 - BellySlow Dog
7 - BonoboEl Toro
7 - BTSatellite
7 - CakeMexico
7 - CalexicoRoka
7 - Dr. DidgDevon
7 - EuphoriaBlue
7 - Feist1234
7 - GigiGud Fella
7 - GitheadDrop
7 - GusterCareful
7 - JamesSound
7 - Jesse CookRed
7 - LuminHadra
7 - MobyHymn
7 - MorphineBuena
7 - PhishDirt
7 - PinbackBoo
7 - PoeHaunted
7 - PoeControl
7 - Queen'39
7 - SlowdiveShine
7 - SpiritClear
7 - Steely DanAja
7 - SupergrassFin
7 - SyntaxPride
7 - Talk TalkEden
7 - The CureBurn
7 - U2Bad (Live)
7 - YesRoundabout
7 - Zero 7Crosses
6 - AquiloHuman
6 - ColdplayTalk
6 - ColdplayLost?
6 - DevoWhip It
6 - GoldfrappA&E
6 - JamesLaid
6 - JamesJunkie
6 - Kent400 Slag
6 - MobyThe Dogs
6 - PhishWaste
6 - PhishSand
6 - StarsLook Up
6 - ThriceCircles
6 - Timbuk 3Easy
6 - U2Surrender
6 - VASTTouched
5 - AthleteWires
5 - BeckE-Pro
5 - BeckHell Yes
5 - CakeWheels
5 - ColdplayLow
5 - Liz PhairRide
5 - LowCalifornia
5 - Oi Va VoiYuri
5 - RadioheadNude
5 - RJD2Reality
5 - RJD21976
5 - TamaTa'aba
5 - U2So Cruel
5 - U2Desire
5 - WeenThe Argus
5 - XBlue Spark
5 - YelloThe Race